Brand new player, here to steal your knowledge!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HoboDevil, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. HoboDevil

    HoboDevil Member

    Howdy howdy. I just picked the game up and I've played through the tutorial and done a slew of campaign things. A couple questions to start off:

    Any tips on the best way to start building? For now I'm F2P, if I love the game I don't mind dropping a few bucks but it's got to seduce me a bit first haha.

    How do I go about choosing a faction?

    Is it more important to "Level" cards or to focus on getting more cards?

    Any general tidbits of wisdom?!

    Thanks a ton!
    DarkJello, Goyo, Anima26 and 2 others like this.
  2. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    Sure thing.

    As it currently stands the 2 daily quests that show up will net you 600 gold a day and then the daily achievements will get you 1200 a day. Im not 100% sure if this is true or not because i haven't checked for myself but supposedly every daily achievements requirements can be completed using 1 of the free decks so you'll be able to earn lots of gold without much investment to begin with. If you do the dailies and every achievement every day for a few weeks you'll have enough gold to buy a box.

    Whichever you think is coolest or whichever people complain about the most depending on what kind of player you are.

    Getting cards definitely, you can earn the core runes extremely easily through the dailies and skirmishes which as you build up a lot of them you can turn them into shards at and get some of the stuff from the extended set.

    Poxnora has a ton of weird little things that you really have no way of knowing until you've either been told about it or you've experienced it for yourself. But a general collection on how most weird non obvious stuff works is here its worth checking it out but take it slow cause it can get over whelming.

    Thanks a ton![/QUOTE]

    No problemo, You're also welcome to join my guild which is primarily for helping new players if you'd like let me know your in game name and i'll shoot you an invite.
    Bellagion, Gnomes and Ifem21 like this.
  3. Ifem21

    Ifem21 The King of Potatoes

    First, play every factions walkthrough and see wich one seens interesting for you. There are pre made decks avaiable avaiable by gold, rotating free every week, try them too, they are themes based ones.
    Once you decide wich factions you liked most, go to the fórum sections of that faction, and ask about help in themes or meta in general, they will certainlly help you. Find an guild is a good way to get help and runes from other players.
    Try to focus on champion first, the game hás a great learning curve, so, you will LVL up your runes while praticing, testing, and becoming better.

    Fell free to ask any other question. Welcome to the game, I hope you like it ^^

    Edited: for 1min @themacca
  4. HoboDevil

    HoboDevil Member

    @themacca Thanks a ton for all the tips! Do I need to pick up an "Avatar" for whichever faction I choose? Also, how do I literally choose the faction? I seem to be missing the button/tutorial or whatever lets you choose one. My IGN is HoboDevil also, I really appreciate the Guild offer! I've tried the Daily Skirmish deal but it whips the snot out of the free decks I've tried haha.

    So far I'm digging the K'thir and the Sand/Lizard creatures a lot. Purely for aesthetic reasons though. Still a slew of others to try out too. It looks like this game has a ton of depth and I am happy to find that.
  5. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    You dont literally choose a faction. You use whatever runes u have to build decks and if u play ranked with them they give u faction points. whichever one has the most is your "my faction" once the dailies arent the hero ones you'll find it easier to beat them so dont worry much about that. You should get an avatar pretty ASAP in my opinion theyre prettty crucial. Also check your messages on the main site you'll have a guild invite
  6. HoboDevil

    HoboDevil Member

    I've come across another question! Looking at my stuff, I've got an "Exotic" in Draksar Lord and a "Limited" in Sunderpede. Are either of those gems? Oh, I'm glad to hear it's the dailies that are just hard and I'm not entirely awful! Haha. Gotcha, I've got about 3000 currency so an avatar isn't too far off!
  7. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    i dont know much about the value of a limited sunderpede. The Draksar lord however is an extremely good rune and if you're considering running draksar definitely worth keeping.
  8. HoboDevil

    HoboDevil Member

    From quick google-fu, Sunderpede is a common, right? So Limited = Alternate Art? I just tried Dragon Storm and loved it. Dragons and Draksar work well together?
  9. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    not particularly, they get splashed about in both and there are a few draksar/dragon champs but if u going for a theme one of the others probably best. but yeah the limited is an alternate art.
  10. HoboDevil

    HoboDevil Member

    Awesome. Just have to grind through being totally oblivious to things and it looks like the game is a blast. Glad I stumbled upon it haha. Would you recommend Draksar or Dragons to a new player?
  11. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    Not sure tbh. i've played both a little both are pretty easy to understand.
  12. TeaScholar

    TeaScholar Better-Known Member

    @BurnPyro somebody needs assistance entering your faction. Help him out. Train him.
    Anima26, DarkJello and themacca like this.
  13. Flyingfinn

    Flyingfinn I need me some PIE!

    Hello man, welcome to the world of Poxnora. I am an old veteran and an avid Forglar Swamp player if you need some questions answered about that faction.

    If you are interested I am in a guild called Pox Academy, where we have many new players whose questions are answered by seasoned players. So join if you want!
  14. HoboDevil

    HoboDevil Member

    That's another faction that's caught my eye, for sure! Anything amphibian/reptile/crawly/dinosaur catches my eye haha. Thanks for the invite! Themacca actually sent me an invite, which has been accepted and whatnot as far as I know haha.

    I dig that this is sort of a mix of TCGs and Tabletop War Gaming. I love war games, so that's a huge boon.
  15. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

  16. Flyingfinn

    Flyingfinn I need me some PIE!

    Oh yoy invited him/her already, didn't bother to read what you wrote :D
  17. Vote Kanye 2020

    Vote Kanye 2020 Better-Known Member

    If you have a rough idea of what faction or theme you would like to use as your first bg I'll be more than happy to give you some runes.
    Gnomes and Anima26 like this.
  18. Sunnydays

    Sunnydays The King of Potatoes

    There are also faction specific forums you might check out and ask about themes within the factions. Also people often post their battle groups there so you might find it helpful as a sort of guide to playing each faction. Cheers and GL!
  19. Poxpoints

    Poxpoints I need me some PIE!

    Also to get a general feel of your cards value when you would start trading check out fan-based trade-stores (here listed with their advantages):

    • Faster and easier to use [auto trader is rad af]
    • More filters (release set, stock)
    • Fairer trade-in values
    • Lower prices
    • Low-stock runes available for trade OR cash (as PP rewards premium points [cash value] when you trade-in low-stock runes, PB's low stock is cash ONLY)

    • More stock currently
    • displays cart total/balance deficits on top of trader (more convenient than PP design as ours is a side-cart sliding thingy that you would have to click on and check)
    • Can trade in/out multiples (PP only trade 1 in/out at a time per trade)
    • No annoying ultra-secure password requirement for new accounts (PP using microsoft ASP .NET identity standard credentials package which has annoying high security)
    • Can hover over rune art to see card back/abilities (PP only has the rune thumbnail)

    As a sidenote: Poxbox has decided to shut down within 2 - 4 months.


  20. Leadrz

    Leadrz I need me some PIE!

    If you need help for Forglar swamp, comment on a thread and use @Leadrz to that me to that and I will reply ASAP.

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