Runes not showing up when making trades

Discussion in 'Rune Trading' started by Saegen, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. Saegen

    Saegen Well-Known Member

    Hey, im just coming back to the game and im looking to trade for some of the newer stuff i'm missing. However, I noticed some LE runes i have dont show up on the drop down list when making trades. Are some LE runes such as Ayla the huntress and the LE black firk mindcaller untradeable?

  2. ChiaoLung

    ChiaoLung I need me some PIE!

    Yes. All of the untradeable ones though do have regular versions. Some of them can still be obtained by completing certain campaigns on legendary difficulty.
  3. warhead111

    warhead111 The King of Potatoes

    OK , but why is the limited firk mindcaller untradeable ??
  4. ChiaoLung

    ChiaoLung I need me some PIE!

    If I remember correctly it was given out free to everyone in game at the time. There are supposedly a few that are mistakenly tradeable, but that might just be a rumor.
  5. warhead111

    warhead111 The King of Potatoes

    i dont think they are given out free. You only could get them in a ronin box , i think. I saw one in trader so i think you are right with the rumor.
  6. ChiaoLung

    ChiaoLung I need me some PIE!

    Found it. It was a promotional code given out for attending PAX, although the code got leaked. It wasn't meant to be tradable to prevent the Fan Faire bs again.
  7. warhead111

    warhead111 The King of Potatoes

    ok but i never saw them on trader till a while ago. On poxbox its worth a lot so there could not be that many imo
    beside that i think it is not right to make runes untradeable.
  8. Burcho

    Burcho I need me some PIE!

    it was tradeable for a short time.
  9. warhead111

    warhead111 The King of Potatoes

    with a while ago i mean last week ... :)

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