Finally, AOC has Channel: Damage!

Discussion in 'Shattered Peaks' started by allyorbase, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. allyorbase

    allyorbase I need me some PIE!

    Time to eat some faces!


    It's a good thing he didn't get something useless like Abuse Charged 2 or Repulsion/Sweep... #bulletdodged
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2014
  2. RedScarlet

    RedScarlet I need me some PIE!

    I literally don't understand what's going on behind the screens...Was it a misclick on the devs part?

    I was mindwiped when I saw AoC got Channel: Damage. No matter how random they wanna stall, at least give it something that beneficial for the champ, anything would be nice: tough 1, regen1, whatever sandbag bandaid they wanna put on, but Channel: Damage is just idiocy on a whole new level.

    I suspect its a misclick.
  3. Xuvali

    Xuvali Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I don't understand how that can just slip through. Very Unprofessional from the Devs.
  4. Paper Skull

    Paper Skull I need me some PIE!

    Maybe it's a joke, like Rover: Conquerer.
  5. Centuros

    Centuros Active Member

    He should get Thrash. If it works to sandbag on the Crowned Sauropod, it will work here, right?

  6. SaintKiwi

    SaintKiwi I need me some PIE!

    Charged Lightning Storm would be ideal.
  7. allyorbase

    allyorbase I need me some PIE!

    Overload is great, actually. A solid half of SP's meta relics aren't known for sticking around long, anyway (Rock Trap, Echo Chamber, Thundertotem).
    No. The whole champ revolves solely around gaining and keeping charges to dole out damage. He snowballs, but ONLY if he's gaining charges. Spending 4 charges is antithetic. Spending 1 or 2, for some utility... that might be useful, but I would never be able to justify dumping 4 to unleash an AoE storm, unless his base DMG were like 12+, and then he would just be more expensive, and the storm would have to be on base to justify the high DMG, so what would go to upgrades?

    What he needs most is a way to collect charges (a tiny bit) more quickly: Abuse charged 2 would require him to get knocked around to gain charges, and since his starting HP is ridicu-bad, this would be very hard to exploit. Or, give him Remove Charge. Less situational in the right BG, but even more difficult to exploit, because it has a CD.
  8. Vorian

    Vorian I need me some PIE!

    Are there any spells to give him charges?
  9. allyorbase

    allyorbase I need me some PIE!

    Not in SP. In general, giving charges to champs is hard to do, and I guess, for good reason.

    SL has that processing collar, and FS has a shoebox spell that removes charges and distributes them among your units, but really, non-champ Charge engines are few and far between.
  10. MadLotar

    MadLotar The King of Potatoes

    Storm Caller used to be the easy way to give charges but they completely nerfed it. I also understand why they took away his chain lightning attack. It was hilarious to place zealotry on AOC and then watch the storm do 50% more damage for half the charges. They really do need to another way for AOC to collect more charges. Maybe abuse charge, or even violence charged?
  11. allyorbase

    allyorbase I need me some PIE!

    Abuse Charged 2/3 would require your opponent to "finish the job he starts," or face a horrifying consequence. I like that, personally.
    MadLotar likes this.
  12. MadLotar

    MadLotar The King of Potatoes

    Given that AOC has arrow eater, they would really have to coordinate to get at it, and even then, SP has Whispers of the Mind.
  13. Vorian

    Vorian I need me some PIE!

    We would have to make is violence charged 3, to make sure the AOC is competitive against everything they can throw at it.
  14. allyorbase

    allyorbase I need me some PIE!

    Wait... are we actually implying that AoC needs 3-5 extra charges per turn to be viable? o_O

    Violence Charged 1 would be iffy enough. In many matches, AoC would be doing like 5-10 damage in an AoE of 6 after it's first full round in play, easy. Add to that its Arrow Eater, and if you have ANY meat on the field, your foe is going to be facing a snowballed threat after only a few rounds. I don't think that's a good thing.

    Abuse Charged presents a damned/damned scenario, where you can't attack from range, and even if you do melee it, you better hope it dies, because it's going to have +2/+3/etc. charges for each strike you gave it. That's more strategic, IMO, than simply playing a unit that punishes a ton of foes simply for having attacked -- especially in a faction that rewards swarming and attrition.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2014

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