Cactuar Crate - Ronin Edition

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sokolov, Jan 20, 2015.

  1. limone1981

    limone1981 I need me some PIE!

    Actually the ability, first time the Magus, then It happened also with the Nectar Fairy and the Thinkerer
  2. Authyrtyr

    Authyrtyr The King of Potatoes

    CD 0 is kind of the point of recharge. The cost is supposed to be charges, not AP or CD.
  3. SlickDragon

    SlickDragon Member

    Yes you are missing that FS has increased nora costs and strictly worse runes than other factions due to their faction bonus being considered. This is already well known, and surely part of the reason they are currently tied at the bottom with SP as weakest faction (based on meta statistics provided by Sokolov).
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2015
  4. Nea

    Nea I need me some PIE!

    Please, don't commit a polltroy.
    Etherielin and SPiEkY like this.
  5. limone1981

    limone1981 I need me some PIE!

    yup...absolutely right
  6. WhatTheHex

    WhatTheHex The King of Potatoes

    UD has always been most popular because "yeaah demons".
  7. SlickDragon

    SlickDragon Member

    See for yourself . FS is clearly at the bottom at 6% along with SP. You can dispute the facts if you want, but your own post was a perfect example of a strictly worse FS rune relative to the top faction UD. Also note how Demolish is a Top 15 rune, while Erode doesn't even show up at all.
    doubtofbuddha likes this.
  8. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    That is a non sequitur. FS could be at the bottom because there are more skilled players that like playing with demons, elves, dwarves, or another classic fantasy creature than boghoppers, firk, moga, slags, or voil.
  9. Nea

    Nea I need me some PIE!

    I have seen it, I have also kept a history of past meta reports during the period when Sok was actively doing them, so I think I'm quite aware of how they look, work and what the averages are.

    FS is the least represented after SP, that's about the only factual information you can get from it (and even then you can't account for splits). I thought we all had learned that drawing conclusions about power from a single meta report, without taking at least some historical context and popularity into account is silly.

    And yes, I linked those two because the imbalance is just too obvious, I'd like to see it fixed.
  10. SlickDragon

    SlickDragon Member

    Ok you asked for a reason why an FS rune was strictly worse, I attempted to give you some explanation for it, along with how it's possibly part of the bigger problem of why there is such a wide gap in power between UD and FS these days. You don't have to accept my presentation of the statistics, but insinuating I'm trolling by trying to bring context to things is a bit unfair. Still if u really are the Poxbase guy i will accept any abuse, since I and many others are greatly in your debt for the valuable information you provide us.
  11. Nea

    Nea I need me some PIE!

    It wasn't really a question I expected to get an answer for, and I didn't think you were trolling, just misusing data. I didn't want my remark to come out harshly.

  12. doubtofbuddha

    doubtofbuddha I need me some PIE!

    What data/information would be required to prove that FS (or SP for that matter) was worse than other factions?
    SlickDragon likes this.
  13. SlickDragon

    SlickDragon Member

    Again I'm just pointing out how the faction with a strictly better relic destruction spell that has seen consistent use for years, may be benefiting from that advantage (with its top 15 usage), while FS at the bottom has a much harder time using similar runes since theirs are strictly worse. Ofcourse this is just 1 apples to apples comparison, but i could go through dozens to support my interpretation of the facts, but that is beyond the scope of this discussion and the purpose of the Thread. I was simply answering a direct question of 1 to 1 rune comparison.
  14. SlickDragon

    SlickDragon Member

    Ok my bad i saw a valid question and point that you brought up, one that I had pondered and discussed with others myself numerous times, so i thought I'd respond, but if you didn't want any comments I apologize. No worries about the remark, it's all in good sport.

  15. Nea

    Nea I need me some PIE!

    That's beside the point, FS might very well be the worst faction, but you can't base that in the meta report.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  16. polltroy

    polltroy I need me some PIE!

    its so funny to read the past few posts and see how the same argument I used to defend KF not to be nerfed, now is used on FS. So if all those who defended nerfing KF despite the meta report, who said meta report is just popularity, does it mean also FS is one of the top factions, just so "unpopular" so it has 6% only? Or in the FS case, the power argument is valid, just the "KF effect" says if KF shows bad in meta report, its "popularity", while if other factions show bad in meta reports its "power"? Lol some of you haters are so pathetic. Nea, now tell this guy FS is one of the top factions and super OP just no one likes FS, while UD is super bad and needs buffs, just it happens to be uber popular.
  17. doubtofbuddha

    doubtofbuddha I need me some PIE!

    I am not disagreeing with that in any, way, shape, or form. I am simply asking what metrics we could use to determine the relative power level of say FS or SP in relation to the other factions.
  18. polltroy

    polltroy I need me some PIE!

    So, as we have no proof or "indication" that FS is not the worst faction, also we have no proof or "indication" that KF is OP. For all we know, KF might be the most worst faction, because after all we don't know how is popularity and skill. What if all the most skillfull players choose KF and then even though KF is the "worst" in power, KF can still become ok in some ranks and meta reports? Nea, take this argument now to the extreme and tell SOK to stop the plans to nerf KF, because we have no proof whatsoever that KF is better than FS according to your logic. However, we know by fact the costs of the faction bonuses, so this is the ONLY thing we can be sure of and can try to balance around, if we, like you Nea, believe all meta reports just show popularity or skill level of the players in the factions.
  19. Nea

    Nea I need me some PIE!

    Honestly, I'd rather ask for subjective opinions of few top players, those playing FS and those that do not. I most value opinions of those who play few factions. As subjective as those may be, I think it can be more on point than any metrics.
  20. SlickDragon

    SlickDragon Member

    I am not saying that the Meta Statistics are the only evidence that counts, nor that they tell a complete picture of power. But clearly they are relevant and admissible evidence when discussing somethings power or lack thereof. I'm hard pressed to find anything more relevant than it though, so using the data to support a point seems perfectly reasonable to me.

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