Pox.... Stone?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by vucharms, Jan 28, 2015.

  1. vucharms

    vucharms New Member

    Now I'm gonna get a lot of flak but has anyone ever imagined playing Poxnora but in the format of Hearthstone?

    Hearthstone became so popular because it was so easy to pick up and play. Noob friendly.

    Poxnora is a great game with a huge lore and fantasy themes that in my personal opinion, runs circles around Hearthstone and what it provides.

    The only drawback is that Poxnora is so complex (which is part of why it's cool) but what's more important?

    It would be awesome if anyone in here knew how to mock up a Hearthstone alternative set in the Poxnora universe. Hell, we've already got all the runes made, just would need to adapt it to make it work.

    Maybe envisioned as a side game that is faster paced and easier to read? I don't know. I'm sure there's a few of you out there who has thought about playing Poxnora in a Hearthstone format but complete with its own set of rules and features. If you already own the runes, you could play with what you already own.

    Or maybe I am crazy
  2. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    I think the games are too fundamentally different for that to function, at least in a way that would be beneficial to Pox. Complexity, oddities, and madness are etched into the skeleton of Pox to a degree that can not be undone without altering what makes Pox itself.
  3. vucharms

    vucharms New Member

    It is entirely a different beast, I understand. But it's not impossible or unfeasible to come up with a strategy game that could incorporate the nature of the Pox. Selecting an avatar like UD would grant your runes extra damage. Damage isn't traded with every attack unless the unit had counter attack. Etc.

    But I do see your point, it could potentially make the game less strategic and more on luck of draw than anything. The tempo of the game revolves around those mana fonts, while Hearthstone simply escalates until one player wins, with drawing luck being a larger factor than in Pox.

    Hmmmmm I still think it's possible. It's just never been thought out or done in a way that keeps the strategic feel of Pox while simplifying gameplay.
  4. Legato

    Legato I need me some PIE!

    A while back as a fun project I made my little version of Hearthstone with Poxnora art/fitting abilities.

    It was mostly a research project so it wasn't graphically impressive or anything but worked and made me realize I'd play this game in several other genres/formats.
    vucharms likes this.
  5. vucharms

    vucharms New Member

    My point exactly. If POX was an MMO, you'd play it. It's the Lore and universe that makes it awesome.

    Please provide screen shots of said project. =)
  6. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Oh, if Pox had an RPG, totally. I think that's a whole separate idea, but Pox's mythic construction actually lends itself spectacularly well to an ambitious, multifaceted JRPG that takes full advantage of video games as a medium to explore the Pox lore in ways that pretty much nothing else could. Multiple starting locations, branching and interlacing narrative that gains cohesion from multiple play-throughs, numerous literary themes with which to grapple - it would be fantastic. Probably be a game of the year in there, if handled right. But DOG doesn't have many millions of dollars to make that thing a reality.

    Back to the original point of this thread, however: a Hearthstone-ed version of Pox would be a neat way to convey some of the lore, but I don't think it would be any more effective than the current methods.
    m007kuzya likes this.
  7. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    Oh, f*ck me, I'd play the Bane Shift out of a Pox MMO, but that will probably never happen :(
    vucharms and Dagda like this.
  8. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    u cray dawg
    vucharms likes this.
  9. vucharms

    vucharms New Member

    I think the key aspect of making it work is to incorporate mana fonts and Nora denial etc. That way the game escalates naturally. The first person to run out of Nora loses? Nora is HP. Nora is life.

    I can just imagine trying to play a POX MMO and fighting an Aspect of Oblivion.. dear god that would be scary as Firk
  10. Spritesgc

    Spritesgc New Member

    There is a game called Conquest of Champions on Steam, which is basically PoxNora, but much faster, easier and much more simple.
    Create a deck, deploy units from deplyoment spaces, move them through the board, capture mana fonts and defeat opponent hero.
    Also, description says it was created by the same creators of Pox.

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