Two changes that would go a long way for SL.

Discussion in 'Sundered Lands' started by BurnPyro, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    As a new patch is incoming, let me slap you with some wisdom.

    1. Myx Sandsnipe needs to get his 4-7 range back, revert the change.
    2. Ravenspeaker needs attack: magical

    Myx sandsnipe

    There is no range in Myx. Without the excuse of evasive, absorb or any other ability that would make up for running a full melee bg. There is also no relocation or becon, nor spot AP gen support units. Aka, your melee just have to runs up and count it's losses. It's just mindblowing how the whole theme got shoeboxed with this change and we got nothing to show for it. You have some midrange champs in Arthropods (which seem to be half myx now, I guess), but the krikkenwings can't carry your range. It's just not possible to pressure with midrange champs when facing long range champs. Myx Sandlion is next to useless in the myx theme. It doesn't add up to the buildup style other than broodbond, it doesn't cover weak spots in the theme. It's just another melee. SL's meta is tight on range, it would be awesome to have a choice on what ranged champ to run instead of just scrolling between cannon, rocket and negamages.


    Attack: Magical. Sundered Lands has always had problems with magical damage. From the start of Pox there's only been a handful of champs at a certain moment that were runnable and had attack: magical. With the prevalence of AA, FW ghosts, physical resist champs, etc we need to stop giving everything in SL att physical. It's horrendous to look at most meta bgs and realise that you only have a handful of non-physical attack damage champions. All SLs bomb champs got nerfed, so that alternate damage is gone.
    Honestly, raven attack or not. He's a druid summoning magical ravens that shoot lasers. I don't care how you justify it in the lore.

    The faction has been quite poor since the revamp, these two changes should give it a nice little boost without taking the powerlevel of said runes too high.

    Feel free to discuss this, though I feel like it's that obvious that it's more of a given.

  2. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    I support both of these changes.
    PurpleTop, Rokkushun and Qucas like this.
  3. borice45

    borice45 The King of Potatoes

    I would also like to advocate 2 small changes as well.

    1. give skezz trapper back poison trap
    2. give dune walker grant trail
  4. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    When exactly did we start to take stats into account when we price a rune? Someone needs to call ST, they want their jokes back.

    Anyhow, I could live with 5 or 6 range. 4 would be pointless. But it's downright silly that it got to melee to begin with. Myx need range, SL needs range.
    PurpleTop likes this.
  5. scrampy

    scrampy I need me some PIE!

    4-7 range makes a rune extremely expensive. Look at Menalaus. Even with the hero discount he is 94 nora. It is actually an interesting comparison as Menalaus and sandlion have the same damage, hp, and mena has 1 more speed. They both have strong abilities so I would be shocked if the sandlion is given 4-7 range, keeps his abilities, and stays below 100 nora if we are sticking to the formula (Menalaus has -15 because he is a hero). Obviously a 100 nora sandsnipe/lion would not be runnable and I think it would say more about how harsh the formula can be on range rather than saying a 4-7 range sandlion at 90 nora is op.
  6. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Someone needs to let Jakei Elder that he's OP then. oh wait

    Anyhow like i said. I'm completely fine with less range or adjustments from what he had before, myx just need something.
    Razzoriel likes this.
  7. stayflyazn

    stayflyazn Devotee of the Blood Owl

    it doesnt have to keep its stats with a change in range and it doesnt have to be 7 max range. it could easily be 5 or 6 max range with farshot. sniper flavor.
  8. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    Elven archer body: 9 DMG, 6 SPD, 5-7 RNG, 0 DEF, 34 HP, cost: 55 nora
    You have to kit him with the following abilities:
    brood bond (2 nora)
    Domain sand (4 nora)
    Scour (3/6/9)
    Distract (4)
    Multiattack 1 (8)
    desert camouflage (2)

    Doesn't look like it would be too costly.
  9. scrampy

    scrampy I need me some PIE!

    According to this he would cost 78-84 nora. Putting 34 hp on such an expensive rune is risky but I suppose that is the price of range with the formula now...building the sandsnipe in a similar mold to the elder would be interesting.
  10. scrampy

    scrampy I need me some PIE!

    Read my post again, I was saying it was not OP. Just pointing out how the formula seems to overprice range, especially minimum range when a champion already has a long maximum range.
  11. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    I know I wasn't specifically taking you on or anything.

    It was more like a general remark concerning the formula
  12. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    elder's body costs 60 nora (+5) for +1 damage and + 6 hp looks like a better deal
  13. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    domain sand base to avoid mantle madness.
  14. Emries

    Emries Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Less range not more doesn't make sense when there is no range. Let's try dividing/multiplying by zero.

    That said, instead of incredible base turret range, let's give it 3-5 range + preparation (10 nora)+ hidden: sand (3 nora). Maybe that will lower costs a bit without compromising on base stats :p
  15. Entrepidus

    Entrepidus I need me some PIE!

    I support both changes (6 range is good), but don't you dare start suggesting upgrade paths like this. . . seriously, it needs to stahp!

  16. Centuros

    Centuros Active Member

    Gibe rend please.
  17. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Honestly he doesn't even need desert camo. So what he's in the sand in the picture, it's not like we're taking lore seriously here.
  18. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Nerf SL tho
  19. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Honestly, Id rather not have an auto x2 include for so lang splashed in every single SL again.
    Ask for a new mix to have range, or another range enabler of some sort. But please lets not try to revert runes to their pre revamp status.

    Edit: while we are at it also a couple of changes that would go a long way on SL would be nerf to Krikinwing Alpha and Quicken. ;)
  20. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    It'd be awesome if the expac could hit before Christmas so I can get to playing Myx without crying every time I make the bg
  21. PurpleTop

    PurpleTop I need me some PIE!

    sandsnipe got scalped. I could see him going up to 5 range. Should not be mele

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