Changes for vampyres?

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by themacca, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    I do agree that coven shouldnt be on there as its really not a rune meant for witches at all. it being a ranged unit i dont think Relocate Bloodballs is the best ability for it sincce they have a tendency to appear adjacent to enemy units.

    Demonologist and seeker are both UD runes as well which is why they won't be allowed to have good range and i accept this. but i'd love for seeker to not be expensive or to be good enough to warrant its cost.
  2. cstocks

    cstocks The King of Potatoes

    Hey all im new here

    Im curious as to the nora cost of bloodseeker

    If u replaced the cost of bloodtrackers first ability would it increase or lower his nora cost
  3. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    the ability bloodseeker costs 10 nora, the bloodtracker ability costs 2 so he'd get a fairly large amount more expensive and due to the current dilemna of vampyres we don't want that. it would be lovely to get a bloodseeker in FW vamps though but they have no candidates for that ability currently.
  4. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    also to check out slightly out of date ability costs go to
  5. cstocks

    cstocks The King of Potatoes

    Replacing scythe whirl with blookseeker would be amazing and make him cost 2 less nora and be more efficient correct?
  6. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    it would. but based on talks i've had it seems more likely he's going to be changed to make use of scythe whirl better which is good too.
  7. cstocks

    cstocks The King of Potatoes

    I think it would only be better if they increased the range? But i think bloodseeker fits the vamp theme better
    Just my opinion
  8. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!


    I get it, i get it he's a UD rune thus he's not allowed to actually have good ranged but... please? he'd be fantastic with 5 range. not a big deal though cause i don't much think of him as a rune built for Vamps as it is.

    5 range would be a big deal. I would like that.
  9. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    we all would but we know it aint happening. just like no KF rune is going to get changed to have 7 base speed no UD rune is going to get changed to have more than 4 range
  10. MakarovJAC

    MakarovJAC I need me some PIE!

    Shut up, Macca, we are on the same boat here.

    Well, it's good to see that these issues have been looked on by a few other people here, including experienced players.

    There is something I want to add, which is the lackluster damage. Let´s remember that most vamps won´t have more than 10 damage in FF. And that Soul Siphon/Blood balls + Greater Vampyrism won´t had much to the healing since in most situations, either the champ has high resistances, and most likely a single attack will be made.

    Unlike dedicated healing as Lay Hands, Heal Mass, or Healing Breath, which can outright turn the table, getting barely 7 of HP per attack (if no reductions are applied) isn´t going to cut it. Besides, Vampyres lack defenses like crazy, only at UD will they get a reliable combo using Masochism + Bloodcrest on a demon vamp.

    So, that's my argument to support making vampyres cheaper. Regarding abbilities, well, you do the job. I mean, if I tell something, most likely is OP and will get nerfed beyond recognition 5 minutes after being released.
    themacca likes this.

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