Defending the weekend tourneys

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Willow, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. ButterFaceGirl

    ButterFaceGirl Active Member

    You are just stating that there is a rule against multi-accounting. At no point is this disputed.

    The other one refers to something like hacking the server or some such, tournament is made available intentionally.

    It is not stealing. I have already made arguments why it is not, perhaps you want to riposte.
  2. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    You are not stealing in the literal sense. Morally you are wrong. Using bullshit logic can only justify what you do to a point. Someone stands up and walks away as a 10 dollar bill falls out of their pocket. You are present watching them walk away. Do you take the money or do the right thing and give them back what you know belongs to them? Same idea goes for this tourney as for any other instance where integrity and honesty applies. Set an example for your godless, soul less narcissistic facebook generation. Do the right thing and quit abusing these tournaments.
    super71 and Netherzen like this.
  3. ButterFaceGirl

    ButterFaceGirl Active Member

    I can claim anything is true then use "it's impossible to explain" as an argument. Your inability to articulate a reason for why something is true or some action is moral does not infer anything except that you are unable to make a legitimate argument.

    As for the obamacare argument, again your argument falls flat due to the distinction between patterns of bit on a database server, and actual labour and material. Universal healthcare requires to government to take from one person as tax and give to another as free healthcare, this is immoral because it is theft. Changing a variable from 0 to 1000 is not.

    As for the enjoyable tournament experience, how does other people 'farming' tournaments affect you in anyway? You can still play. As for the timing out for 30minutes, this problem is easily fixed with ranked clock. No need to touch the reward system.

    For your comment about feeling like you earned the runes, well, what you enjoy is not the same as other people. Don't impose your idea of what constitutes good tournament experience for you on other people.

    For the comment on wallet, again the argument is invalid due to the difference between actual physical object or if you want to argue currency is just paper, the labour, time and material resource debted when the person obtained that currency. It is not comparable to digital information on a server.

    You have yet to show why 'farming tourneys' is morally wrong.

    As for encouraging others to do the same, well it is not immoral, then whats the problem with that?
    Willow likes this.
  4. bambino

    bambino I need me some PIE!

    wow. u made an argument why its not stealing? well I guess it simply has to be true and of course everyone elses is argument is not true. and then you asked BurnPyro "how am i arrogant?" in another thread,, u need help bud
    lmao. hmmm your arguments vs dog terms of service....
    and its not integrity thing, its firking there in black and white!! wait. I guess I need
    help then :)

    @DMrBadguy see what I mean about the believing? this threads a joke. laters.

    note,, the word hacked was never used ..learn to read
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2016
    Willow likes this.
  5. ButterFaceGirl

    ButterFaceGirl Active Member

    lol wat?

    10 dollar bill is not comparable to data on a server, as already mentioned. You need to either comprehend this point or advance a counter-argument. Don't just walk in circle we are not getting any where with you.
    Willow likes this.
  6. Willow

    Willow I need me some PIE!

    lol you're a *******
  7. ButterFaceGirl

    ButterFaceGirl Active Member

    I see a lot of lamenting and passive-aggressive non-arguments.
  8. Willow

    Willow I need me some PIE!

    just ignore them @profhulk and @bambino are just sheep in dmr's herd
  9. ButterFaceGirl

    ButterFaceGirl Active Member

    Who needs alt when you got sheeple.
    Willow likes this.
  10. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    If it is truly about the satisfaction of the match and not the reward then we could also lower the reward, but last time we did that there were quite a few complaints form those who weren't farming saying the rewards weren't good enough. This is one of those situations where nobody will be 100% satisfied with the solution because everyone has their own opinion on how it should work.
  11. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Your right ignore us and pay attention to every word @Willow, @ButterFaceGirl, and @Skeezick are saying and you will start to see a pattern emerge as they pathetically defend their abuse of a tournament system that should never have been put in place. As it stands now your only option is to follow their example and abuse the tournaments like a bunch of third world World of Warcraft gold farmers, sit there while they afk, or not play tournaments at all. Devs what your gonna do? Watch these amoral players abuse the tourney system like a bunch of refugees abusing helpless women and children or shut it down til you can come up with a solution?
    Tweek516, Sealer0, PhdNiceGuy and 2 others like this.
  12. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Oh you mean players who saw the word "Tournament" and actually thought they were going to compete for runes? Since the devs do nothing about this pretty soon it will be Willow's four alts vs Skeezicks four alts vs Butterfacegirl's four alts.
    super71 likes this.
  13. ButterFaceGirl

    ButterFaceGirl Active Member

    When you join a tournament, do you not compete for rune? DO you not get runes when you win?
    Willow likes this.
  14. Skeezick

    Skeezick Forum Royalty

    I'm not using alts,i dont make anyone sit,i win legitly. Ask anyone i faced yesterday in tourney.Evry one of them had enjoyable legit game with me
    i wasnt defending shizzle,dont try to drag me into this
    and also *you're
    Willow likes this.
  15. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    When you had to buy tickets and draft I never saw people abusing tournaments this much. Now that they are free it's not a big surprise to see these pathetic amoral players are promoting obamapoxfarm2016.
  16. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    No you. Nerf stitched unplayableplease devs.
  17. Willow

    Willow I need me some PIE!

    hahahahahahah wat
  18. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Everytime I join a tourney the first word I see typed in chat is "Farm". 2 out of every 10 tournaments I join turns out to be 1 actual game I play against someone who just started playing Poxnora. Either I see a player type the word "farm" or they just sit there and afk. Rarely do I play an actual game against someone in tournament. Every once in a while I join the tournaments out of amusement only to see "farm" typed in my opening game. I am uncertain of what is worse. Joining a tournament for mediocre rewards or joining the FARM2016!!!! It's not tournament anymore IT'S THE FARM!!!!
  19. Willow

    Willow I need me some PIE!

    oouhhhh :/ that explains a lot.... im sorry prof :(
  20. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Insult me all you want your still dishonest. Eventually the devs will grow a pair and shut the FARM down.
    Flyingfinn and Netherzen like this.

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