How on earth is Stitched Monolith 68 nora?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by claydude5, Jun 7, 2015.

  1. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    Great range


    Huge Damage

    Tanky as Hell

    These 4 things do not mix.

    Imagine if that Blind Elven Archer Chick didnt have 40 hp.

    Imagine if Mysian Lamia didn't have 40 hp

    Imagine if Firk Psy-Sentry didn't suck.
  2. Skeezick

    Skeezick Forum Royalty

    somebody took nora from him and gave it to magearm
  3. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    Strength of Body costing 10 nora for +16 damage #Legit. Strength of Body is Efficient down to 25 hp. That gives 55 of over efficiency.
  4. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Note: it only went down 3 nora with the new formula.

    Mostly, the cost is explained by being a Lumbering 6 SPD champion. It'd be 85 nora without Lumbering.
  5. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    I have posted many things in the cactaur thread and gotten 0 reactions. You get more by whining in GD.
  6. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Strength of Body is not efficient down to 25 HP. You can get him to permanent ~9 DMG or so for 10 nora.
  7. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Yes, it went down to 63 according to the notes on Poxbase.
  8. Skeezick

    Skeezick Forum Royalty

    question was answered
    close the thread
  9. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    Says the stitched player.
  10. Skeezick

    Skeezick Forum Royalty

    i dont play stitched,who told you that
    also this went off topic real fast
    close please
  11. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    He is great,but becomes an slow useless pile if you damage him,his damage can drop very quickly.Also arrow eater firks him hard,he ends up giving the enemy crazy amount of damage.
    I have managed to destroy less skilled players with a single monolith but most good players always end up positioning to well or outplaying it.
  12. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    No particular comment on Monolith either way, but that's a damn funny explanation for counterplay:

    My Sentinel unit is bad because he gives Arrow Eater units so much damage.
    Goyo, IMAGIRL, JellyBerry and 3 others like this.
  13. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    Yeah, his name is skeezick, why would he play stitched?
  14. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    His damage drops very quickly? With banner it has 80 hp and 3 def.
  15. chris0024

    chris0024 I need me some PIE!

    i was going to answer this but u beat me to it...9000 forum points lol ;)
  16. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Sort of a tangent, but if an ability says, "Each time this champion takes 5 or more damage from a single source, it loses 1 DMG" how much would you cost that at?
    Leadrz likes this.
  17. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    He is not bad,but playing against UD can be very frustrating when using monolith.As if UD champions need the extra damage.

    If you damage him his damage will drop.Or essence drain,or anti range,or good positioning,or cc to prevent sentiel.
  18. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Eh, it's worse, because it doesn't get reverted by healing.
  19. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    For extra fun repurpose one monolith onto another monolith.
    JellyBerry and SPiEkY like this.
  20. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty


    but in my OP I'm going to pretend like lumbering doesn't exist

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