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February 4

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I need me some PIE!, Male

congrats to steve kerr, a hell of a coach & the half of the warriors I don't wish death upon. steph isn't black and is a wannabe shooter. Jun 8, 2017

mw24 was last seen:
Jun 8, 2017
    1. mw24
      slipstream fulcrum needs to be reworked, very little thought went into the runes potential impact to kf before it was released...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Cody
        Seism *****h.thing cost 50 nora to deploy.
        Feb 21, 2016
      3. Cody
        But I agree, while it's a power turn/s rune KF almost 100% of the time can take full advantage of it with their speed and blitz units.
        Feb 21, 2016
      4. Cody
        AKA the timber wolf stradegy or those split blitz bgs. They do have their weakness. Like it seems the counter late game bgs hard but if you rush them then they lose. I'm not complaining, It's not a big deal. If anything I would complain about Zeyas bgs. "Okay, how do I make a super champion bg." It's more about how you play against it.
        Feb 21, 2016
    2. mw24
      delim, snaptooth, zombie,(besides summon and glitched plague) and psychic are looking pretty good. Wonder what other themes have improved.
    3. mw24
      1. Ballballer
        Feb 18, 2016
      2. mw24
        congratulations brother.
        Feb 19, 2016
      3. Cody
        What a frivolous debacle. Good to know what you spend your time on. More on topic, Gloria just panders to her crowd as any politician would do. She should go back to her old job
        ( Ski instructor ) because she's not much of an entertainer or spokeswoman if she undermines her own following.
        Feb 21, 2016
    4. mw24
      the current map rotation is really really bad. the spacing is extremely poor and draw wins happen way too often on these maps.
      1. Cydna
        If you think draw wins happen to often on these maps you shouldn't seen Poxnora prevamp.
        Feb 14, 2016
      2. mw24
        theres a reason the game lost most of its playerbase...
        Feb 14, 2016
      3. Heart
        I remember them talking about maps being heavily expanded upon in the future. Maps with just one middle font, no fonts, multiple shrines, castles, islands.. etc..
        Feb 14, 2016
    5. mw24
      lol tiny's rating, the new ranked system is broke lmao.
    6. mw24
      if fw had a real faction bonus, several themes would actually be decently strong right now. witches, zombie, and skeleton just need a bonus.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. mw24
        doesnt really matter at this point whether they are nerfed or not, they all still suck because of the bonus.
        Feb 14, 2016
      3. Cody
        Mecenary plus buff I hope. Elsari tomb raider is so underrated.
        Feb 23, 2016
      4. Markoth
        Sok was pulling his leg. New bonus is "Units deployed in Dead Magic Zone have their cooldown reduced by 60% when they die"
        Feb 23, 2016
    7. mw24
      mercenary needs to be a temporary ability that disappears after like 5 turns. as it is it cost way way too much nora and is ruining champs.
      1. Sokolov
        It's already slated for a -3 nora decrease, but I am not going to change it to something that isn't a drawback as you suggest, don't be crazy.
        Feb 14, 2016
      2. Sokolov
        -12 nora for something that triggers 3 times at 3 nora each just means it is a -12 nora discount for something that costs you 9 nora total? wtf If you are going to make suggestions at least make it realistic
        Feb 14, 2016
      3. Sokolov
        Tho I may also just make it 2 nora instead of 3 as well.
        Feb 14, 2016
    8. mw24
      if you dont have magic damage or if your magic damage is killed there is literally no way to kill ancestral avenger or other ghost. @Sokolov
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Sokolov
        If you have a specific suggestion though, feel free to offer it.
        Feb 14, 2016
      3. Ballballer
        50% would absolutely be the right move
        Feb 14, 2016
      4. Ballballer
        Also, just to extend this conversation a little further, i hate haunting spirit even more because its fw. So after theyve doomed your magic damage champs, they just redploy haunting spirit (if you even managed to kill it) or deploy a second one. Then its pretty much impervious the rest of the game
        Feb 15, 2016
    9. mw24
      the current map rotation is terrible, the 2 font fw map is one of the worst in the game and several maps in the rotation favor first turn.
    10. mw24
      avenger/haunting spirit cant even be killed unless you have magic damage.(that they dont kill first) this is just stupid. bad game design...
    11. mw24
      slapping pariah on runes doesnt fix anything, you guys didnt learn that from avenger? omg the devs have no idea wat their doing lol.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Cydna
        If you were in charge of Poxnora you'd make it so boring
        Feb 9, 2016
      3. mw24
        no id just assign stats, abilities, and costs logically unlike what they do currently.
        Feb 9, 2016
      4. mw24
        not screwing up the games pvp balance does not equal all the runes being the same or boring... lol..
        Feb 9, 2016
    12. mw24
      delim is awesome, it probably could have been built better and had some cooler effects in its art and sprite, but the new ability is nice.
      1. mw24
        fun to use and elves are pretty solid atm, hopefully they stay that way...
        Feb 8, 2016
    13. mw24
      rip avatars & amplify/acolyte bgs. wtf are the devs doing? lol. they are sure good at shoeboxing entire themes, wish they could balance...
      1. mw24
        on the bright side wings look decent, lol.
        Feb 8, 2016
      2. 0ryuk0
        What happened to the avatars?
        Feb 8, 2016
      3. mw24
        they nerfed their abilities by alot.
        Feb 8, 2016
    14. mw24
      the devs are majorly messing up the game, just fyi... It's like you guys have never played it before, so many poor changes its unbelievable.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Heart
        I don't mind the changes made. I think the game is at it's best state yet.
        Feb 8, 2016
      3. mw24
        thx for your opinion, lol
        Feb 8, 2016
      4. mw24
        there have been alot of good changes but just as many if not more bad, which has ruined countless themes.
        Feb 8, 2016
    15. mw24
      for some reason vashal mirrorblades mirror cd is 0 and it cost 0 ap. they seem to have reverted the nora shield nerfs as well. this is sad.
      1. mw24
        lol, look at what they did to serpentor ardent, its like the people who are making the changes have never played this game before.
        Feb 8, 2016
      2. mw24
        they shoeboxed mika, lmfao. the devs will never get this right LOL
        Feb 8, 2016
      3. mw24
        still waiting for them to remove ghost from the game and fix sprits...
        Feb 8, 2016
    16. mw24
      elsari coven should be on every witch class champion in fw and should only cost 1-2 nora. also curse needs a freaking buff...
      1. Sealer0 likes this.
      2. mw24
        the stats assigned to many champion runes is just freaking stupid. use your brains devs ****. stop making 8 dmg 40 hp 0 def champs, ****
        Feb 7, 2016
      3. mw24
        this stuff is seriously not that hard, common people get it right...
        Feb 7, 2016
      4. mw24
        come on*
        Feb 8, 2016
    17. mw24
      the devs need to start streamlining statistics & nora spent on abilities per champ. the abilities & stats they assign make no sense.
    18. mw24
      who is hoarding all of the croma visionaries??? also soulbane needs to go down 5 nora at the least.
      1. mw24
        if i dont find a croma visionary soon im going to lose my mind.
        Feb 7, 2016
    19. mw24
      all skeezicks need access to skeezick randomly not having alliance is ruining this rune. wtf happened to skeezick? O.o
      1. View previous comments...
      2. mw24
        skeezicks were way overnerfed, jeez... all they need was a tap on their ranged units, a tap on warcry, and the summon spell nerfed not a huge nerf to every other runnable skeezick in the game, wtf?!?
        Feb 7, 2016
      3. Heart
        Skeezick play fine for me.
        Feb 7, 2016
      4. mw24
        against stronger opponents/decks they dont work.
        Feb 7, 2016
    20. mw24
      arrow eater should be nerfed(every 3rd attack hits) and ud's full faction bonus should apply to all ud champs regardless of range.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. mw24
        you are greatly overestimating the effect of 2+ dmg. also grimlic and many other champs in UD need their base damage reduced. extremely high base damage like grimlic, maxxarek, pit dragon, and gahlroon have isnt even beneficial because it cost them a f ton of nora for it to be that high.
        Feb 6, 2016
      3. mw24
        Feb 6, 2016
      4. mw24
        also celestial spear should be cd 4 or 5. makes no sense that the ability is removed after 1 use, thats just silly.
        Feb 6, 2016
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    February 4


    Hotfix, Ban, or Delete Sapper+Juggler from the game.(or all 3) It does 80+ aoe damage and 1shotted my shrine. @sokolov