FS avatar and shrine bonus problem...

Discussion in 'Forglar Swamp' started by Sagratanas, May 28, 2015.

  1. Sagratanas

    Sagratanas The King of Potatoes

    There's no point to choose FS shrine in splits
    While FS shrine heals 2 SL has allready giving regen SP 1 def spell resist which is so much UD prevents stealth champs conquering etc.

    My suggestion for it = 2hp and cleanse

    Avatar also doing nothing except running if you compare with other avatars you will see how bad it is 19 dmg while every avatar has 20+ dmg nothing usefull no ap regen no giving resistance no heal SL avatar has regen it's so op and his special attack is so dangerous and giving ap dmg def spd ST AVATAR HAS MAJESTÄ°C??!! and 4-5 armor so no meele champs with 9-11 dmg can kill it giving bestial presence also soo much and 4 ap (momentum) ?!! IS has enduring aura spell resistance 4 armor protection and healing KF also dmging healing giving resistance healing againg anti-flying chapms SP avatar is a huge guy 26dmg 6armor sonic immunity rebuke and some usefull stuff FW has aura that reduces dmg to enemies and improving def to allies also disease breath and dead magic zone :/ UD avatar has fire immunity that searing aura dmging so nice reflection blood offering FS avatar still running untill it trapped which is can be done so easily

    So FS avatar should have some supporting stuff or resisting in the quote it writes '"When Forglar was in its infancy, it was Lemsu who protected the first Boghopper tads from harm.'' how could he do that with leaping around? give him some healing or like tsunami attack dmging all non-aquatic champs giving ap for each 20 nora he has like this be creative he is really useless
  2. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    Shrine Bonus: Personally I'd like to see the Water expanded. That said, I don't think it's that bad. In fact, I think it's generally better than SL's Shrine bonus (even considering the Sand), and is useful more often than more situational ones (like KF or IS or, yes, UD).

    But ultimately, I think it's not proper to compare shrine bonuses in and of themselves. Regardless, a Font Bonus Cleanse is far, far too powerful.

    The FS Avatar is one of the better ones IMO. Aside from the fact that being able to run away is often actually a good thing (distance can prevent losing a game more easily than some heal an extra point of DEF or whatever. The Avatar has a solid psuedo-ranged attack and can generate additional Nora (on top of the faction bonus). None of these are bad things.

    I appreciate your color creativity, but I think you're suffering a lot from looking at the strengths of other factions while ignoring their relative weaknesses. The grass is not always greener.
    Leadrz likes this.
  3. Sagratanas

    Sagratanas The King of Potatoes

    Running with avatar means nothing avatar is to fight back i exprienced it more than 100 times if a match had a level that you had to transfigure you had to fight back with your remaining champs and try to get your fonts back but the otherhand other avatars just transfiguring in early game to kill you complete by supporting other champs sometimes fight itself and transfiguring reduces your nora regen 20 so with FS 14 and backlash=unavoidable defeat i win 7 matches like this against FS i just run with my draksar psion and do nothing but defending please dont talk like it has to be like this i have played FS all of my poxlife and when i play split FS i usually use FS shrine if i defeated by couldnt fight back that much with my avatar i change my shrine and the diffrence is pretty obvious with font bonus same 2 hp ... it gives me nothing until this time the war is going out of font i'm running to get 2hp thats so funny and i really couldnt understand why did you say gennerally better than SL it's same Bane Shift and it keeps healing and really couldnt understand why cleanse is far too powerful with 20 nora i can deploy a relic that can cleanse with 30hp giving spell resistance with relic or smth more expensive than cleanse and spell resistance also keeps 1 more turn also it happens only when you are in font you need cleanse in the battlefield and you said FS font bonus better than situational ones KF IS UD situational ?? dont be funny everything in game is situational (especially FS's spells relics etc. are the most sitiuational ones) and other bonuses is far too usefull please check the drums of war and see the truth if you ask me why i am playing with FS my answer would be just for fantasy not like for winning or cause of good abilities or smth cause i really love swamps and my favorite animal is frog funny but the truth. and i want to take points from FS to be still in top 5 FS player
    Last edited: May 28, 2015
  4. Sagratanas

    Sagratanas The King of Potatoes

    other avatars can survive longer than FS avatar without running no spell resistance no purfied no regen low defence
  5. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    If anything, avatars should be weaker than what they are now...
  6. Leadrz

    Leadrz I need me some PIE!

    People hate on fs avatar because no global effects...

    We don't need em. if i ever avatar it's as a final resort and i either A spit and killa champ and jump towards enemy avatar.
  7. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    No one likes a wall of text.


    Positioning and mobility are both excellent for fighting. Retreat forces your opponent to spend more AP than you to move up, which means you can often force them to only have a single hit rather than double-tap. Obviously, Leap (and Retreat) are useful for getting onto the fonts you're trying to recapture as well, if that's the priority.

    Lemsu is fine for fighting, lower DMG or not, and Nora gen is an excellent way to support your army (when transferred into Spells, equips, Relics, or if you still have a font, additional champions).

    Backlash is annoying, almost as annoying as a lack of formatting or sentence structure (almost), but the vast majority of the time, Nora gen is a good thing. The fact that you get more Nora when you Transfigure compared with when other Shrines Transfigure is still a net positive.

    Maybe Lemsu's sort of hit-and-run thematic just doesn't fit your playstyle, or maybe your Transfigure timing and use is a little off. The fact is though, that the Avatar still functions well enough for many. I have a hard time believing that the difference is really as "obvious" as you contend.

    SL's Font gives 1 rank of Regen for 3 turns (note that the Regen does not trigger on the turn you acquire it). This means the healing is delayed, and also that the font bonus does absolutely nothing for those that already have max ranks of Regen.

    So you don't understand why giving the equivalent of an indestructible 20 nora relic Cleansing Aura to all your fonts would be too powerful?

    Okay then.

    SP's font bonus is powerful, sure, in fact, it's arguably the most powerful font bonus in the game (since the IS and Arctic changes anyway). But it's also an aberration in that regard, with maybe just FW getting close in power (IS in some metas still if relic-heavy). If all you do is compare the strongest point of each faction to FS while ignoring FS' strengths, FS will look bad, but the same is true of comparing the strongest point of each faction to, say, ST, or SL, or FW.

    I said it's better than MORE situational ones. FS bonus is situational, of course, all the font bonuses are. But some are much more situational than others.

    This isn't a discussion of spells, relics, etc. however, it's a discussion of font bonuses. Besides, I rather disagree with that statement. You have your view of things, that's fine, but don't make the foolish assumption that your views are equivalent of fact.

    Your opinion again. For me, it depends on what I'm playing and expect to be playing against. For example, unless I'm up against a lot of Stealth, I'd much rather have FS font over UD Font.

    I don't doubt your intentions or claims. I just feel like you're overstating the value of non-FS stuff and understating the value of FS stuff. It's just my own view, and not to be confused as absolute fact either (who knows, maybe Lemsu could use some minor stat buffs, I doubt it but I also doubt it would hurt the game a lot).

    I don't know how much you've played other factions by comparison. Maybe you've just had better variance, or maybe some of their playstyles fit better, or maybe there were other factors. I certainly don't argue that the FS font bonus is particularly strong, I just don't think it needs as significant an improvement as you argue for.
    Ifem21 and Leadrz like this.
  8. Sagratanas

    Sagratanas The King of Potatoes

    Comparing to other faction avatars and when playing splits for example ST/FS don't tell me i would choose FS avatar or KF/FS with same i really seen nobody use FS avatar in splits this is the problem i accually dont agree with you %60 of your viewpoints more like polyanna i just practically exprienced it and this is why i create this thread i dont care if there would be changes i 'm just saying what i see retreat and leaping with avatar just making longer game you can kill 1-2 champs and run or contest a font and then they will come again if you run they will aim your remaining champs i remember a game against sombra i took the advantage middle font was mine i had 5 champs he had
    2 strig warlocks and ST avatar to my 5 champs in one round 2 are gone and swarmed in the middle font cause of ap and dmg and when he contest the font with avatar i could do nothing with my meeles just imagine 1 font you fight for this is the main sitiuation of the game and imagine how all avatars effecting to that fight and 30 nora champs can regen 6 nora or retreat but no 30 nora champs has majestic or momentum or -5 hp to enemies +5 hp allies or divine favor etc.
  9. Kharon

    Kharon Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I for some reason activated my avatar and to my surprise he didn't have the ranged poison ability. Did they recently take that off?
  10. Sagratanas

    Sagratanas The King of Potatoes

    it's like optional you can choose poison ranged or water front smth.
  11. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    No, they did not. It's probably a bug, assuming your Avatar is level 50 (otherwise it might have not unlocked the ability yet).

    Not anymore. They made it so you get all the things, or are supposed to at any rate.

    Feel free to disagree. On the other hand, I'd say that FS' Avatar is better than SP's Avatar (but SP's Font Bonus is better), and I stand by choosing FS over UD in that Split. ST/FS would be more questionable. Learik is one of the best Avatars in the game, though amusingly in a 1v1 fight I'd bet Lemsu would win because of the ap saved by Leap/Retreat and the occasional Spit. Sapaleh has Balance, which is very powerful when used at the right time.

    But seriously, you're cherry-picking. "I'd choose ST's Avatar and SP's bonus if I could!" Well, duh. Look at the best in each thing and the average things will look bad.

    Oh please. Just because you disagree with me doesn't mean I have a subconscious bias brought about by previous good experiences, ignoring the bad ones. At least not any more than you having a bias brought about by previous bad experiences, such as the one you described, ignoring the good ones.

    Besides, I'd wager that my biases (if any) extend more from over-valuing mobility and positioning in general (not Avatar specific). :p

    Long story short, even if Lemsu is the worst (and I don't think he is, personally), it's not by a significant enough margin that he "needs" buffs. There are a lot more important things to get around to fixing first, at the very least.
  12. Sagratanas

    Sagratanas The King of Potatoes

    i have no water walker either just spit

    that was funny i'm really tired to make something clear my english also tired :p but i believe most of FS split players or FF players will agree with me at this point and i believe they will do something to buff or nerf others as i told before i'm just sayin what i saw and exprienced
  13. TheBulwark

    TheBulwark I need me some PIE!

    Punctuation >.<
    Anima26 and Ohmin like this.
  14. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    Yeah, it's a bug. Not limited to FS Avatar either.
  15. QuestDrago

    QuestDrago New Member

    I bougfht my FS avatar the day they were created. I could change his abilities and I had chosen the
    spit poison one which can help .
    A few years later I can't anymore select an ability and the spit poison one disappeared !
    How long before they fix that annoying bug ? Some FS players do have the spit poison ability on
    their avatar so it sounds like I wasted my money :/
    Last edited: May 30, 2015
  16. Leadrz

    Leadrz I need me some PIE!

    It's a result of the new upgrade system.
    Give them time, must be a big issue.
    We're (the players) have given them enough vocal shout outs for our want for working avatars.
    It's just a matter of time.
  17. bagoftrick

    bagoftrick I need me some PIE!

  18. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    Your eloquent and insightful rebuttal has illuminated me.


    EDIT: To be clear, I think FS Avatar is better than SP, SL, UD, and possibly FW (though FW might be better against FS specifically). I think it's better than KF in a long-term situation (which may not occur commonly). Though even less common, it's possibly the best or second-best for a 1v1 Avatar fight (no other units involved), provided of course your have good upgrades that actually function properly.

    But that may all be a function of again over-valuing mobility, and of course Nora gen.
    Last edited: May 30, 2015
    Leadrz likes this.
  19. bagoftrick

    bagoftrick I need me some PIE!

    let me know when you win a game by running away.
  20. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    I have won quite a few games by using poison traps and baiting my opponent to chase my low hp avatar. The loss of his beloved super champs to pre nerfed poison cloud= rage quit.
    Anima26 and Ohmin like this.

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