Demon Call with Maxx

Discussion in 'Underdepths' started by Aghatoor, Apr 11, 2016.

  1. Aghatoor

    Aghatoor I need me some PIE!

    This spell worth a slot in a Maxx BG? I can't find it a place, but could be very good helping me drawing Maxx as soon as possible. Any feedback about that kind of BG?
  2. newsbuff

    newsbuff Forum Royalty

    im wondering what boundless enthusiasm would do to him
  3. Qucas

    Qucas Guest

    Maxx works well with BE from what I've heard
  4. Qucas

    Qucas Guest

  5. Kilstuforf

    Kilstuforf The King of Potatoes

    Yes BE is an auto-include in a Maxxarek BG imo.
  6. Aghatoor

    Aghatoor I need me some PIE!

    Of course BE is autoinclude, i've already tried it out and i'm playing it 1x, even if also the 2x could worth the space. But i created this post in order to have some feedback about playing Demon Call XD
  7. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    I don't know if demon call is worth it, but I've been running darkness in my max deck and it has won me games by creating a standoff then alpha striking (making a big attack supported by spells) then casting darkness to gimp their counter-attack.
  8. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    Demon call is incredibly low cost. But a late draw makes it a wasted slot and thats not a price worth payin
  9. Kilstuforf

    Kilstuforf The King of Potatoes

    Alright then, sorry I ever replied. Guess im done with the forums.
  10. Burcho

    Burcho I need me some PIE!

    You did ask two questions. Mostly the second one was answered.
  11. Aghatoor

    Aghatoor I need me some PIE!

    Well you are right ^^
  12. SMh7

    SMh7 The King of Potatoes

    I'd like to see an actual MAXX BG, cause we have no demons under 65 nora...
  13. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    Nefari Informant and Sheoul Disciple. All u need
  14. Burcho

    Burcho I need me some PIE!

    There are a lot of demons at or under 65 nora... Not the best maybe, but at that price, you can't expect too much. Puppet master is one of them.
  15. Aghatoor

    Aghatoor I need me some PIE!

    I'm playing a list with 2x Deep elf fanatic with call of the arms.. After one attack also Nefari Guardians, Imp Alchemist, ancd others become 65 or less nora
    badgerale likes this.
  16. Kilstuforf

    Kilstuforf The King of Potatoes

    Interesting, I was not aware that call of arms worked with Maxxarek's ability.
  17. Erenoth

    Erenoth Member

    If somethings useful enough early I'm kind of fine with it being useless later. Course I happen to love the concealers. They really play into that great early terrible late paradigm. As for demon call, how much does the bg NEED to have him early. Would you run a second copy of him if you could? Also consider that it makes the rest of your reveals spells, speeding up how soon you have your other things available.
    poinl likes this.

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