Bowmage @ PCR5

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by Karmavore, Dec 2, 2014.


Which buff to bowmage is most desired

  1. Choice 1

  2. Choice 2

  3. Choice 3


    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    Why does everyone insist on giving him Evasive?
  2. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    I can't speak for others but he used to have Evasive on base. It worked well for him in the past.
  3. WraithxxV

    WraithxxV Active Member

    DMG: 9 | SPD: 6 | RNG: 4-5 | DEF: 0 | HP: 40
    Base Abilities- Attack: Arrow, Imbue Stun, Precision, Sentinel
    Upgrade Path 1- Heart Strike (-4 Nora), Flanking (+0 Nora), Strike (default)
    Upgrade Path 2- Magic Nova 3 (+0 Nora), Commander: Archer (default), Magic Blast (+4 Nora)
    Nora Cost- 74 (Min 70, Max 78)

    Sentinel is a much more cost effective option to keep a similar function. Upgrade path 1 gives your damage options, all of which should work with Sentinel. Path 2 is utility.
    Xirone likes this.
  4. Karmavore


    Oh hey new DoG Employee.
    Xirone likes this.
  5. WraithxxV

    WraithxxV Active Member

    Hey there! What can I say, I've always loved suggesting shoebox buffs.
  6. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    I like heart strike but arrowsinger already has it so i would like different ability on bowmage?
  7. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Sentinel will still have some of the problems of Blindfire on a RNG 4-5 champion but the ability is much cheaper, and works on melee attacks, so it could work out well. As mentioned, Heart Strike is already on Arrowsinger so perhaps that could be changed. In addition, Throne of the Circle can give the Bowmage Magic Nova 3 so I'd like to see the replaced as well. Everything else is pretty darn nice. Good job.
  8. xezno

    xezno I need me some PIE!

    I like the idea of Sentinel. I didnt even know about this ability. I have been playing with Bowmage allot lately and after my 4th or so game using him he attacked an enemy who attacked one of my guys and it was the first time I ever saw Blindfire work. Took me by surprise since I had never seen it in action outside of prodigy and forgot he even had it. No matter what the outcome, I really want to see the 15 nora sandbag blindfire taken off him completely. I know I am just reiterating what everyone else has said.
  9. xezno

    xezno I need me some PIE!

    Stole Wraiths and Xirones ideas, combined them, and made it mine!

    DMG: 9 | SPD: 6 | RNG: 4-5 | DEF: 0 | HP: 40
    Base Abilities- Attack: Magic Arrow, Imbue Stun, Precision, Sentinel
    Upgrade Path 1- Illuminate (-2 Nora), Flanking (+0 Nora), Strike (default)
    Upgrade Path 2- Adept Arcanist (+2 Nora), Sever Summons (default), Magic Blast (+2 Nora)
    Nora Cost- 76 (Min 74, Max 78)

    EDIT: Illuminate
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2014
    Xirone, WraithxxV and IMAGIRL like this.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    While I love Jolt, I think Precision would fit his Archer tree better. I like it either way though. I still say it's too easy to stack DoTs with KF Archers.
  11. xezno

    xezno I need me some PIE!

    I agree, Jolt was the upgrade I was lest happy with however he has precision on base already. I wanted something that would activate with sentinel but that was the best I could find while "studying". I pretty much just stole Wraiths setup and changed the upgrades.
  12. WraithxxV

    WraithxxV Active Member

    Me likey. Love Adept Arcanist on him.

    P.S. I think it's Jolt 1 considering the Nora cost.
    P.S. 2. How about Illuminate? It's kind of the magic damage DoT.
  13. xezno

    xezno I need me some PIE!

    ^^I love the Illuminate idea. Forgot all about this ability. I had a discussion with Xirone the other day just about the awesomeness of this ability. Perfect!
  14. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    I could get behind this. I do like my double AoE version, but this is nice too. :)
    xezno likes this.
  15. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

  16. chris0024

    chris0024 I need me some PIE!

    I was considering putting sentinel or blindfire in my design but I figured it would be too strong with impair vision. Also I do believe imbue stun should be base since it is his signature ability.
  17. xezno

    xezno I need me some PIE!

    Slightly off topic but I find signature abilities to be to creatively limiting and drive me nuts. For one, as a noob like myself, I have no idea what a runes signature ability is unless someone points it out. Also on AA, him having to be a ghost in some way, shape, or form drives me nuts since that seems to be the real issue with him. However that is just me and I get over myself quick. On a side note I really do like bowmages signature ability, guess I am just resistant to the idea due to AA and how many nerf threads he generates for KF.
  18. DaPoxagon

    DaPoxagon Member

  19. Karmavore


    Two more days before i add the top favs!
    Voting will begin then.
  20. Entrepidus

    Entrepidus I need me some PIE!

    My problem with this kit is Flanking + Magic Blast seems unquestionably auto. Sentinel on base practically implies Flanking (which implies Magic Blast) given the situations in which it's likely to trigger basic attacks.
    • Illuminate is less valuable given KF already has the most sources at four and is unlikely to provide as much extra damage as Flanking (especially with Magic Blast)
    • Strike is like a weaker version of Illuminate in this situation as Sentinel triggers Illuminate
    • Adept Arcanist looks cool, but KF isn't exactly hurting for alt-damage.
    • Sever Summons is obviously an extremely efficient counter, but it's also a sandbag when facing BGs without summons (of which there are many)
    Keep in mind that he has relatively easy access to the following:
    • Elf = Commander: Elf, Improve Damage, Improve Range
    • Archer = Commander: Archer, Rain of Arrows 1 (Volley Leader)
    • Wizard = Magic Nova 3 (Throne of the Circle)
    I have a few tweaks that address the issues I've raised, but I'll have to wait until later today when I'm not posting them from my phone.
    IMAGIRL likes this.

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