Ranked is unfair

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Willow, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    You cant see who is online and waiting to play in Hearthstone
  2. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    If only heartstone had 150 online players to compare.
    Sealer0 likes this.
  3. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Its good to see you guys quoting Hearthstone, makes me wonder if you guys are playing it.
    Because I have since Beta and I own that game. Havent spent a dime on it and have almost every rune I can, plus 2k gold and 3.5k crystals to spare.
    And its playerbase is only growing.
    Why I still play Pox is beyond me, but I do and want to see it endure.
    Fix rank.
  4. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    ive been f2p from the start as well. honestly I don't know how that game makes money.
  5. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Ah, thats easy. Its been milking away money from my friends (btw, what a bunch of nerdy 30 year olds hehe) just from Arena runs and Naxx expansions.
    They have a really hard time retaining gold (since they are bad at the game), and when we meed to play (every wednesday) they always get an arena run with real money.
  6. Vorian

    Vorian I need me some PIE!

    I agree rare leaguers should not have to face limited league players, although I enjoy facing limited league players if I ever am in the rare league (because I played a theme I have no talent for) however when I started I hated facing limited league players regardless of if I was top 200 or not. I used to get nervous then and make stupid mistakes.
  7. Lanfear

    Lanfear Well-Known Member

    Some or most of the top 200 players are douches. They don't just win, they crush you. Is that fun? While trying to learn, is it fun to have absolutely no chance to win against someone, and not understand WHY you are losing? Sometimes units just blow up or die for what seems like no reason. I was new once and i didn't mind the losing, but when i lost units and i couldn't tell why, it was infuriating. If i asked, i had like a 1 in 5 chance of them being helpful and the rest would just start talking smack to me. Playing at a lower level of play generally its a much more straight forward basic game. Minion on minion for fonts with spells. Yes that is limited too, but they plan ahead, know most if not all unit abilities, and can spend their turns playing instead of reading the runes abilities they are playing against. In the lower games where both are doing that, its a lot more fair, and less over whelming. If the top players were a bit more kind, and helped a lvl 13 uncommon league player who just messed up by offering advice to so they don't do it again, it would be different. Or if after a game where you obliterated them, ask them if they would like some advice. If they say yes then offer something like "You cast 2 spells in the game that didn't kill or set up a kill on anything so i got the advantage, and you should have contested with a relic and moved your minion away in the middle at the start." Even small tells like that would go along way to building a player base, but that means people on the internet have to been less douchy so i know, GL with that.

    Ive tried with 4 different friends to get them playing. I play with them a bunch, hook them up with some runes, and then they hop into ranked once they feel they have a "decent" grasp expecting to play similar players. There they are destroyed and generally don't have good experiences. A week later they are gone. Why did u quit? "I played ranked and some level 99 blue eye ranked guy beat me and talked "sh!t" to me the whole game. I'm over it." I look at their history, and in like 10 matches they only played 1 person even remotely close tho their rank and won ZERO. With ranked like this, several hostile personalities thrown in, and no helpful friendly players, why would people want to play? The single player in this game is not exactly fun. So where do you go?
    Vorian likes this.
  8. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    I'm harsh to crush someone. I'm harsh to drag it out.

    But half of them don't want my FQs, uh huh. (I generally always offer FQs to low exo and lower. Sometimes exo, depending on my rank).
  9. iPox

    iPox Forum Royalty

    go there
    feel free to rejoice and/or comment
  10. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    what if you had the option to lock the match maker within +/- X of your rank at some sort of cost either gold or exp earned.
    hmm but they did all that work on NUX. and then they did that revamp. and then they put out a big patch. that must have fixed everything because now theyre selling us new runes. your friends must be wrong.
  11. Lanfear

    Lanfear Well-Known Member

    Eh? I think you know what i mean. Win fast if you want. Be a **** if you want. Drag it out if you want. But if you want people playing the game for any length of time, ask and offer advice to crap players afterwards. It.....eases the crush to know they maybe learned something versus total annihilation and not being sure why it happened. And this obviously doesn't go for everyone. Someone from rare league might not want your help or your friendly quit, but that doesn't mean everyone will be like that and the offer to help hurts no one and helps the game. There are also constructive ways to offer advise and there are the "L2P noob" advise. We all know what i mean, but troll if u want.
    DarkJello likes this.
  12. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Seee, you're one of those idiots who labels everyone he doesnt agree with as a troll. No wonder darkjello liked the post.

    Nowhere in my post did I justify bashing new players. I just offered my experience in playing with lower league players. Clearly I was trolling and secretly want all new players to leave! How evil of me.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2015
    Ballballer and Sealer0 like this.
  13. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

  14. Lanfear

    Lanfear Well-Known Member

    I never said anything about you wanting to bash all new players, merely that your response to mine implied that you didn't understand the distinction i was making. You talked about beating them too fast or too slow, when you knew my point was about helping them. Had nothing to do with beating them or friendly quitting, but it was how that outcome was achieved. I didn't label you a troll, just said you could troll my post by pretending not to understand it if you wanted. I didn't even think you were disagreeing with me, just making light of it. You however did label me an idiot. Interesting. Maybe i over estimated what you understood, but I'm thinking not.
    DarkJello likes this.
  15. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Your agressive tone and the "troll of you want" doesn't mean that you were disagreeing with me or calling me a troll?

    Well, if words don't mean what they mean, who cares right?

    Choco lata table scarf.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  16. Atherhog

    Atherhog I need me some PIE!

    To be fair, if you search around the forums you'll see that BP often offers advice to new players... But, shhhh... don't ruin his image!

    Reality is this, it's ok for Limited players to stomp new players and NOT offer any help - it really is. It simply isn't their responsibility, they are just here to play a game. IF there is a problem, its with the system, not the players.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  17. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    There is no way of telling a player is new until well after a game begins. Personally I feel its disrespectful to them if I play any less than my best. If they wish for feedback or advice I am happy to give it but they have to ask for it. In the past I would just tell people "Hey its a better idea to deploy your Unholy Tomb behind your shrine or at a font far away." and get shot down with a "**** you, you lousy no life" or something similar. If they want a friendly quit they only have to ask. I will accept any friendly quit offered on the first round by any player and usually the second round too if they are in the lower ranks. After that the game has begun and thats that.
    From personal experience I have always enjoyed facing opponents more skilled than myself because that is how I learn quickest. All that said it would be better if new players faced new players for a while. Similar to how in League of Legends you cant play ranked until you hit level 30. Players need time to grasp the basics and while burning yourself may be the fastest way to learn something is hot, it's far from the most enjoyable method.
  18. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

    I completely agree, and I used to offer advice without being asked too. Unfortunately, people often take it as personal offence.
  19. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    I offer FQs to people below Exotic league, always.
    If he doesnt want it, what can I do.
  20. Goatmanji

    Goatmanji I need me some PIE!

    Seems to me there needs to be a distinction made here.

    There are new players that know little to nothing about Pox--these need to learn mechanics (i.e. how to deploy) and most/all abilities.
    Then there are the players that have gotten past all that, understand the basics, but have not yet grasped the actual strategy of Pox.

    These latter players are the ones that we should be focusing on here--if they don't know the basics and at least the most important abilities, they have no business being in ranked in the first place. There comes a point where single player can teach no more, and the gulf between that and even Created/Training matches in PvP is VAST. Is repeatedly getting facestomped in PvP the only way that one can learn the higher strategy of Pox?

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