So much 'undercosted' champs now?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BigToastie, Mar 11, 2015.

  1. BigToastie

    BigToastie The King of Potatoes

    I know that there are other issues that really need looking into on this game, and I generally don't post much on the forums anymore but...

    few of many like
    Ice Dragon (65 nora)
    Dark Familiar 45 (can get him to 8 speed and such without any hassle)
    Boghopper Toad (66 nora) - letargic isn't really worth THAT much nora cost decrease?
    Minotaur Stokers with Flame Siphon (66 nora)

    Just curious to how costing works on pox now, as there seem to be some glaringly obvious champions that are under-costed?

    Might just be me and that's the way the game is now (as I haven't had many games since last year)
  2. Rokkushun

    Rokkushun Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I'd be fine with dark familiar if after those turns he had some sort of drawback, like mercenary or font ignorance or something.
  3. Karmavore


    66N is the new magic number for efficiency
  4. BigToastie

    BigToastie The King of Potatoes

    yeah! and ahh I see, I shall look into that number!
  5. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    He takes a couple turns to even be decent and on top of that your suggestions would lower his cost to 33 nora or 37 nora which is a terrible terrible idea. Right now he takes 4 turns to be even somewhat useful until then he is a running 5 speed champ with no defense and 35 hp.
  6. Rokkushun

    Rokkushun Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I never said lower his cost.
  7. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Giving him mercenary or font ignorance is a negative costing ability, which in turn reduces his cost.
    Font ignorance -8 nora
    Mercenary -12 nora
  8. Rokkushun

    Rokkushun Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Correct, but if it's attached to another ability that is not the case.
  9. Vercetti

    Vercetti The King of Potatoes

    Goblin Spellkaiser says "Hi"
  10. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    See berserker please good day

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