All-Commons Community Test Draft

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Capricis, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. Capricis

    Capricis Member


    Welcome to the All-Commons Community Test Draft!

    At 21:00 UTC (17:00 EDT, 14:00 PDT) on Saturday, April 25 I will be hosting a real live draft! With three packs of 15 commons each. Because BG's with more than two factions can't be played, we will only be playing with Wrath runes or Protectorate runes, to be decided by consensus at the time of the draft. Interested? Show up on Skype on channel PoxDraft at the time of the draft with the following:
    • 45 commons and 2 rares you are willing to part with
      • I'm supplying the runes you draft, so the commons are to help me get your runes. The rares are for the prize pool.
    • Have Isochron Drafter downloaded (it's free and only 84kb)
    • Be on a Windows OS, because I think Isochron Drafter only runs on Windows
    That's it! Come one, come all!

    • Everyone interested and in the group PoxDraft at the time of the draft will submit to me a trade of 45 commons and two rares. In the trade description they will put their vote for drafting Protectorate or Wrath.
    • After all players have submitted their trades, I will message them my IP.
    • They will launch Isochron Draft and connect to me with the given IP. The draft will then start.
      • The program is very simple so I don't expect anyone to have problems with it. If you do, well, that's why I want us all on Skype.
    • After the draft, go to File -> Copy to clipboard, and paste it in a private conversation with me on Skype.
    • I will trade everyone the runes they drafted as soon as I can. Hopefully within a half hour...
    • All drafters will then have one week to play each other in a Best-of-1 round robin.
      • Schedule your own games. Please post when you will play in the forums so others can commentate / spectate live!
    • Prizes will be given out after all matches have ended.
    There will be five maps in the map pool. To decide the map, each player veto's two maps, one at a time. The first to ban will be the player who signed up last according to the Google spreadsheet.

    Snarling Tangle
    Ironfist Mountains
    Elemental Plateau
    Nora Glades
    Lost City
    . . Player 1 . . . . Player 2 . . . . Player 3 . . . . Player 4
    1. |
    2. |
    3. |
    4. |
    5. |
    6. |
    7. |
    8. |
    9. |
    10 |
    11 |
    12 |
    13 |
    14 |
    15 |
    16 |
    17 |
    18 |
    19 |
    20 |
    21 |
    22 |
    23 |
    24 |
    25 |
    26 |
    27 |
    28 |
    29 |
    30 |
    Player 1 | Player 2 | VOD Links. | Winner
    Player 1 | Player 2 | Not Played | TBA
    Player 1 | Player 3 | Not Played | TBA
    Player 1 | Player 4 | Not Played | TBA
    Player 2 | Player 3 | Not Played | TBA
    Player 2 | Player 4 | Not Played | TBA
    Player 3 | Player 4 | Not Played | TBA

    Player 1 | 0-0
    Player 2 | 0-0
    Player 3 | 0-0
    Player 4 | 0-0
    Prize split will be approximately the following:

    1st place: 40%*
    2nd place: 30%*
    3rd place: 20%*
    4th place: 10%*

    *percent of the rares in the prize pool
    • The draft client won't show the back of the runes, so I encourage players to have PoxBase open during the draft.
    • Everyone's battlegroup will be posted here after the draft is complete. Police yourselves!
    • If a player drafts more than the deck limit of a single rune, I will substitute excess runes with a different rune, chosen at random.
    • If a player did not draft enough runes to make a deck with, I will give random runes of the two factions they drafted the most of until they have enough for a 30-rune, 2-faction deck.
    • If you record a match, please link it here!
    • I don't care if you buy-in with 45 Broken Bones and two Wooden Scales. Give me anything!
    • I am not limiting runes to their base abilities, so you might want to have some tokens handy.

    I know some of this has got to be confusing. If it's unclear or you have any questions, please speak up!
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2015
    PhdNiceGuy likes this.
  2. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    stream it
  3. Capricis

    Capricis Member

    I can't, my computer is poo-poo. But DMrBadguy said he might! Bully him!

    EDIT: Or anyone else who is willing. I'd be grateful :)
  4. Capricis

    Capricis Member

    Dang. Bumped to 2nd page with no takers yet. If there's anyone reading this thread and interested in drafting, but won't sign up for this, can you give me feedback?
  5. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    I really like the sign you made.
  6. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    For me personally, spoiler boxes make me skip stuff/not want to read it.
    Pattn199 likes this.
  7. Capricis

    Capricis Member

    All right. I put how to sign up outside of the spoilers. Reading everything else is really optional, so I mentioned that too. Do you think that will help? :) Don't want to end up doing a 2-person draft!
  8. Capricis

    Capricis Member

    Screenshot of me testing a 4-way draft:


    I'm bumping this thread to kingdom come.
    Netherzen, Rokkushun and PhdNiceGuy like this.

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    smookin shrooms huh? hardcore
    SPiEkY likes this.
  10. NiGhtMaRiK

    NiGhtMaRiK I need me some PIE!

    This is awesome

    I'd love to participate but im currently interviewing for summer jobs and im not sure which i'll be working at or what schedule they will make of my open availability.
    As of right now im totally free. That could change in the next two days pending hire.

    I'll keep an eye on the thread and see what develops.

    Also, why not curse voice instead of Skype? Does it synergize with the draft tool? Or do you wanna see the participants?
    In my experience Curse Voice is way better sound quality and 2min dwnld and 20sec signup. Really easy and very useful. Haven't opened Skype since i got it almost a year now.
  11. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    so is it something like mtg?
  12. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    "High Ass Gekaal"

    Pixyrus likes this.
  13. Rokkushun

    Rokkushun Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Bringin this back from the grave;

  14. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    So... if you put a Gekaal robe on Yoda...
    JellyBerry and SPiEkY like this.
  15. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    I'm confused; do you draft runes to decide what card pool you can use for the games? How is that gonna work, considering circus decks aren't allowed? Or do they work in unranked?

    I kinda wish uncommons were allowed as well. They're almost the same thing and the rune pool would be more interesting.
  16. Elves Rule

    Elves Rule I need me some PIE!

    I'm pretty sure you can't PvP circus decks even in create games.
  17. Capricis

    Capricis Member

    Well firk me... I tried circus in skirmish and it worked so I thought it was all good...! Firk! Well I still want to do a draft, but I'm going to need to think on it some more. So only up to two factions are allowed in a deck, yes?

    EDIT: All right. I'm not taking the post down or changing much. As of now, I'm thinking 15 runes per pack instead of 10, and there will only be Wrath or Protectorate runes. If someone can't build a 30 rune BG with what they drafted, I'll give random runes of the two factions they have the most of until they have 30 playable runes.

    So... Protectorate or Wrath?

    EDIT EDIT: And none of this matters anyway IF NO ONE SIGNS UP GRRRRRRRRRRRRR
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2015
  18. Capricis

    Capricis Member

    Once enough people sign up, there will be a set time announced and you can show up then if you area available! If no one signs up I'll announce a time around Thursday night and pray people show up.

    I am using Skype just because it's the only one I have and I didn't think it would matter too much for the test draft. If this is successful we can decide on whatever chat program.

    Yes, exactly! That is what I heard the old Pox Nora drafts were like, and that's the only adequate software I could find anyway, so that's what we're going with.

    Problem duct taped. I'll take any and all feedback after this one and we can decide what changes to make! Or you can try hosting your own draft; I've done most of the mogawork for anyone to set up a draft now!
  19. Capricis

    Capricis Member

    So far we have no one signed up and one 'maybe.' Could some more of you at least pretend to be interested, for my sake :(
  20. Capricis

    Capricis Member

    All right! The draft is happening at 21:00 UTC (17:00 EDT, 14:00 PDT) on Saturday, April 25! Anyone who shows up with the buy-in is in! Gonna be wild.

    In the meantime, I generated a random Wrath pack and was wondering how everyone would rank each rune, in this draft format:

    Baby Slag
    Cyclops Runt
    Moga Sapper
    Draksar Broodling
    Stitched Shaman
    Cyclops Wardrummer
    Mangled Totem
    Voil Lifestealer
    Myx Spitter
    Deep Elf Mercenary
    Crokadar Guardian
    Rolling Shrieker
    Hyaenid Breaker
    Ghost Pendant

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