Trading champ rune from Them Decks issues

Discussion in 'Rune Trading' started by m007kuzya, Feb 6, 2015.

  1. m007kuzya

    m007kuzya Well-Known Member

    Hello All!

    Why i can not use to trade any Champ runes from Savagery Theme Deck ? And only champ. All other rune is avalible: spells, relicts, equipment. All, but except champs.
    This is bug or feature?

    i can trade all runes frome my Bonesaw Theme, include all champ. But i can not trade any champs from my Savagery themes :((
  2. PiPPoInZ9

    PiPPoInZ9 The King of Potatoes

    I have recently traded champs from a theme deck. Maybe you should first go to Rune Manager, select the deck and delete it. That is how I did it.
  3. m007kuzya

    m007kuzya Well-Known Member

    Hm :/ I try to remove several champ from Them BG, but it is still not aloowed in trade :( Ok, i now i delete Savagenery Theme Deck.
    And nothing heppened :(
    No one barbarians aloowed to trade in list of champs :(
    But BoneElemental from Bonesaw themes - present in this list...

    Ok, thank you! Now i know that this is just a bug. So i will send request to support.

    Attached Files:

  4. PiPPoInZ9

    PiPPoInZ9 The King of Potatoes

    With the recent changes you get core set runes from the faction you play, for every game you win. Some of them are not tradable (warbanners for example). Are you sure you have the champions in question only from the theme deck? I didn`t try to trade all the champs from my deck, but I think it should work for all of them.

    It may be a bug.

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