The Thing

Discussion in 'Forglar Swamp' started by TruthSeek, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. TruthSeek

    TruthSeek Well-Known Member

    Hey all,
    I'm just getting back into the game and I got 'The Thing' in a pack not too long ago. He seems like a pretty effective tank that can develop a pretty substantial amount of HP. However his lack of effective defensive abilities leaves him a pretty big target to get out of the way early.

    I haven't had the time to try him out a whole lot and I was wondering what experiences you had with him? Does the 'Marsh Awakening' ability get used effectively in your games? Is he a good addition to semi-aquatics? Are there some good combos / synergies you guys use effectively?

    Thanks :)
  2. Ifem21

    Ifem21 The King of Potatoes

    Well, the Thing is a good champ, but for now it's too overcosted and need some rebalance. But if you want to use him, it's better in a full Mirefolk bg with water gen, this way, you can equip him with Aquatic Talisman, for hel him when in water, and use bubble of protection for some dmg absortion.

    I use a mirefolk bg, but dont use him, since the Piranhids are WAY more efficient and dont cost that much, but it's up to you, I think it's better wait for The Ronin, and see if he is re-worked and get better :D

    Hope I helped ^^
  3. TruthSeek

    TruthSeek Well-Known Member

    Totally didn't even think about aquatic talisman combo! Would be beast in the late game if you could manage to keep him alive, attacking occasionally.

    Maybe if he gained semi aquatic and lost a speed stat his cost and viability would be better.

    Thanks! I'll hold onto him for now :)
  4. AmmonReros

    AmmonReros I need me some PIE!

    Marsh Awakening doesnt pay off imho. You often have a maximum of 3 of your opponents champs in the water so that is only a +1 bonus.

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