Why must rare leaguers constantly face limited players?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GeneralNo, May 16, 2014.

  1. GeneralNo

    GeneralNo New Member

    Today i face a limited player with my very low rare league rank, and this player Norathat would not fq me at all. after i asked him very nicely to do so. this i suppose is his right to generally be very rude to a new player. there is nothing that says you have to be nice players so i cant blame him for acting the way he did .either way tho i asked for a fq and he would not, but i want to say that i should not be placed with players far beyond my skill level. ive faced a few players that are in limited ranks. such as agirgis. agirgis and most players that are proud limited players with good personalities will always fq you if you ask. some other players norathat refuse to do no matter how new or low ranked you are, even if you are being genuinely nice when asking. is there something that can be done to fix how we are paired with players like this? or maybe a way out of playing people that are 2 leagues above you. at the very least rare league shouldnt have to face limited league. maybe exo vs limited or rare vs exo but not rare vs limited. this is too much of a skill gap. someone people just want to face weaker opponents to build up their wins. and i dont feel i should have to face them. please as a person that loves this game work on this system and stop rude and abusive players. TY
    Last edited: May 16, 2014
  2. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    The longer you wait in the queue, the farther from your current rank you may be matched up with. If you want to only play people near your rank, wait no more than about 45 seconds. Sometimes it may take time to find a match but if you wait too long you'll be matched with someone much higher or much lower.

    Also, it seems to be the unspoken rule that if a player asks for a FQ in the first round of the game, that it should be honored (if the one asking is much lower ranked). Once the game has started, however, asking for a FQ is bad form (unless there is a very good reason).
    GeneralNo likes this.
  3. GeneralNo

    GeneralNo New Member

    yea i asked right at the start. i had cast nothing and i even missed my first turn cause i was talking to him telling him why i didnt want to play him and most players do honor this rule ive noticed. today is first time ive seen someone not. normally i wouldnt have gotten so mad but the player i was playing against called me "bro" and pretended that he would not fq me for my own good. it was pretty ridiculous. never have i seen a player say. ok im going to crush you into oblivion and make you play me even though you dont want to and this is for your own good. i get that playing makes us better and that playing stronger opponents makes us learn lots but i just wasnt in mood to get my face smashed by someone 2 leagues above me. thank you for the tip on how long to wait. i honestly dont think i waited for long but maybe it was longer than i realized. ill try that from now on. ty xirone you are very cool.
  4. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Put that kind of driveling jackass on ignore as soon as possible.
    Ballballer likes this.
  5. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    I find it hard to get paired with LE players when I que.
  6. MentalMoles

    MentalMoles I need me some PIE!

    There simply isn't enough players which is why you'll often find yourself against a much higher ranked opposition.

    Also, I can understand why the FQ wasn't granted because at times it takes 5-10 minutes to que a matchup, so FQing doesn't make sense for that player, they just want to play!
  7. LoganMkv

    LoganMkv I need me some PIE!

    Why haven't you simply surrendered?
  8. GeneralNo

    GeneralNo New Member

    basically youre saying you can sympathize with the opponent. i can too if he did indeed have to wait in que for a long time. however neither one of us know if he did or didnt. he never supplyed that as a reason for refusing my fq. he simply said i must face him cause it would make me a better player and he doesnt grant fqs just cause opponent is lower in rank. so you can sympathize with him but the question is can you sympathize with a new player being in this situation? do you believe that 2 wrongs make a right? just cause a player has to wait a long time then a low ranked player HAS to VS them and this is right because he had to wait a long time in que. I can imagine that it is painful to have sit in que and it take a long time. but if our matching system were better there wouldnt be 15 limited players in the lobby at one time and then when you look at games being played there are many rare/exo vs limited instead of limited vs limited. so while it is painful for a player to have to wait a long time it is much more painful for a new player to get their face smashed in by super runes being played by players with 6000+ ranked games.
  9. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    The primary problem is that we're in the midst of an active-player lull. There's simply not enough people consistently online and playing games for people to regularly get matched with people their own rank.

    With any luck, the revamp will bring back a lot of idle players, and hopefully the devs will start going full-bore with ads, which will bring in some new players.
  10. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    As soon as someone decent rolls up on the lobby, ranks 11-100 immediately leave queue.
    iodomy, learnedone and devrn like this.
  11. Lord Kinjo

    Lord Kinjo New Member

    This. Mostly. I'm exerting every ounce of patience I can muster. But it's become pretty easy, looking at the radical changes coming down the pike. All needed and the harsher the better. But I won't play again until the revamp has been released.
    Nemorga and SPiEkY like this.
  12. GeneralNo

    GeneralNo New Member

    See this is what i mean. Even Baskitcase understands. Why are top ranked players dodging each other (not saying all do) but many do. and then you see them jumping on que when there are no top ranked players around just at the chance of facing someone they are 90% sure they can defeat.

  13. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Today I faced two top 100 players. Almost won vs one, won vs the other. It was a bit weird that I didn't get to face one of the exotic league players.

    ... Then again, Ultim8death ran me over the second time today ... I need to stop that guy.
  14. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    1. FQ is not something you are entitled to.
    2. Few players atm means that waiting for a game gets tedious, so playing against anyone is better than just waiting and waiting and waiting.
    3. Playing against better players will improve your own skill.
    4. If you lose, it only means one point lost in the ranking for you, if you win on the other hand you get a much bigger score and get to feel cool because you took down someone higher ranked than yourself.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  15. Winsomniac

    Winsomniac The King of Potatoes

    I always treated these situations as opportunities to learn when I was new. Try to keep things in perspective! You get gold, and if you win your rank goes way up. In addition, you're able to say you beat a limited leaguer as a new player.

    If you lose, your rank goes down less than if you played someone at your skill level.
  16. GeneralNo

    GeneralNo New Member

    1-3 have already been stated not only by myself but by others that have posted here.....i appreciate your comments but if you have nothing new or ensightful to add what is the purpose of posting. ive already stated that i understand playing higher opponents increases skill. and ive already stated that noone is entitled to a fq. and ive already stated that waiting is tedious. ill just assume that you didnt read any of the prior posts. but thank you for your input or rather jsut repeating what me and everyone else had already stated.
  17. GeneralNo

    GeneralNo New Member

    yea i agree its a good chance to get in some practice. Though i feel it should be our choice if we want to face this person or not at this given moment. sometimes people just arent in the mood to get pounded to learn. but i agree with what you say. its a good opportunity to learn. ty for your input.
  18. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    If you don't want to play against someone who is that much higher rank than you: Don't sit in queue for that long.

    It really is that simple. The only times I've ever been matched with LE players (even when I was regularly playing in Exo) was when I would sit in queue for more than a couple minutes.
  19. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    I am sorry if you feel I wasted your time by giving you a reply to your post. You are correct though, I did not read what others replied to you, I just gave you a reply. I thought getting a reply from me would be worth more to you than a reply to something one of the others in the thread had said. Next time I´ll ignore your post instead to save you from reading a reply by me.

    Here is something other people has not posted to you though: Try using capitalization and proofreading of the things you write before you press "Post Reply" to catch the worst offenders of your typos.
  20. GeneralNo

    GeneralNo New Member

    i see i offended you by your unnecesary defensiveness and sarcasm. apologies. however it does not change the fact that you posted the same stuff everyone else did. and then went on to change the topic to grammar which is only something someone very weak in their argument would do. please spare yourself from embarassment in the future. do not attack peoples grammar. if that is all the bullets you have then im afraid you wont make it out of the forest. best of luck to you though and your skills with sarcasm and patronism. bye now.
  21. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    No need to be a puntz, she is just telling it like it is. It's the interwebs, so you made a thread wherein there are multiple replies with the same info. It's got to be at least the second time that's ever happened.

    Norathat didn't feel like an FQ; k, next game.
    SPiEkY likes this.

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