Help me make a KF BG!

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by Klaud, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. Klaud

    Klaud The King of Potatoes

    Hi, I'm back from quite a long Hiatus (Think Grimlic's Descent) and would like help organising the runes that I do have into a functional battlegroup! I'll list my Exo's and Legendaries and hopefully you can help me build off of those. I have most Uncommons/Rares/Ones I don't have I can get. 1-3 not-so-high tier exos or legendaries are also ok to add into the mix if they are vital to a BG.

    I've always been pretty bad at making viable BG's so any advice would be appreciated! TIA!

    Rune List (Exo/Leg):
    Elder Garu x 2
    Rage of the Circle (Appeared out of nowhere?)
    Ranger Elite
    Spirit Singer
    Warcaller Fiorn
    Queen Anaru
    Vashal Vicar
    Angel of Restoration x2
    Grimlic's Mirror

    Edit: I'd prefer a BG that incorporates Mena, if they are at all viable anymore, as I am a fan of Menalaus.

    Might try running this one I found:
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2016
  2. ChiaoLung

    ChiaoLung I need me some PIE!

    Any of the ones in the BG - Hub are good ones to go with. If you're looking to replace specific champs or spells with others it would probably be easier to give you advice.
  3. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    Klaud likes this.
  4. Klaud

    Klaud The King of Potatoes

    @Tweek516 Yeah, thank you! I've built your deck now. A few new runes since I've came back that I'm unsure what their purposes are entirely. What are the roles/upgrades of both Elven Page & Epochal Sage? Could you give me a basic run down of the playstyle I want to be using when running this deck?
  5. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    Cool. I built it a while ago, you may want to change it around a bit. Elven page is in there primarily for divine favour - drop it at the right moment and it can be game winning. She's also pretty useful afterwards, with swap 3 and soften. Shes incredibly efficient when you get mena out.

    Epochal sage fills a pretty similar role. Theyre spell effects with a champion attached, so only deploy sage when it would get a kill - it just makes her a very efficient deploy. I run with Jab and balance 2.

    You kinda want to turtle with this bg. You have pretty good powerturn potential (with warden and oasis), and amazing ranged with all the archers and covenant. Once you cast fire for effect you can have some serious poke.

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