Returning to the Grave Again

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by TeaScholar, Apr 27, 2015.

  1. TeaScholar

    TeaScholar Better-Known Member

    Indeed, ladies and germs, and alas- -

    After nearly 5 years of not having a ps3 since my old one got yellow light syndrome before i graduated high school... I finally bought a new one, and it's taking up 99% of my leisure gaming time now.

    I'll still be checking pox website at least once a day to make sure responses to guild applications to the Stoner's Lounge are still swift. So no need to force me to abdicate

    And when I do log in to pox and play it once in a while, I'll try my best to be sure to record the games so that the youtube channel I started doesn't disintegrate.

    But that being said, I am returning to the grave, from which poxanthru seemed like a bad dream, which I will revisit from time to time. But it's desolate right now and I am starting ventures in other realms.
  2. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Good luck man, stay chill -- you've never had problems with that.
    TeaScholar likes this.
  3. PoLLeN2

    PoLLeN2 Well-Known Member

    Enjoy the break, just don't make it forever, man!
    TeaScholar likes this.
  4. jigz2009

    jigz2009 The King of Potatoes

    take a break man! grow some weeds in your backyard :)
    TeaScholar likes this.
  5. XFurionsX

    XFurionsX I need me some PIE!

    Awesome console choice, play the final fantasy series, you won't regret.
    See you soon my dear friend, ill see you later.
    TeaScholar likes this.

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