
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Atherhog, Jan 31, 2015.

  1. Atherhog

    Atherhog I need me some PIE!

    Is it just me who'd like to see them developed to be viable as a theme outside of Moga?

    I love the Rhino dudes, but hate the little shits that get under their feet.

    Come on Sokolov, make it happen for me.
    soulmilk likes this.
  2. Pixyrus

    Pixyrus Forum Royalty

    Back in the day, I loved the G'hern and Moga synergy. Making G'hern separate from the Moga would just not be right.

    Rokkushun, Tweek516, Sealer0 and 2 others like this.

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    yeah it'd be too weird to see just one or the other by themselves, they work so well together
  4. Gust Gord

    Gust Gord Member

    I agree its time for the moga to separate from the g'hern they need to be more independent "the rise of the moga" more moga heroes and abilities buff SP the nerf you gave the faction made it nonviable
  5. soulmilk

    soulmilk I need me some PIE!

    I support this thread as I have made 2 threads in the past about wanting this. <3
  6. hfok

    hfok I need me some PIE!

    First step will be removing 1 per G'hern limit. I wasn't around that time, why was it there?
  7. Atherhog

    Atherhog I need me some PIE!

    I'm pretty sure I heard the thought was to encourage rune diversity.... I could be wrong though.
  8. hfok

    hfok I need me some PIE!

    If that is true then highlander deck should be standard.

    I wonder what's the current veiw on this matter and hopefully there's a more logical history than this.
  9. Molosse

    Molosse I need me some PIE!

    That was the reasoning given. Anyway @G'Hern if you did want G'hern to be a separate thing you'd need to remove the x1 allowance in BG's and give them either:
    i) A way to remove all instances of Moga interaction and shove it onto upgrades
    ii) A way to generate Moga cheaply, which in some ways ties back to the x1 allowance allowing you to generate support with Birthmother.

    Beyond that the idea behind G'hern/Moga always seemed to me to be a somewhat symbiotic relationship. Sure you can *Just* about run Moga without G'hern but it's not exactly ideal.
  10. Xuvali

    Xuvali Devotee of the Blood Owl

    As a long time fan of G'hern Moga decks I DISAGREE with this idea and hope it never happens.
    Skeezick likes this.
  11. JaceDragon

    JaceDragon I need me some PIE!

  12. Atherhog

    Atherhog I need me some PIE!

    But I'm not saying that they shouldn't have good synergy. Can't we achieve both? So if you want to run a G'hern/Moga deck, they compliment each other. If you want to run a G'hern deck, it has the relevant tools and the removal of unique clause, to allow you to run them.

    Who loses? It just adds to deck diversity.

    Doesn't it?
  13. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

    Why would you run solo ghern, their only purpose in the game is to watch over moga.
  14. hfok

    hfok I need me some PIE!

    Coming as a Moga deck player as well, I don't agree with completely separating them.After all, since I started to play, I wonder why are Mogas so much stronger than G'hern when G'hern are suppose to be vastly superior. G'hern are weak on themselves and only strong IF moga presence (see Mogahern Destoryer).

    It wouldn't be too hard for most G'hern remove one of the Oversee:Moga upgrade and put in a new theme-base-ability for the race that works only if moga doesn't exsist. The racial thing could just be something that gives them dmg so at their cost they're actually a solid fighter. This would not change how Moga & G'hern decks works while G'hern could show why they have been, and will be overseeing mogas beside they're really dumb.
    soulmilk likes this.
  15. soulmilk

    soulmilk I need me some PIE!

    Disclaimer. I do not want to seperate G'hern from Mogas. I only want to be able to play G'herns as a theme of their own.

    These are my arguments for G'hern being a theme.
    There are 15 G'herns, 1 of which can be rune 2 of. This is enough to play them as a theme, even though they have unique.
    Overseer: Moga is not a sandbag ability. Rank 1 Cost 1 Nora. Besides this ability comes in handy as some of G'hern support comes in Moga form.
    You will play a few certain Moga runes. Moga Zealot and Looking for Work work very well in G'hern BGs.
    The idea of making them being able to run on their own is that you can play 12-16 G'hern, instead of just 4-7 that you do in Moga.
    Surge:Moga is still a thing in a G'hern BG, as Moga Zealot, Looking for Work, Mogahern Destroyer and G'hern Birthmother boosts it.
    Atherhog likes this.

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