Other online strategy games

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Alakhami, Jul 21, 2017.

  1. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    What other interesting ones do play other than pox? 've been playing duelyst the past year, it's cool and all, especially aesthetically, but I guess I just need some new neuronal connections ^^
    The shorter and more complex the games are — the better.
  2. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    ever played a total war game?

    edit- not my vid, but here's in-game for the most recent (and first non-historical setting)
    Etherielin likes this.
  3. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    Of course, although it's been a while since I touched 'em. Good idea.
  4. Saandro

    Saandro I need me some PIE!

    Guilty Gear.
  5. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    I also play Gwent atm.
    MaruXV likes this.
  6. Fentum

    Fentum I need me some PIE!

    Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic
  7. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    aow 3 isn't bad man ;)
    Fentum likes this.
  8. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    nice idea but a little too mathematic. after a while it gets a cold feeling
  9. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Maybe it's because I play just enough to get my free keg per day but the patches have been frequent enough that I havnt found it stale. Inside the week I will be pushing into 3k+ elo so we will see if the meta stagnates enough to change my mind.
  10. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    faeria also is nice. terrain creation adds some nice strategy. but i don't like the trend of recent games. 5_10 min matches. immediate strategy, low variety and few long-plan tactics.
  11. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    for me it was a deeper problem. the game is nice, well made, but its completely not immersive. at the beginning you can choose what you like to play, but after a while playing it almost completely lost any immersion in the "background" of the game. the card could be blank with only numbers and it was the same. cold. a nice game but cold. (this is only from my point of view, i'm absolutely not saying its a bad game).
  12. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    is it exactly the same as the gwent that was in the Witcher story?
  13. LoganMkv

    LoganMkv I need me some PIE!

    The only pvp strategy as complex as pox is Dominions, though it's quite an opposite of "short" - a decent game takes months to complete, but it's totally worth it at least once.
  14. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    third of my colonial marines have currently been eaten/killed by Xenomorphs controlled by my little brother. it's fine though I shot like 4 of them, my other little brother used his predators to kill another 5.

    currently my littlest brother has 6 xenos, I have 5 marines and a power loader and my other lil bro has the 3 predators he started with.
  15. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    I know it is not online but dammit those marines counted on me to get them out of there while they put their LIVES ON the LINE

    anyways in the end my littlest bro achieved his objective with 3 models remaining, after I burned 2 with a flamethrower and another died fighting and killing a predator

    so I kept my remaining 6 troops we decided not to go for second and third place ( which would have taken my collected remaining 2/3rd of forces through the predator area of the ship while my other brother's remaining (2/3 rds) of predators were busy collecting throphies from their kills.
  16. Gaverion

    Gaverion I need me some PIE!

    Eternal if you like card games has been a ton of fun.
  17. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    what do you think of 8th ed? i really like the freedom in armycomp
  18. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    I don't know I do not play warham.
  19. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    what were you playin then?
  20. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty


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