Stitched Tyrant

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by Silent Mind, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. Silent Mind

    Silent Mind The King of Potatoes

    Using stitched reconstitution on the tyrant does not increase it's riders, gaining the Ap is functioning properly .. it's always only two stitchlings that fall from the tyrant even though the description states that it gains a stack of riders to a max of 4.
  2. Silent Mind

    Silent Mind The King of Potatoes

  3. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    We are aware of issues with this ability, but it does seem to be adding the rider just not adding the additional healing effect. Have you experienced the not adding a rider issue multiple times or just once?
  4. Silent Mind

    Silent Mind The King of Potatoes

    I'm positive it doesn't add any riders , the max i got out of the tyrant even after i recon remains was 2 .. and as for multiple times , that issue been there since i started playing stitched , but just got around to reporting it now really ..
  5. Silent Mind

    Silent Mind The King of Potatoes

    - As of my understanding of the description that adding a rider = 1 more stitchling that falls off after the tyrant gets hit ?
  6. Silent Mind

    Silent Mind The King of Potatoes

  7. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    As noted, this is on our list.
  8. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    It is a little odd because it the condition to indicate it has riders is added, but it does not receive any benefit from having them.
    Silent Mind likes this.
  9. Silent Mind

    Silent Mind The King of Potatoes

    Alright thank you guys for your support and effort , just wanted to let you know :))

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