Incentives for finishing games completely

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jon, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. Jon

    Jon The King of Potatoes

    I was thinking that this would be a good thing for the game in order to discourage early quitting. There is kind of a tendency to want to give up and surrender (or disconnect, lol) as soon as you feel you make a mistake that your opponent will likely capitalize on. If League of Legends ever taught me anything is that it ain't over til' it's over.

    So, in order to get players to "stick it out", I was thinking that the game should incentivize positive behavior such as seeing a game completely through (i.e. until somebody's avatar is destroyed). If Pox already is doing this than my bad for bringing it up.

    Your thoughts?
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2014
  2. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Whether you hold out or surrender is your choice and neither should be encouraged or discouraged. Some get a kick out of fighting uphill battles, I just want to get to the next one.
  3. Jon

    Jon The King of Potatoes

    Well, in general, surrender or quitting in anything competitive is somewhat looked down upon. Quitting/surrendering is considered somewhat dishonorable and rarely, if ever, seen in competitive sports such as football, basketball, softball, soccer,baseball, etc. --even when the odds would appear hopeless (imagine if quitting/surrendering became pervasive and teams did it all the time on TV). And personally, I think it's the same reason why LoL adopted a "no surrender" policy until the first 15-20 minutes are played.

    I'm not saying don't allow quitting if that's what somebody want's to do. However, players that finish games should receive "positive feedback" for doing so. This game has a stigma associated with it in that many of the players are perceived as quitters and will either surrender or disconnect to shaft their opponent. Incentivizing players for sticking games out will go a long way with manners and encourage good sportsmanship.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2014
    19madfox95 and Entrepidus like this.
  4. HardyGames32

    HardyGames32 I need me some PIE!

    Most people would generally rather get on with it. Also it's annoying when people make you destroy their shrine
  5. MentalMoles

    MentalMoles I need me some PIE!

    yep this.

    we shouldn't encourage longer games really
    WraithxxV and Sirius like this.
  6. Jon

    Jon The King of Potatoes

    Like I said, I'm NOT saying don't allow quitting. If you want to quit, by all mean quit. All I'm saying is that I think it would be "beneficial" to the game if players are encouraged (especially the new ones) to stick it out and see games all the way through.

    Hell, by encouraging good sportsmanship in-game, it may even rub off and help with that pesky forum etiquette problem we keep having too lol :)
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2014
  7. Pasiphae

    Pasiphae The King of Potatoes

    Rewarding people for dragging out a game they have lost is a stupid idea imo
  8. Jon

    Jon The King of Potatoes

    Thanks Pasiphae, you're making my point perfectly.
  9. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    except he's not, really.

    i play league too. i'd imagine most people here do. i can tell you, as could anyone else, that one of the biggest differences between LoL and Pox is that in league you have a team of 5 against a team of 5, and in pox you have two teams of 1 (cause who really cares about 2v2)

    the biggest single reason that games are "not over til they're over" in league of legends is the difficulty in managing your team as well as the enemy team. the biggest single reason that games aren't over til they're over in pox is FW (not saying there isn't a human factor where people can't outplay or misplay or whatever, but generally once you're decisively ahead it's, well, decisive).

    by and large, it's exceedingly difficult at *best* to win games under many circumstances. playing these games out won't definitely get you a win or a lose (although it is fair to say you lose 100% of the games you surrender. facts !), but it will definitely take a lot more time. even if you create a reward for dragging yourself through mud for another half hour or so, you'd have to make it tasty for joe player to want to take it. and then you end up with a lot of games going long, which turns into another problem: no one wants to feel locked up in a videogame for an indefinite period of time.
  10. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    it's the opposite in chess, and go, it's considered ignorance on your part and a waste of your opponents time if you continue to play a game after you are guaranteed defeat.

    really the only reason one of those games goes to the end is because in pro games it's mostly kept so close the games continue in hope of a swing, but if it's obviously over then you surrender.
    Sirius likes this.
  11. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Magnus Carlsen is actually a bit curious in that regard, he doesn't surrender. Well, he has his own mind in many ways ...

    Another example, in StarCraft even pro games are normally surrendered when the winner is clear.
  12. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    I usually reverse psychology my opponent in to thinking I want the game to finish with avatar/shrine kill and they surrender to spite me.

    TLDR: head game your oppo into doing what you want.
    BurnPyro likes this.
  13. MakarovJAC

    MakarovJAC I need me some PIE!


    A comeback is possible only if both players have been going back and forth for a long time. I can talk about situation where "everything" is lost, I don't have champs, my Avatar is alone, and my opponent controls all fonts and even have some champs left standing. And yet, I managed to get back into the race, and kill my opponent. But that's very different to, lets say, early game where you don't have enough contested fonts, or Mid game when you spent a lot of nora and important runes on a failed or countered strategy.

    Continuing to play might actually prove to be very frustrating, even humilliating, as there will be a point where everything you do, your opponent can do it several times per turn without depleting his resources. So, basically, your guys will get slaughtered before they can even make a move. Very annoying. I´d agree if somebody wants to quit.
  14. Entrepidus

    Entrepidus I need me some PIE!

    I play chess, I play League and I've dabbled in most of the competitive games out there. Pox Nora is the only game I surrender in, and even then, it's only because I frequently test new BG's like with the Fairy and Creeper threads I have running. I have resigned exactly once in chess (after returning from throwing up in the bathroom) and voted yes to surrender exactly twice in League (friend and family emergencies). It annoys me that so many people give up in competitive environments well before they ought to have.

    When I decide to seriously compete in something, I refuse to surrender out of respect for myself and my opponent. Likewise, I never expect my opponent to surrender when I gain the advantage because I see it as poor sportsmanship and disrespectful. I don't like the growing entitlement in competitive games where players believe they've done everything required to win in a particular match and become rude when their opponents won't surrender. It's one of the main reasons I stopped playing StarCraft. At the same time, an admittedly small group of players just want to enjoy complete games but face constant surrenders and D/C's.

    I support rewarding completed games in ranked PvP, but I don't feel it's needed in unranked and training matches where surrendering is more about efficient use of time.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  15. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    also comes down to what a "complete" game is for each person.

    for me, it's a game that finishes. i don't really care if i fq, if they ragequit, if someone surrenders, if someone wins or loses whatever. the game just has to come to a conclusion for it to be a completed game experience.

    clearly not everyone is the same way. i generally don't see it as disrespectful when people surrender (although asking for surrenders tends to annoy me), and i don't expect surrenders as a matter of course (although this is a small enough community that there are a few players that i've accurately predicted their surrender timings about 90% of the time overall). i also don't think this is about people that demand surrenders, so much (because if we tried to base all our changes around ********, we'd never get much done)

    thing is, there are times when if you had anything but pride left in the tank you would surrender. that's just how it is in this game. i have been the guy that plays shrine keepaway, or that decides to blow up my shrine on my terms, or whatever the hell. it's my business whether or not i want to surrender, but when i know the game is over, being rewarded for trying to draw it out and essentially waste time isn't something i'd want my hard earned tax dollars funding.

    that's all, i guess.

    sort of an awkward post really
  16. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    I see it as disrespectful when someone drags out something boring for longer than necessary.
    nitebane21 likes this.
  17. 19madfox95

    19madfox95 I need me some PIE!

    Be a man and don't surrender like some *****.
  18. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Be a man and don't drag out games like some ****.
  19. Bondman007

    Bondman007 I need me some PIE!

    Honestly, there should be a surrender button in some sports. I have seen soccer teams surrender when their opponent had them down 15-0 in the second period. When a game is clearly over there is no foul in surrendering. IMO, it's actually a classy move to concede the match when you have been outplayed vs running the game into the ground.
    By and large I would say that the people who don't surrender in Pox when a game is clearly over are either: a) asses, b) ignorant, c) trying to see what all runes their opponent is playing with because they like their deck ;)
    I never play a game 'till shrine death unless my oppo rushes me and blows the dang thing up before I can surrender lol
    BurnPyro likes this.

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    when I'm losing I usually wait a bit if it's been a good game just to see how many of the ******** I can kill.

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