About the Ronin expansion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by samomo, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. samomo

    samomo New Member

    Is it really coming soon? Or is the revamp taking precedent first and then the expansion? I'm asking this because it seems the latter is the case and then it seems to be a long time before we get anything new, with some thousand of cards needing a makeover. Not whining about the date, I just want to know if I should be holding onto my gold/money for now or wait till the revamp.

    However, I do wish we could of gotten the expansion first to truly preview what the revamps would look like across all the cards and champs with the expansion as a prototype so there could be feedback. I would like some enlightenment on this issue and I haven't read too many threads so excuse me if this topic has been brought up.
  2. PharumM

    PharumM Member

    revamp first no point in relesing broken expansion and then fix game + expansion
    revamp then already fixed expansion
    Goyo and DarkJello like this.
  3. only

    only Active Member

    considering how big the revamp will be, I doubt players will miss an expansion. I believe they will do them both at the same time.

    doing expansion first wouldn't be logical since (as you stated) they would need to rework it later. basically, poor selling model and in order for it to be successful they need would need to re-sell (be greedy).

    doing expansion later might take some time. since everything will be "broken" after revamp, it will be easier to integrate new runes and sell them at the same time. if they're smart enough, most of new runes will be openers/enablers for decks and part of revamp will be based on that expansion specifically. just to increase sales.

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