"Study" game mode suggestion and game logs

Discussion in 'Rune Ideas and Suggestions' started by Gaedel, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. Gaedel

    Gaedel I need me some PIE!

    I was a pretty good chess player back in the day, I would say about 34 years ago, when I used to beat and lose to International Grandmasters, play in tournaments weekly, and I learned quite a bit from losing and studying my games. We would take notation in every game, then study the game afterwards. At times we would load the game later in a Chess Program, such as Fritz, and have the UI analyze the game and offer suggestions.

    I would probably do the same thing if there was some sort of game log, such as Chess Notation. Where you can go back and replay the game as many times as you want. It would be even better if they had game logs saved to text files, but also save game history so you can replay the actual game in Pox. Something like a "Study" mode where you can load a saved game log and replay the game one move at a time with forward and backward buttons. Expanding on that, UI recommendations and evaluation during replay would make it so much better! Now that would be awesome!
    Woffleet, Authyrtyr and Lauremoon like this.
  2. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    doesn't the new UI make a ghost deck out of a random player at you have a high chance of getting a player bg
    I want to know will the UI still spam players champions ( spam unlimited copies of all the runes)
    will the UI be able to recognise and know how to move newer champions? (example runes from the mid-term packs or any new expansions)
    Didn't gedden say that there high chance that we get player bg on PVE?
    I think even LEG UI will be quite hard to fight against saying that we don't know all these factors as hard as fighting actual players sinice we don't know what spells or equip are put in that bg
  3. Lauremoon

    Lauremoon I need me some PIE!

    That's a great idea! I like to watch matches just for "studying" and learning, but being capable of review your own matches push it to the limits!

    Something like the replay of DotA2, where you can see both yours and your enemy's creatures, BG, nora, etc...
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2014
  4. Kraska

    Kraska Member

    I'm a chess player too (actually, playing online right now while I write this)...and I always thought this was a great idea. I was actually going to just record my games using screen capture software, but having a way to do it within the pox user interface would be great!
  5. Woffleet

    Woffleet I need me some PIE!

    great idea!

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