PoxNora Mafia - Day Phase 2

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Comissar, Apr 3, 2014.

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  1. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    here today gone tommorow

    never defended him, just became active at the time he was accused, you just want me dead cause yer german and you hate the dutch while the dutch have nothing but friendly feelings of rivalry towards de moffen.
  2. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    as a towny multiple frisky sensorheads one of wich might actually be the lead wrath is creeping me the Firk out.
  3. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    Moffen is the dutch word for Krauts/Jerries
  4. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    addendum: /Huns

    I wish I was allowed to edit that in, but i'm stickin to the rules.
  5. Greysands22

    Greysands22 I need me some PIE!

    I'm not saying too much here because it's night phase and anything I have to say might be used against us. Like Markoth said we have 72 hours before the next lynch deadline.

    I WILL be marking page 37 down though. Fishy behavior going on here.

    But I did want to pop in and say thanks loyute and tea for answering the questions I posted. We still killed a mafia which is the whole point. And I do understand what you mean loyute about how this game is going down, just wanted to hear it from you.
  6. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    if i'm crazy you are unhappy if I am not crazy you are unhappy,

    ever think that maybe you are the problem?
  7. Greysands22

    Greysands22 I need me some PIE!

    Not you Gerbs. lol
    Geressen likes this.
  8. TeaNinja

    TeaNinja I need me some PIE!

    lol (note I shortened this quote myself)
  9. Emries

    Emries Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I've been refueling my shipdaughters during this meeting because none of you guis are active enough in the morning :p
  10. Greysands22

    Greysands22 I need me some PIE!

    What's a shipdaughter? Is this EVE Online? I'm so confused.
  11. TeaNinja

    TeaNinja I need me some PIE!

    I wouldn't put it past Remries for a second. So Emries claimed second, right? Emries was also (one of) the main forces redirecting votes away from Pally after he accumulated some.
  12. Emries

    Emries Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I actually claimed first.
  13. Emries

    Emries Devotee of the Blood Owl

    But he immediately responded right afterwards. It was pretty quick and because of that I have little doubts :p
  14. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    he is a proud father of two daughters and lives on a boat, we sometimes send him food aid packets and clean water but now he is cross cause he had to get it himself wich means he couldn't go fishing and now he shall go hungry so his daughters can eat.
  15. Emries

    Emries Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Kantai Collection - It's an online Japanese game that focus on naval battles using WW1-2 ships. Sometimes (read: most or all) the ships get characterized with full voice acting from some pretty famous/active voice actors too.

  16. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    I like my story better.
  17. Qucas

    Qucas Guest

    Just checking in, not much going on atm it seems.
  18. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    looks like i missed a great deal.

    honestly with this many inactives/****ups i'd almost be tempted to scrap the game (not that it's my call) and start over just because it's more aggravating than interesting, but as a learning experience we may as well play it out and keep the lumps that come with
  19. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty


    did not mean to hit reply. no idea how you can misclick reply, but i did it. go me.

    anyhow. i'm not gonna throw any theories around about who is and isn't a good next lynch target until daybreak, too much potential information missing for us.
  20. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Anyone have an idea how we can check whether Loyaute and Emries are honest?
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