Of Owls and Men

Discussion in 'Savage Tundra' started by WraithxxV, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. KingJad

    KingJad I need me some PIE!

    I was liking ur suggestings until you tried to sneak in rend.
    WraithxxV likes this.
  2. Entrepidus

    Entrepidus I need me some PIE!

    I really don't like the concept behind Litany of Names. It changes what I consider to be a Feudal Japan or Merlin level of honor, respect and/or power through names into a less appropriately cheesy version of the Knights who say Ni. I also don't like the conscription of arbitrary beasts into the Strig theme that makes the useless outside of theme due to Strig Bound. It makes far less sense than pulling owl-beasts into the owl-folk race.
  3. WraithxxV

    WraithxxV Active Member

    :D Funny story, Battle Ward actually used to have Rend before the re(nd)vamp.

    That Knights Who Say Ni reference was pretty epic. The inspiration for Litany of Names was actually Feudal Japan, where before a battle the armies would line up in front of each other and squires would read their Samurai's name, achievements, great deeds and so on to the enemy before fighting. As for conscription of random beasts, I went for specific Arctic Bird-like beasts and gave them flavor text that should explain what their purpose in Strig society would be. I liked the idea of them thinking they are a form of master race, breaking in beasts for service rather than bonding with them.
  4. Gaedel

    Gaedel I need me some PIE!

    I do like the idea of expanding the Strigs. I had started a conversation previously about possibly adding Race: Beast to Strigs, similar to the Jakei Owls and Griffons of IS. However, the discussion that ensued concluded that the Jakei Owls and Griffons are considered Beasts because they were tamed to ride and the Strigs have their own intelligent society and the Beast owls do not qualify. I do support ideas that could tie the Jakei owls to Strigs and other ST arctic fowl to expand the theme.

    Instead of adding Race: Beast to Strig, adding Strig to the Jakei owls and other ST fowl, I like the idea of adding something that can bring them together another way. I have seen several Beast battlegroup posts and I did not see Wizened Wren or Snow Rea in any battlegroup. If these two champions are shoeboxed, it would be preferable to make an improvement to at least fit in a specific theme. Beasts would not miss these two birds and Strig would most welcome these to help expand on the Strig theme. In terms of the Jakei owls, it would be beneficial as well to include something to tie them in with Strigs, but an idea to do so without affecting the Beast theme too much would be most beneficial. However, adding something to the Jakei Owls, such as Bulwark: Strig, Boost: Strig, or the like would add to the Nora cost of the champions, which will affect the Beast theme that includes these champions.

    I really enjoying seeing these types of threads so the experts can supply great ideas for improvement.
    Woffleet likes this.

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