
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by profhulk, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. hotbread

    hotbread Devotee of the Blood Owl

    DOG has brought balance a long way, but they should really get in contact with the top ranking players and get some insight from them.
  2. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    It's obvious to you that he needs help maybe. But not to him. Remember his exchange with Nebron? That left me with the impression that he feels he can be a top player whenever he has a mind to, that by being the one who designed the runes in the first place he understands their use. If he knows he needs help balancing the game, has that manifested itself yet? Why not? No. I think he needs the perspective of a player to understand how the current state of the game is impacting players. And I don't consider his 'internal testing' or his playing lower ranked players under an alt as adequate play experience and neither should you. He should have to face Spikes willing and able to abuse every broken/OP rune and bug they can to win with his rep on the line. The thing that is keeping most players away from ranked right now. [insert random snarky come back here].

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