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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MentalMoles, Nov 16, 2014.

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  1. Tigre

    Tigre New Member

    What would be the perfect Pox in Gedden's mind? What sort of game do you envision when you work on the game? :)
    Woffleet likes this.
  2. Kampel

    Kampel I need me some PIE!

    Is the Web page update still on hold(including trader, rune manager and the rest of the features) or is it being slowly worked on since the last few patchs?
  3. Vote Kanye 2020

    Vote Kanye 2020 Better-Known Member

    Question for Senshu: Can you sort the list by ranking? I would like to know exactly how problematic I am.
  4. Nebron

    Nebron I need me some PIE!

    congrats btw, boy or girl?
  5. Entrepidus

    Entrepidus I need me some PIE!

    1.) Why are stale upgrade paths ignored even when an opportunity to provide a full set of options (Bok Mistress, for example) comes along? Do you consider upgrade paths with multiple ranks of the same ability problematic? Why or why not?

    2.) Are improvements to the Rune Forge interface in the works or should we expect them alongside the eventual inclusion of Legendaries?

    3.) In a previous Q&A, you confessed a willingness to reconsider your stance on certain themes (Barbarians, Ferren, Jellies etc.) after they settled into the new landscape. Now that many months have passed, are you still open to feedback on revamped themes or would you prefer we focus on those that haven't been addressed, yet?

    4.) With all the talk about CP Tokens, what is your stance on gold/time sinks and why are/aren't they important for Pox Nora? (In other words, if you decide to keep CP, what makes it a necessary system?)

    5.) Are Mythical and Unique (or Limit: 1) ever coming back for the majority of named champions?
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2014
    Woffleet likes this.
  6. hfok

    hfok I need me some PIE!

    Would it help to get text fixed quicker (ie. be done on next patch) if we, as a community, could make change list for runes or ability that include typos or misleading description so you could copy and paste it in?

    How high is Forge update (such as legendary forging, shard multiple of the same rune at click) in the priority list?

    Could we have some data for how well player retain since steam launch and are there still more new player joining since then?

    Was the result from steam launch as good as you expected, why or why not?

    Could we have an idea about your current priority list?

    Give us a couple of runes that you are most proud of the way you changed/revamped it and why.

    Give us a couple of runes that you changed with the council suggestion but you also added a small influence that turns out great.

    What theme is your next target to buff and nerf? (1 each)

    Previously, new abilities will only be add through expansion, recently, you have been creating more new abilities with balance patch, why do you prefer this way to do things? What are the pros and cons of it?

    You and Senshu belongs to different guild, what's your stance on it!

    Pox history question, how did you, or the team back then, came up with these 8 factions, what was the back story of them? How were they suppose to be unique to each other?

    Why split heroes are limited to 1 per deck OR why are heroes not limited to 1 per deck?

    Suggestion: combine runes trader and runes forge.
    • Rune forge should be able to mess shard on same runes and Rune trader needs a remake of.
    • Trader can now use shards as a bidding tools.
    • Shard price of a rune in runes forge will now be determined as the average shard only bid from the last X trade of said runes + 20% of it. (with a minimum shard price of course)
    • Bidding with shard only will cost a 10% lost of shard as tax (this is to stop people try to control the market price).

    Single player server down at the same time, still happening, was any progress made since or still could not determine the cause of it?

    A lot of newer player base suggested 2Human vs AI, how likely are we going to see it?

    Is there any idea to add more objectives into the game play beside fonts and shrine/avatar?

    Reading the questions above me about stale upgrade path makes me wonder, have you ever consider +1max range or -1min range as upgrade path an option? This could be an interesting upgrade path option.

    Have you consider removing Faction bonus for summon as a part of the solution for the summon meta? (Not from me but no one ask)

    How often, or is it always, a rune is balance off faction and font bonus?

    People want common runes (C/U/R/E) to be buff because they are more avalible for most players however there are also older players who think the rare runes (Leg/LE) become bland/boring runes since the revamp. During balance patch, is it possible to keep a rune slot change per faction for a rare runes too so you could keep both type of pox player happy?

    Did you actually play poxnora during SOE era? If so, how often did you play and at that time did you think pox was heading to the right direction? If not, what stops you from playing it?
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2014
  7. Kampel

    Kampel I need me some PIE!

    Dunno how you will handle this,lots of good questions to add to your list
  8. MentalMoles

    MentalMoles I need me some PIE!

    Its always difficult choosing which questions to pick, but i'll try to represent what the community regards as most important based on what I see here on a regular basis.
  9. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    has then been any new direction in ronnen themes? I know there were talks about witches and vamp's getting further expanded for fw at on point. Any Ronnen teasers or info would be awesome. Good job other wise.

    are there new hero's in the works? Looking at FS as an example.
  10. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    What will the next change to the game be? e.g. modifications to steam, bug fixes, balance patches, browser-side updates, etc.

    To what extent does the Dev team consider Pox a PvE game vs a PvP game? I understand this question (or an answer to it) could come across as alienating some players - but for instance is balance and the game experience a larger priority now than in PvE?

    What are the team's favorite factions? Why?

    How often do the Devs talk to people about balance and design? How much is it an independent process versus a communal work - even if just among the Dev team?
    Woffleet likes this.
  11. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    All of your questions are dangerous for them to answer. Well, maybe not the last one so much, but the rest...
  12. Oldmaster

    Oldmaster I need me some PIE!

    Seconding the questions re: what the upcoming priorities and plans are, and the desire for a communication thread ala the cactuar crate.
    Edit: Also, do you ever regret purchasing pox back, and wish you had just stuck with void rim? I imagine this has been pretty stressful.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
  13. xezno

    xezno I need me some PIE!

    With the nerf to the hero ability and more nerfs likely to come, any thoughts into making the hero ability more unique? Such as only one hero allowed per deck but making heroes more theme specific? Also allowing split heroes to be used in FF if this is a consideration?
  14. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    I would be a bit surprised if they get selected, but these are the things I am curious about - probably because they are brought up often, probably because they are a bit dangerous. If the community is curious enough though, Moles will toss one or two in, and while I wouldn't think the team would give a straightforward answer, the community could at least learn something in the area.
  15. Ishalia

    Ishalia The King of Potatoes

    Some questions regarding the forge:
    When legends are finally added to the forge, what do you think the rates will be for core and extended?
    Are there any plans to adjust the shard ratio? They are a little high right now.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    Q: What is an overview of the next 2 years look like.
    • Hopeful future employee count.
    • Time plans for expanions. 3/4/5? Months in between them?
    • Other stuff of this ilk.

    Q: Do you have any plans to allow - in the future- others to invest in Poxnora as a business venture?
  17. Burcho

    Burcho I need me some PIE!

    In the past the runes used in the ranked games were were posted by Sok. Could they be made accesible again?
    nitebane21 and hfok like this.
  18. D4rkSteel

    D4rkSteel I need me some PIE!

    1. When is the Ronin expansion coming out? And can we have a sneak preview?
    2. Are there going to be any changes to the race: Lich?
  19. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    Sig made me have giggle.
  20. tehnicianu

    tehnicianu New Member

    1. Any real plans to encourage PvP playing?
    2. Any real plans to advertise Poxnora?
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
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