Garu themed deck (need some help)

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by legalpwn, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. legalpwn

    legalpwn Well-Known Member

    So, this is my old garu deck...

    Garu old.JPG

    So, i removed all the spells to re-choose them (this doesn't means i'm not putting some in the deck again) but just to decide whats really necessary and what is not. I think some things of this deck are definately not necessary atm...

    So, this is the version (creatures only) that i'm building at poxbase:!/deck/coGCoxc55cuncwXcpfCpUCa@ctpcincy+cwOcqv

    Non of the cards are definitive, so you are free to change and critizise as you wish.

    I added thirion since i think it can be a really good heavy unit to support some hard moments, plus maybe another garu chosen to lower the cost even more. Bliss is a lovely card but i dont know why im not convinced about her permanency on this deck, i dont feel her sinergy, dont know why. Maybe im just a little bit esceptic, since it is an awsome card :/...

    Well, i won't explain for hours what if done since u can check it out by yourself comparing both versions.

    Any ideas are wellcome!!!
    Cinder405 likes this.
  2. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!!/deck/c2c5FCwXCpfCpUCa@Cfvc3uC5hs5Sks1-S1aS2tsLR3nrUeWe29eM

    The goal of this deck is to abuse your absurdly efficient pet/manifestation champions w/ grimlic's mirror; rely on lots of protective champs (you have 4 between chosen and den milf, and 6 if you factor in grimlic's mirror); make sure you have enough relics to allow your pets to contest; and then amp up your damage by having lots of motivate (which gets a lot more impact w/ pet champions). Fully amped, chosen will be hitting for 20+ damage a turn; den milf will be greater w/ surge:enemy. Mountain Garu for a cheap initiative font defender; woodland diplomat for a very fast (potentially 10 speed on 1st full turn) and very efficient beater w/ nora miner; light of the circle brings another damage type, some range, solves your detect issues and adds more motivate. Not a very interesting group, imo, but probably efficient against most decks unless they get a sever summons champ out early.

    Consider your first few turns. If you put out 2 den milfs, and then grimlic's mirror, you've got 6 champs on the board, with 300 hp for the enemy to chew through and combined something like 60 potential damage in a turn.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2014
    Cinder405 likes this.
  3. Cinder405

    Cinder405 I need me some PIE!

    That old deck looks good on paper but I personally think in game it wouldn't work as good. Too many expensive champs I think. A dedicated Garu BG is expensive, lacks detections, range, and alternate damage. So when I made my BG I made sure to try and fill the gap.

    Looking at your preset champs I would definately change alot of those.

    Remove 1 Garu Kodiak- Expensive gets focused on. Only form of defense is Hibernate which is bugged ATM
    Remove Enraged Grizzly- Provides detection but there is a better option out there
    Remove Bliss- Only Synergy with your bg was the Occuli Slag Regeneration and the nice relocate ally maneuver that is used seldomly
    Remove 1 Bowmage- 2 are nice but only need one for the BG I use
    Remove Garu Primitive- Has the same cost as Garu Den Mother and I would rather have her in battle than him. Liability is no good
    Remove Occuli Slag- Good Nora supply but Sever Summons could work against your Pets but also come in handy in battle. Pets arent seen as much these days so I wouldnt worry too much
    Remove Queen Anaru- Font Securer but thats about it.
    Remove Thirion- Awesome champ but too expensive unless you can actually summon him with x2 Garu Chosens on the field which rarely happens
    Remove Fairy Trixter- Metamorphosis is awesome, Counter Spell is awesome but doesnt fit well with my BG

    Add Archer Commander- Extra damagae to archers, Adds AOE to your Archers, Great damage output and range
    Add Arrowsinger- Alt damage, Counters nora gens, Great range, Horn of Kthir for your melee beaters, and extra range to archers with the bale.
    Add Deadly Tracker- Cheap, Hits like a truck, great font grabber
    Add Light of the Circle x2- Detection, Alt damage, Motivate, good range and DOT
    Add Woodland Diplomat x2- Nora Gen, Great font grabber, Alt damage
    Add 1 More Garu den Mother- The core to the BG, Awesome pet, great damage, Surge Enemy, Bestow is too awesome, aid defense to your garus
    Add Garu Shaman- Great alt damage, Healing source, Divert for defense, and solidify for your Garu Medium Spirits, Great DOT

    Must have spells x2 Thorn Collection, Vortex, fill in the rest but please do not x2 Treefolks Blessing ( You start to rely too much on the spell)

    Must have relics Banner, Cleansing Emerald

    This is what I use for Equip Horn of Order, Withering Fern, Rejuv Ring but this can be whatever you feel is best for you

    -Garu den Mothers are going to be your main melee beaters.They are very intimidating and can do so much damage.
    -While your Den mothers are doing melee they are also being back up by your Archers
    -Focus on getting Garu Chosens out and Light of the Circles. They both have motivate and motivate stack last I remember. Banner also give +1 DMG to your champs so thats a whopping 5+ damage to your champs.
    - Arrowsinger and Fiorn has Horn of Kthir for extra AP and damage to your Melee champs on top of your Motivate Boosts. Remember to use it before dealing melee damage
    - Last hit with Fior the Warcaller to activate his permanent global damage increase of 1
    - Try to setup your preffered Garu champ to Gain Surge: Enemy and Aid Defense when Garu den Mother dies. I rememeber I had a Surge: Enemy Arrowsinger once that was fun.

    I hope this helped.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2014
  4. Molosse

    Molosse I need me some PIE!

  5. Molosse

    Molosse I need me some PIE!

    Not to be picky but this seems less a Garu BG and more of a "Good-Stuff That Works Well Together" BG. But as you said Garu BG's are expensive, they have limited Detect in the form of Solitary and have Psychic, Magic, Electric and Physical damage sources to work with.
  6. Cinder405

    Cinder405 I need me some PIE!

    Your BG is good man. Needs a Dugon to top it off lol. A dedicated Garu BG is harder to play than mine. I just simply put those two Themes together because they work perfectly. Archers need melee and melee needs Range lol. Either way it works great.
  7. Molosse

    Molosse I need me some PIE!

    I'm searching for that Dugon :p.
    Though really for such an old theme Garu are horrendous to get into: Kodiak/Chosen/Medium/Dugon all as legs, or in another way 7/15 champs you'll be bringing as Legendaries.
    Cinder405 likes this.
  8. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    Since Dugon has come up, remove Reinforcement or Vigilance from him :( For a (ex) 150k, I'd like him to be a little less race dependent :( 2 upgrades that are race synergistic makes him a bit too strong in theme and a bit too weak out of theme, and I'd like to see them equalized. Just personal preference, no thoughtful suggestions for what might work better.
    Cinder405 likes this.
  9. legalpwn

    legalpwn Well-Known Member

    Thank you a lot, I really appreciate this interest, i will probably try this deck out in the moment i get an arrowsinger to my collection. Thanks to all the other answers aswell, you guys really helped me out! :)
  10. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    Well, I disagree. He's not too weak out of theme, and I've commonly run him at the highest ranks. If he's even better in theme, that's great.
  11. Molosse

    Molosse I need me some PIE!

    Aye he's a solid wall of meat with his off-theme upgrades with some nice support abilities, what with Sunder, Battlemaster, Beastial Presence, Trimuphal Roar, Antagonize and Command: Block.

    Honestly if you're looking for a Solid beatstick with some great support abilities Dugon can get thrown in everywhere.
  12. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    I mispoke. He's not too weak overall, but it's odd to me that a 150k would have 1.5 theme dependent upgrades instead of being designed to be splashable. That said, maybe I should just add back in my den milfs in my KF bg so I could take reinforcement.
  13. Thales Valente

    Thales Valente The King of Potatoes

  14. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    This would be my tweak / rework of that, mostly on the nonchamp side!/deck/ck+cjbCwXCpfCpUCa@C1McincwOcqvC5hs2@s1-s1as4KS2tS6gsLr3nrUe2weM

    I took out:
    1 Dugon
    1 Petrichor
    1 Treefolk's Blessing
    1 Artillery Marker
    1 Forest's Embrace
    1 Shield of Thorns

    Let me know if you have specific questions about things I took out or put in.

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