my new bg

Discussion in 'Shattered Peaks' started by abrasax, May 28, 2015.

  1. abrasax

    abrasax The King of Potatoes

  2. Ifem21

    Ifem21 The King of Potatoes

    Find room for Mundunungu, the best nid ever. Also, take a look at Voltaic Slags (extra range is really nice) and Stormwrack (this spell helps a lot). Also, take care when using Havoc's Touch, since your Cyclop will trigger Backlash. If want extra DMG/survivability, try Zeleatory instead.
  3. abrasax

    abrasax The King of Potatoes

    Range in voltaic slag trigger only on other slag
  4. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    I would use Lightning Rod x2.They are amazing for onerounding champions.
  5. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    Also try Ionization.
  6. 4NIK8

    4NIK8 I need me some PIE!

    There's no source of magic damage or alt damage of any kind.
    abrasax likes this.
  7. abrasax

    abrasax The King of Potatoes

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