Advice on my skeletons?

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by gahhh, Dec 25, 2016.

  1. gahhh

    gahhh New Member

    What could i do to make it better?

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  2. guokamoli54

    guokamoli54 I need me some PIE!

    Needs at least 1 Mobilization i would say other than that looks good.
  3. gahhh

    gahhh New Member

    Yeah mobilization has really helped so far i have won 4 games in a row.
    guokamoli54 likes this.
  4. guokamoli54

    guokamoli54 I need me some PIE!

    Right on man! Glad i could help :)
  5. gahhh

    gahhh New Member

    I appreciate it. Yeah mobilization is really useful for when i get a ton of skeletons out. Its even more crazy when people let my boneshredder collect hp
  6. guokamoli54

    guokamoli54 I need me some PIE!

    Ya its easily top 5 most powerful spells in this game global ap gen is ridiculously powerful. and believe it or not the spell used to cost even less nora lol
  7. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    i don't think you need skeletal dwarves over another BCA or tormented priest. IIRC, they have sentry, and you dont use that many spells. Also, does Wake the dead give real units or summons? if it is summons, swap for dark rising IMO
  8. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    bone circle staff might add more anti summon counters if you need it.
    guokamoli54 likes this.
  9. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Mobi used to be 40 nora and 5 AP. How the times have changed.

    And yes, I think BCS should be an auto-include, especially if your deck is vulnerable to Swarm, which skellies are.
    guokamoli54 likes this.
  10. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    Here's my current skelly BG, so far, I really like it more than my previous one, since it is much stronger versus the new UD meta. That said, it does sometimes rely on ur opponent picking up the wrong nora globe, but at the same time, its VERY hard for even a good opponennt to predict what you are doing, since you could be saving for a xulous blast etc. Currently in my elo, wake the dead works, but double wake the dead is admittedly more risky than a single of it. Snuff is awesome as well, but only worth one.

    skelly bg 2.PNG

    I'm currently unsure about a few things, but here's where you guys can tell me what you think.

    Bone shredder with stun: using this right now sort of as a test to see how he does as a stun tanker, this BG gives him more HP for his bulwark than previous iterations, so I think he still might be viable.

    Bone elemental with detection and mage.

    Animated blade is cheap for the shatter. Render siphoning aura on reaper, since he can be useful, although really annoyed by eviscerated
    since there are bone maulers in this BG.

    Blackblade baron, lerpers, and tomblords all have surge skelly.

    Toll taker has gravetend: reason being is if my opponent knows I have wake the dead, I can do a crazy double deploy with stored nora when he thinks I spent it on 2x wake dead. Also I love tariff, but xulous is running dark favor this time.

    Soften on tormented priest, since that Bane Shift is awesome.
  11. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    graveyard is so versatile, I love that relic.

    the fact those champs are real and contest fonts is everything to me. everything. Two spaces away from contesting a font? Naw you got it with graveyard! A summoned champ ends up near a vacant font, naw you got that font too! (With graveyard)

    They feed vengeful, drop globes, can stall, can fight, just one of best our aspects currently.
    DiCEM0nEY likes this.
  12. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    Especially since there is less of a prevalence of void shields now (aside from chosen of the osiris, UD). They are really great for waking the dead as well. You definetly need a skelly theme for them tho, unless you are going essence devourer. The extra HP and altar of bones really helps.
    I run hoar frost dragon with frozen aura as well, so I can dark rising for an extra 3 damage most of the time, at the very least.
  13. Bondman007

    Bondman007 I need me some PIE!

    Not sure if you can afford them or not but bone circle archmages are a great engine in skellys. With augment creation they can free up those cloak of skulls slots for additional utility.
  14. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    I'm running my deck without them, having a good time so far. They are good for anti summoning, but I don't really have a problem with that since I have bone circle staff. As far as 2x bone cloaks go, the only reason you really run it is so that you get one of them faster.

    I'd prolly take out toll taker for a BCA, but im still seeing how things go. The amount of times I wish I had tariff xD
  15. HellGeist

    HellGeist New Member

    Ok i have a couple questions. 2x Tormented Priests viable? Their synergy with afflict and the spell Dark Rising seem amazing.

    And is skele zerker still a decent rune? Its odd i don't see him run in skele BGs.

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