Collection trade

Discussion in 'Rune Trading' started by ninoG, Aug 20, 2015.

  1. ninoG

    ninoG The King of Potatoes


    I'm a mostly inactive player that just doesn't have the time to play this game anymore...
    I've sold most of my runes and convertd them into limited edition runes (witch will probably hold value) and shards. That leaves me with around 4500 shards and runes I'll post below.

    If interested send me a pm.
    2.png 3.png
  2. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    Sorry to say this but, this limited are worthless in the terms you are looking for.

    Also 4520 shards can forge 11 Exotics or 5 legendaries which is not a huge ammount of value, for said terms.

    I suggest you to forget about gaining anything with them. If you like the game, keep the shards. In the future, it might worth a lot more runes than now (and be untradable) so you could try the game in a year with that.

    If you want to quit forever, what you got here worths more sharing / gifting than make profit out of it. Just my thoughs.
  3. Tricky1

    Tricky1 I need me some PIE!

    That's usually the case 90% of the time with card games but people will never accept that.
  4. ninoG

    ninoG The King of Potatoes

    The limited runes are all very common and are meant to be traded at Poxbox for over 5 mil. credits. Shards are there to give any desired leg or exo card you would want. For older players this bulk probably isnt worth much. But for a newer player this will net them the best poslible value if they want to invest something in the game. I'm not saing its worth 10000 dollars but you will probably benefit more from it than say a Megabox imho....

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