Checking back in

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lanfear, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. Lanfear

    Lanfear Well-Known Member

    Grats on the steam release. Good to see.

    I got frustrated and took a break after the initial nerf wave that went out to everything green or purple. So i'm checking back in and its not really looking any better to me. I will keep checking back tho, as i have looked extensively and there really isn't a game that compares with this one.

    My main issue was the changes that went out. Kinda seems like the first 5-7 expansions got some good work on the champions upgrades and cost structures, but then after 10 expansions of revision there was a point when it seemed rushed. Suddenly key abilities were missing. 3 upgrades were basically put on the same upgrade choice, and the other choice was 3 tiers of rend or 3 tiers of magic resist. I know there is alot on the DoG plate at all times, but after all the time and money put into obtaining some of these runes, it was beyond frustrating.

    Looking at the runes i really can't tell what kind of calculations went into any of these. It seems random. In any game like this, the rarer cards were "stronger." That's the whole reason they were rare. You put all the C, UC, Rare, and Leg on the same calculator and you might as well just do away with rarity and make everything common with the same chance to drop from a box. As i said there is no game like pox, but the closest things i can see ALL had a higher calculation numbers for stats/abilities for the rarer units. They also limit the number of them u can include.

    Like 20% of the old legendaries were amazing no matter what they were played in, then there were the legendaries that were niche or completed themes well, and lastly the ones that were never used. I get that there were across the board changes, but it did not feel like those were all that uniform in the ability combos that were broken up, versus nora costs, versus actual strength. I also know its not an easy job changing thousands of runes, and there are as many opinions on the subject as there are players, but i figured i'd throw my voice back out there and ask for a change in some of those calculations by tier.

    One of my biggest issues was that i spent like 6 months trying to gather ferren without getting ripped off by profit traders or spending more than 20 bucks a month. I finally get the deck i wanted made and its super fun....for like 10 games that i get to play. Then this extremely fun BG that i have had so briefly is crippled beyond comprehension. Even individually they were never very strong (except the ninja) outside of the theme, but the changes made them individually worse. What i liked about the theme was individually they were on the weak side, but synergized to some amazing heights.....if played right.

    In one fell swoop 50% of the runes i had invested time and money in were changed to an almost unplayable status. That % seems too high to me. So i am waiting on changes that bring them back to life. I will keep checking back with high hopes. There have been some great changes so far, but the biggest change is what pushed me away. I preferred power creepage to this.
  2. negatorxx

    negatorxx I need me some PIE!

    Being someone who felt the same when i jumped back in a month ago, i suggest that you reforge and poxbox your way to something 'playable' after researching. It is not bleak; you just need to adjust and learn.
    Etherielin likes this.
  3. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Most of those are issues that I will be addressing, but it has to be done slowly and deliberately - because the reason a lot of the upgrades and champs are weird is because it was such a large scale revamp.
    Etherielin likes this.
  4. Etherielin

    Etherielin The Floof Cultist

    While I respect your opinion, I feel this statement is a really dangerous one. Are you certain you'd rather we go back to times, when whales would more or less obliterate your face with the latest release runes? Right now the powercreep moves forward at something like 20% of its original speed (see: CrupZ era) and it's a good thing. It gives players time to adapt and doesn't phase older expansions out as quickly as it used to.

    Also I really, really don't want to go back to times, when a rune I could never put my hands on (hello doombringers) would wreck my entire deck left and right without reason or thought behind it.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    Yo Lanny, Raid merged with The Wolf Pack, we are The Lads now. Would love to send you an invite.
  6. Axeraiser

    Axeraiser I need me some PIE!

    i knew i recognised the name.
  7. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    Or join NWO if ur cul enuf.
  8. Poxbrothers

    Poxbrothers Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Hello, remember good ol' Josh753 (BIGs CHEAPEST)?!
  9. m007kuzya

    m007kuzya Well-Known Member

    no, No, NO! Plz, don't make this! This is one of things, that why i love PoxNora :)
    I think, that rarity must be only a rarity, not a "strong". Ideally, it is must be possibility to win a game, using only common runes. Theoretically :)
    Rarity must be only for fun, and for building specific BG's (more FUN, and more thematic, but not really much more stronger).

    Yes! there are no game like Pox, and plz, don't make Pox like other game...
  10. Lanfear

    Lanfear Well-Known Member

    Well i didn't say they needed to be super OP as some of the old legendaries were, but almost all games had stronger "rarest" card/runes/units. Also, as i said in the post above, power creep wouldn't really work because they would be limited to say 6 in a BG. You make some more powerful due to the "rarity" scale, but you limit their numbers at the same time so its not abused. It works. Would allow some of the cards that were nerfed with silly talents or key abilities removed be added back, and still not have decks clustered with 25 legendaries. Also even tho legendaries were strong, there were always those rares and commons that could compete, or synergizes that out played power creep. Either way, i'd really like the last 5 or so xpacs to be looked over again and reworked. Alot of the removed abilities and blanket Rend upgrades don't work for me.
  11. Lanfear

    Lanfear Well-Known Member

    I get it. Which is why i'm still around. I expect it to be slow. Keep up the good work.

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