Discussion September 25th 2014 Patch

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Senshu, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    i got 2 bugs
    bug 1: started on second tutotial instead of the first
    bug 2 : after i put holy mace on barbarian elite the game dosn'y move
  2. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    i also forgot when i did skirmish there were no font on the maps
  3. Kampel

    Kampel I need me some PIE!

    I haven't had a single loading problem or encountered any bug. Well the stuttering lag every couple games but still you should take my blood and make an antidote.

    Beautiful work!
  4. Gragaz

    Gragaz New Member

    I think a lot of people are having trouble getting into the game. It gets stuck on "Loading User Interface" everytime. I have tried restoring defaults and changing resolution, i have tried re-installing, i have an updated video driver, i've restarted the pc. Nothing has solved this problem. Please help (I WANT TO PLAY POX!).
  5. yobanchi

    yobanchi I need me some PIE!

    Yeah I get stuck on the first tutorial when it says to use my right mouse click on a mac laptop with no mouse.
    Basically without a skip step stuck right away.

    Also for the daily achievements it may be a good idea to have them link to where you can complete them.
    So for instance the "play 1 pvp" would go to the battlegrounds.
    GameJack and chickenpox2 like this.
  6. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    You should make rune rewards come out for Ranked matches too.
  7. GameJack

    GameJack The King of Potatoes

    Play through the tutorials, KF walkthrough, skirmish, tranining pvp.
    So far playing smoothly and gotten the golds n runes.

    Keep up the good work.
    DarkJello likes this.
  8. Xiape

    Xiape I need me some PIE!

    This is my favorite part. I've said in the past recent winning decks are a great resource.

    Also I love this update because it means a lot of new features and not a lot of rune updating for my update script.
  9. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Bugs are to be expected. I am sure they will be squashed in time. Good job on letting us test this out.
  10. Anondylar

    Anondylar Well-Known Member

    Is it just me, or is the AI in the Walkthrough completely ********? I played K'thir Forest against Shattered Peaks and the AI deployed one cyclops champion, which proceeded to go into the font zone and go out of it, which resulted in no fonts for the AI after the second turn.

    Then I basically crushed the enemy. The AI never attacked even once with their single champion. If that was my introduction to this game, I would be massively insulted. The thing is, I don't remember the Walkthroughs being so easy at all, so what changed?
  11. xMachete

    xMachete New Member

    I like the new update. I think it would be neat if you were able to click on the map icons and it would take you what ever it is you clicked on as a link. For example: It asks me to complete a campaign so I just click on the map icon for campaigns and it would immediately take me to there instead of having to go to single player and manually clicking the campaigns button.
  12. npoxer

    npoxer New Member

    Please fix this issue.... The game client is unusable!

    Attached Files:

  13. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Have you tried doing the walkthrough?
  14. npoxer

    npoxer New Member

    Game was all good ( with all tabs and everything ) and right after I left one of skirmish matches ( I believe ) it just went to this and stayed like that ever since. Did the 3 basic tutorial missions
  15. Votel

    Votel New Member

    Well done ! , very nice on the inter face, moving in the wright direction. Still hopping for the other things people have mentioned. This show of awesomeness defines my new found faith in DOG(Dessert Owl Games :). My chin is dripping with antici.......pation.

    If it's not too much trouble to add some sort of game card system for payment, credit card and pay pal are not trusted by many people (so many data breeches now days I'd rather pay cash at a store). I know steam cards are around, but I'd rather not have to deal with a steam client. DOG CLIENT IS BETTER THEN STEAM. (meaning I'd also rather not have to link my account to them. they have a bunch of other issues that I'd rather not have to deal with)(when I see a new game that looks neat I read the back, if it says steam account required, I put it back) PM me if you'd like to hear more about steam's issues, and how they might help and hinder our game.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2014
    Woffleet likes this.
  16. Queegon

    Queegon I need me some PIE!

    The music muting on champion's death is occuring again. Tiresome.

    Under options all keys' configuration tooltips are written in: ui.key.XXX.desc
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2014
  17. Hiyashi

    Hiyashi I need me some PIE!

    You either have to complete all the tasks that the colorful progression bar asks you to complete to get the full interface back or you hit ESC and check the "Skip Tutorial" box.

    Speaking about colorful progression bars... I feel like the little glowing icons should be clickable and once you click on them they should direct you directly to the task you are supposed to do. I wouldn't call myself a spoiled attention-span-lacking new-age game kid but I still spent like a minute or three clicking on the highlighted icons wondering why nothing was happening. Giving people the impression that your interface might be broken is probably not the best thing to do.
  18. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    bazzar tab, sounds amazing.
    Woffleet likes this.
  19. Lauremoon

    Lauremoon I need me some PIE!

    Holy cow!


    Just for winning Euan's for the tutorial quests? :eek:
  20. npoxer

    npoxer New Member

    Do you understand that I have nothing like that offered? My guild mate has daily missions normaly listen on his Launchpad tab ( even though he didnt complete the whole progress bar) , while I can only see that progress bar and drums of war

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