Cactuar Crate - Ronin Edition

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sokolov, Jan 20, 2015.

  1. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

    It's not only immunities (fire being very relevant across the board). If it gives a bunch of crap AND +2 def it's probably the most efficient equip in the game. If the abillities on it are 25 together then it definitely is the most efficient equip in the game because no equip/spell should give abillities equaling nora cost of the equip.
  2. Strings

    Strings Devotee of the Blood Owl

    It's a niche counter rune that hits multiple areas, is low cost, and has some general use as well. Anti healing, anti ST and anti fire (UD and some others). Then you have the fact that it gives a decent def boost and has trail (right?) lava for minor use.

    It kinda seems all over the place while hitting several nice uses.
  3. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Yes, trail, as well as Rank 3 Damage Shield.
  4. WhatTheHex

    WhatTheHex The King of Potatoes

    Can we talk about Klub? 10 nora for though 3 on 2 def scale armor champion isn't okay in my book. these equipments were made back in he day to make heroes more playable, now in this age it's badshit op imo.
  5. Strings

    Strings Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I think all Hero equips need a look at. They were created as a way of countering power creep without directly over powering old runes. But, at least in spirit, we are meant to be past power creep atm so things like this should not be needed. Although equips that reduce cost on race/class are rather cool and that's what these could be edged towards.
    Sealer0 likes this.
  6. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    I think the Hero equips, in general, can be changed to theme equipment instead.
    Kampel, Netherzen, Etherielin and 7 others like this.
  7. Molosse

    Molosse I need me some PIE!

    That's pretty interesting, can you give anything as an example?
    Poxlife likes this.
  8. Molosse

    Molosse I need me some PIE!

    Also as a general aside could Darius' Favor become a split rune? Rangers suffer as a theme in KF and it'd be a nice cheap addition to perhaps improve the ability of the theme to preform in the meta?
  9. Mister Tuggles

    Mister Tuggles I need me some PIE!

    Spur really needs to be nerfed down quite a bit.

    Right now it is highly over the top.

    3 dmg, and 1 speed for every champ. Even capped at 2 it is pretty ridiculous. That puts hammerfall at 61hp, 18 dmg, 8 speed, with block, quest dmg, etc, etc, etc. That Bane Shift is completely over the top.
  10. Lauremoon

    Lauremoon I need me some PIE!

    Would a "It doesn't stack." sentence fix it?
  11. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    In that case:

    Bracelet of Mirrors
    Old: 40 nora. Equipped champion has Deflect and Spell Charged 1. If the equipped champion is Matriarch Sarinda, you are refunded 25 nora upon equipping.
    New: 25 Nora. Equipped champion has Reflect 4. When this champion takes non-physical damage it gains mirrored for 2 turns.

    Not very themey, but if it was themey I would say "while this champion has 3 or more charges it gains mirrored."

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    New: 25 Nora. Equipped Stitched champion has Reflect 4. When this champion takes non-physical damage it gains mirrored for 2 turns.

    Maybe add 5 nora to the cost, or reduce to Reflect 3. I like it.
  13. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    Maybe Stitched and Lich. Seems thematic for both :p

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    I just don't see a Lich getting this psuedo tank equip. I always envision them more as mages to have almost achieved immortality, and failed. Not really the machismo theme.

    Spirits? They can take a beating.
  15. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    Yes, but it is a thematic tanky item. They aren't absorbing damage, they are using their magical item to reflect it back.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    Eh, I see your point. I still say Spirts > Lich but I guess either would work. How would you change Mail of Barbs?
  17. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    I'd like to point out guys that just by adding a race restriction you're not necessarily making a thematic equipment. It could easily not make sense for that theme. Not to mention that themes are not all race based.
    Also, you don't HAVE to add a specific race restriction to make something thematic. You can do it by making the equip very well tailored to helping a certain theme moreso than anything else (Snowkite Messenger is very close to what I'm talking about; it works with multiple things but it works best with 1, maybe 2 races). I'd go even further and say you need no restrictions at all to make an equipment serve a certain theme. Just synergy.

    Though it's true this is harder to do, and Pox players seem to prefer synergy/theme/flavor slapping them in the face with its obviousness. From that perspective, maybe yours is indeed the better approach.
    Molosse likes this.
  18. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Is the problem Spur, or is the problem Spur on an already viable champ?

    I don't see many people complaining about Myx slashers, but when Paradigm had it people cried nerf calls.
  19. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    Myx Slasher is a bit too good actually and there have been some complaints about it, though not nearly as much. In its case the strength of Spur is compensated by increased difficulty of reaching combat.
  20. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    Had? Paradigm still has it.

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