Binding reflection resets cooldowns and attack chain (wai ?)

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by Valkyr, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. Valkyr

    Valkyr The King of Potatoes

    A) I equip a champion (draksar augmenter) with an equipment which gives a cooldown ability (yetihide cape gives frost cone). My champion has 10 ap.

    B) I use said cooldown ability (ap cost : 4) and cooldown is set to 3. My champion has 6 ap.

    C) I use binding reflection on equiped champion. Cooldown is set to zero and I can use frost cone again (ap cost : 4). My champion has 2 ap remaining.
  2. Valkyr

    Valkyr The King of Potatoes

    Another Binding reflection exploit : using it on a unit with initiative gives it the ap bonus points back again.

    A) I have a unit with initiative and zero ap stored (already deployed and used ap already)

    B) Use Binding Reflection on it

    C) Initiative unit gains ap as if it was just deployed

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