Back after a long break and feeling a bit lost with the changes

Discussion in 'Savage Tundra' started by nakaruru, Oct 31, 2014.

  1. nakaruru

    nakaruru Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Hi, not sure if anyone would remember me or not and for this post I guess it doesn't matter. I've just come back to the game and with the rework a lot of my bgs are in shambles. The one that seems to have held up the best is flying ST so I've come here to ask some questions and get some advice hopefully. I'm generally very big on theme everything in my bg flies. I have bent this in the past but that was back when the only flying magic damage ST had was the angel. So I'm wiling to be a litttle less effective to keep in theme.

    Ok so now some questions, some champs that I used to use all the time seem to be fairly average nowdays, is the glaive really all that good now? The loss of tailwind hurts and helps but the loss of range makes him feel pretty underwhelming. Are border guard elites still worthwhile? Struggling to pick a first upgrade with them the stuff I liked most about them is all there. Is the ice elemental still useful? The tanking seems to still be there but the damage feels a lot lower, just realized I'm running the debuff over the damage aura so that could be part of the problem. Doombringers worth the cost? How are people building the angel now?

    A couple of niche champs that I liked to run which have been changed a lot are the AoI and Icesnap. the aspect has to choose between intensify and mirrored now which hurts some but I recall being able to give and or take charges from other champs so the duplicity could be used sooner and more often. It was always a very niche pick but it seems even more doubtful now. Icesnap has changed a decent amount and his cost has dropped how is he now?

    Lastly is the Tundra whisper/wish. I used this a lot when it gave unused upgrades. Now I see the potential of the whisper with ma and an alt damage type. But to do that I'd have to give up flying on him which hurts my sense of theme. Is he worthwhile or game changing enough I should start working out a justification for him being in my flying bgs without fly? And is the new wish worth while? seems super situational, I generally don't run a lot of equips and none that I run x2 so it would depend on what the other bg is bringing to the table.

    one more note I seem to be running a lot of 2x2 champs t it caused some problems in the past, is this still normal for flying bgs? Any other champs to look into or stay away from?
  2. Hiyashi

    Hiyashi I need me some PIE!

    Welcome back~

    Frostwing Glaive is bad.
    Borderguard Elite is probably somewhere between bad and OK.
    Ice Elemental is horrible.
    Savage Doombringer is sorta OK (in a beast deck).
    Angel of Perseverance is bad. I imagine the upgrades would be Charm 1 / Aerial Supremacy

    Aspect of Infinity is bad.
    Icesnap is good. It has a new synergy with Jakei Shaman.

    Tundra Whisper is OK.
    Wish is OK if you plan your deck a little bit around it, not worth it if you don't run any equip though.

    I don't know if 2x2s are "normal", but they come at a discount for being large so they often preform better than their small buddies.

    Champions to look into would be
    Juya White-Eyes
    Crystal Dragon
    Jakei Owl Raider
    Hoarfrost Dragon

    and maybe to a lesser extend
    Pox Renovator (more so in beast decks)
    Pox Harbinger (because it flies)
    Strig Warlock (Is probably sorta OK)
    Skybreak Dragon (if you want to make a deck around flying elementals?)
    Goyo likes this.
  3. nakaruru

    nakaruru Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Good to know just about everything is bad now :) I already run juya and the raiders, don't have the crystal dragons I did notice them and they look very nice maybe I can find a way to trade for a couple. I do have a skybreak which I think is going to replace the ice elementals not as tanky to non physical but ice acolyte gives it some staying power and a much lower cost. I was looking at adding in wingmasters the buff can be nice and I need detection now that warlocks can't shapeshift for it. Is the renovator ok without arctic? what do people use for magic damage that flies now days seems like I'd be very light on it.
  4. Hiyashi

    Hiyashi I need me some PIE!

    Jakei Wingmasters are pretty meh even if you are restricted to the flying thing. I'd probably stay away from them unless it's totally and absolutely not avoidable.
    Lacking Arctic doesn't hurt Pox Renovators that much since they are flying, so at least they won't lose speed when occupying the aftermath of your Ice Storms. But I really don't know how they preform outside of beast decks. I guess thanks to Renovate they can still hurt things even when they are not boosted by Boosts, just not as much.
    There aren't that many sources for flying magic damage in ST. Most of them are either legendary or limited, too. Tundra Whisper can help providing you decent magic damage and as you already know they can even fly. Obviously Multiattack would be better but eh. Other than that Strig Warlock would be your next best bet when it comes to flying magic dealers.
  5. TruthSeek

    TruthSeek Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same boat as OP and have some inquiries on runes I haven't really been seeing. Why aren't these being run anymore? What are the better options?;
    Lonx Defender w/ revere icesnap?
    Nora Cows??
    Azren the shepherd?
    Crystal Pheonix?

    Thanks :)
  6. OchiK

    OchiK The King of Potatoes

    Lonx stronk.

    Leoss 4 losers.

    Yeti Ye'Betty keep movin on.
  7. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

  8. TruthSeek

    TruthSeek Well-Known Member

    Cool thanks. It does seem many games these days (depending on the map) are decided earlier on so it makes sense that less people are running cows.
  9. Sammich

    Sammich Member

    Wait, why no Gale squishies? Do I need to reconsider my knockback tendencies or something??
  10. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Gale Force is always a x2.
    Goyo likes this.

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