Ban Ethereal Pool from ranked

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by claydude5, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. iPox

    iPox Forum Royalty

    JellyBerry and IMAGIRL like this.
  2. Skeezick

    Skeezick Forum Royalty

    please come back our lord!
  3. Taskumatti

    Taskumatti The King of Potatoes

    sounds like the deck I ran like a year ago.. It's not even the best for this kind of tactic.

    There is so much stuff that can kill relics and stop the pool completely with global dmg or ability. Spells that summon many champs at once, unstable powersource, spells that destroy relics (some global, some need you to be close)..

    It is naturally succesful if you don't run those things nor detection.
  4. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    so basically what your saying is if they go first and if they draw an ethereal pool first turn and if they also draw scorched dwarfs somewhere in the next 2 turns and if they also draw a shadowspawn unit and if they also draw a masons spire they MIGHT have an advantage at the start of the game. dude this is OP please nerf
  5. drathys

    drathys I need me some PIE!

    say wut! *rushes to build ethereal pool deck before its inevitable nerf*
  6. BigToastie

    BigToastie The King of Potatoes

    Claydude, I am surprised you got this many people trying to assist you when all you seem to be is such a defeatist.

    How about rather then judging and basing on 1 single game, and then shunning everyone's contributions to try help you understand the deck better; if/when you face it again, learn from your issues in the first game and take a different approach, rather then, no offence, being a ***** about a loss.
    drathys likes this.
  7. WhatTheHex

    WhatTheHex The King of Potatoes

    Whenever someone makes a shitty thread (like this one), people don't just assist/address anything. They make their point with a scummy/smirky/nifty/sarcastic/offensive touch to it. Pissing off the other guy and rather than listening he'll go full defensive mode.

    Ethereal pool is only effective versus a noob or someone who isn't willing to think just slightly outside of the box.
  8. Leogratz

    Leogratz Devotee of the Blood Owl

    What faction/BG are you using? If you are using FW, consider using dark rising. It is 50 nora and auto-pops the pool.
    JellyBerry and SPiEkY like this.
  9. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    I agree that claydude is probably wrong here and their are many many ways to counter this set-up, however is global damage really something we should have to prepare for? Were currently talking about nerfing k'thir avatar, st avatar and basically anything that has global effects. Scornful bg's have been around a long time but i think in a strategy game this can really discourage new players and is just not fun to play against.

    Global damaging things need to go they have broken pox more times then i can count. I'm surprised nobody has started using xulos, firk soulthief chopping block bg with a little fester in there and boom.
  10. drathys

    drathys I need me some PIE!

    I respectfully disagree that this is discouraging to new players, personally i find it quite refreshing when people play like this (occassioanlly annoying i admit), but its a different challenge. When i started playing there was the imp+helm of chaos tactic to run shadowspawned imp to shrine slap helm of chaos on and hope they didnt have shatter. This was actually quite fun to do as a new player because it was a lot easier than learning to beat good players properly.
    I'm not saying that I want more of these trick tactics but i dont think that any of them are successful enough to require a swing of the nerf bat.
    IMAGIRL, Fentum, badgerale and 3 others like this.
  11. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    I see what you mean i guess i just don't see a lot of strategy in anything that involves global damage. Soon we will start seeing to counter all the global stuff everyone will be running it. Kinda like how trees were op and everyone ran them just because they got sick of losing to them.

    Your probably right though, but i just don't get any enjoyment out of global nonsense like that. Their are also very few new players who would come in and actually have any clue what is going on in a situation like that.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2015
  12. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

  13. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    on top of that you cant run xulos in split BG's
  14. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    I think some players want this game to be like chess (strategy) and some want it to be like MtG (combos, tricks).

    Personally, I think the whole point of this game is that it is both.
    IMAGIRL, SPiEkY, darklord48 and 4 others like this.
  15. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Sometimes it's less a desire to have the game a certain way and more a frustration that some people refuse to handle the portion with which they are unfamiliar in the manner it is due.
    SPiEkY and JellyBerry like this.
  16. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    No...or I wouldn't have mentioned temple of brutality. Those are both shenanigans decks that ruin the chess aspect of that this game once advertised.
  17. drathys

    drathys I need me some PIE!

    Amen, thats why i love pox
  18. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    but about 7 different people gave you a legitimate strategy in how to counter an ethereal pool BG, soooo what's your problem?
  19. WhatTheHex

    WhatTheHex The King of Potatoes

    How does Ethereal pool ruin anything? If you just Quad deploy you win. Oh no, it totally reks decks with only 100 nora champions.

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