Discussion in 'Underdepths' started by MakarovJAC, Jun 29, 2015.

  1. MakarovJAC

    MakarovJAC I need me some PIE!

  2. jvne

    jvne Well-Known Member

    what happens in case of detection/bloodtracker?

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    kill the detection and murk from murk demon saves from any damage
  4. jvne

    jvne Well-Known Member

    bloodied is not considered dmg effect, you will get it even if no dmg, anyways nice idea for a deck.
  5. MakarovJAC

    MakarovJAC I need me some PIE!

    In case of Bloodtracker, which is quite similar to other damage-on-deploy abbilities, you do this: take your weakest champ, then move him closer to the closest deployment zone. In case of Bloodied, things gets a little bit difficult, but usually, it all involved killing the Bleeding champ before he plays Blood Magic.

    If you suspect your player is going to use Rain of Blood, you simply keep your strengh as spread as possible. It works the same with normal damage AoE when using Murk.

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