Savage Reform

Discussion in 'Savage Tundra' started by KingJad, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. KingJad

    KingJad I need me some PIE!

    Any ideas to attract new players to the Tundra ive noticed we have the weakest Forum not much information circulates here if you can share faction bgs
    blazinsoul and xRugolth like this.
  2. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Take it easy, guy.
    The Tundra has no need to attract new players, they either belong to it from the very beggining or they donĀ“t.
    But yeah, just give it some time and new threads will pop out, no need to get anxious about it.
    xRugolth likes this.
  3. FrostWing

    FrostWing New Member

    It is true, the tundra calls to those who belong
  4. killabud69

    killabud69 The King of Potatoes

    I haven't played in some time but the Tundra has generally always required a higher degree of skill to play because we don't have a single overpowered rune but rather a combination of runes and proper setup to be overpowering. Well except for the Yeti Incident, but that was short lived
  5. StringerBell

    StringerBell New Member

    Funny thing... when I started playing it was right at the peak of the Yeti incident. I picked ST because I liked the artwork. I made my first few BGs... one of them Yeti.

    Now, I had no idea about power level at the time, some would say I still don't :)

    So it took me a long time to realize why everyone seemed so angry to play me and gave me so much crap about using Yetis. I had no idea what was going on.

    That said, I stuck with ST but gradually started collecting other factions. The OCD collector in me took over and now I play every faction.

    But ST will always be home. New Expansions the first thing I always do is get the new ST runes and see how they fit into my theme decks.

    Can't wait for Pox 3.0 to get up and running.

  6. Regulate

    Regulate I need me some PIE!

    I don't really think this has ever been true.

    Poxnora "skill" requirement is fairly global across all factions. While each individual deck (do you really think ferren plays the same as frost amp, for example?) has a different playstyle, none of them are really harder, just different.

    This is excluding specific gimmick and trick decks. These decks look to change the rules of engagement and the skill (some would argue the lack of skill) required to play these is a different case.
  7. FrostWing

    FrostWing New Member

    The power of the tundra lies with everything having synergy with each other, mostly because allot of champions are frost based or benefit from ice and snow. As i see it, not one rune in savage tundra is overpowered on its own, where as for other factions i feel this is the case.
  8. killabud69

    killabud69 The King of Potatoes

    I used to jump onto my X girlfriend's account and play with FW and I could slap together a deck and win with it a lot easier than I ever could with ST is basically what I was getting at. ST always kind of lacked that one uber rune that every other faction had. Like I said though it's been a long time since I played so I don't know if anything really changed. I started back around the time Dawn of Elements dropped and stopped trying to play ranked around the time SOE took over. Stopped playing all together about 2 years ago.
  9. Regulate

    Regulate I need me some PIE!

    You were probably just better at playing FW's style than you are at playing ST.

    Or alternatively you made a FW deck that was stronger than your ST one.

    ST does not take more skill than other factions (spoken as a mainly ST player), sorry!
  10. Andralexis

    Andralexis I need me some PIE!

    I've always found the skill ceiling of ST higher than the other factions. One can easily differentiate a gifted ST player from the rest just from how they execute the poweturns.

    That was at least my distinct impression when playing against Pede, Calisk and Rodin (his rune choices might be questionable but his execution was practically flawless).
  11. killabud69

    killabud69 The King of Potatoes

    Hardly, I've always preferred and done better with ST. Having uber champs or low cooldowns allowing spamming of chanps is not a skill. When I design a deck I have to worry about synergy and theme a lot more than I have in any other faction. I can't expect to have a good deck by just throwing a few lonx and jakei together compared to throwing some zombie's and lich together or barbarians and dwarves
  12. daeminicus

    daeminicus Devotee of the Blood Owl

    The tundra calls for you....

    I havnt played a in while as well, but I will return now that Pox got a new great owner!

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