KF/SP Beast BG Vashals/Jek the Silver General

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by Cinder405, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. Cinder405

    Cinder405 I need me some PIE!


    Here is a BG I made a little bit ago. So far it works well in Campaigns and Skirmishes but have yet to test it in Ranked matches.

    The point of the BG is to have your melee units beating your opponents face in. Vashal Eremites hit really hard with Havocs Touch+ Boost Beast 3+ Battlemaster from Vashal Cavaliers. The Eremite even has Nokahn Do to prevent damage to him. Vashal Quillbacks hit hard and are annoying as hell to deal with because of its Deflect, Block 2, and Dodge 2. Now I know it sucks not haveing that +1 SPD KF Bonus but, I think the nora discount from SP Split Faction bonus makes up for that. Now as if the Vashals weren't cheap enough with the discount, there are 6 Vashals capable of Nora Shielding any of the champions you want in the BG for extra Nora generation. I have x2 Magnify Beast in there for extra tankiness since the BG does lack a great tank. I decided to use Jek the Silver General instead of Zoalt or Spirit of the Mountain because he has "Surge: Beast" and is a better beater than Zoalt or SPOTM. Since the whole BG consists of Beasts I choose to take "Surge: Beast" over "Aerial Supremacy" and "Thirst for Battle" as his second upgrade. I used to have a Woodland Jester in the BG to counter nora gen but I replaced it with a Bat Swarm for the obvious swarm shenanigans.

    Things I have thought about adding,

    Fan Faire (Because the playstyle of the BG is a Phalanx style kind of.)
    Bond of the Vashal(On spot Tough 3 is pretty nice. Shouldnt be hard to pull off with all the Vashals in the BG)
    Replacing Vashal Vicars for dedicated healers such as Aspect of Life or Spirit Singer.

    Overall what is your opinion about this BG? Do you think it could be used competetively? Do you suggest any changes to the BG?

    Thanks for reading,

    Gnomes likes this.
  2. KPIC

    KPIC Devotee of the Blood Owl

    First off, this should go in Split Build forum. I am running an KF/SP build right now, and they are really strong. Good selection. This build has decent parts, but it will get you too far because it lacks some Meta units. I would remove the Ospryans including Jek. SOTM does tank better then Jek because only Magic damage can bring him down permanently. Jek's TFB does not activate well with this deck since their are not enough stalling abilities and spells, like Whispers of the Mind, to activate it. SOTM with Mag Beast, Zealotry, and Havoc's Touch is extremely difficult to deal with. Also, get rid of your Vicars in favor of Snake Charmers. I would include remove most of your duplicates and put in Circle Messenger, Ghern Thrower, Moga Cannon (Insane right now!), Forest Lerper, Skyshear Pegasus, and Clay Form for doubling up on units. Get rid of of your AOE spells and relics in favor of stalling spells. Reclaim, Vortex, and Whispers of the Mind can be used for more stalling and keep Vertical Push.

    Maybe something like this.

    Last edited: Oct 11, 2014
    Cinder405 likes this.
  3. Cinder405

    Cinder405 I need me some PIE!

    I am aware there is a split bg section but would rather have my dedicated KF players feedback. I tried to view your link but its broken somehow.

    After waiting in the Battlegrounds for what seemed like forever I finally got a match started. My opponent played FW Hex/Stalling BG on the map that has a middle font with Lava flow and chasms. I struggled earlier in the game due to Grim Well being used in the mid font shenanigans but I turned the tide of the battle when I capitalized on his mistakes. Soon I had a Jek running around with 30 DMG and I hadnt even used Zealotry on him yet.

    The stuff you suggested are really interesting and will definitely consider amending my bg with some of them. The only thing non Vashal in the BG is the Jek, Ospryans, and Bat Swarm. Seal of the Vashal comes with the Vicars, Eremites, Vashal Druids, and Vashal Cavalier so I kinda wanted to stick to using that ability because it makes the Champions really cheap. The Circle Messenger has a very good SPD so I will definately consider that one for sure. Also I did think about adding the Moga Cannon because it hits really hard and then it has artillery on top it. The problem I am facing now is IDK what the hell to replace them with lol. Oh the beauty of Poxnora.

  4. splitstax

    splitstax Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I get it. Jek is fun. I have had him on many occasions with high damage and defense. He can be a beater. But your recent game should tell you that the higher you go, the fewer mistakes are made. The higher ranked players know Jek is a high priority target because of TFB even if you cast Magnify on him. But he will get one or two-rounded if you can not protect him. SOTM, on the hand, is a beater because he almost never goes away with projection. He can only be taken down with Magic; and if you cast Magnify on him, he is nearly impossible. Therefore, his longevity becomes your asset because you can risk more when necessary whereas you need to protect Jek more. Also, I get the Seal of Vashal ability. They do generate a decent amount of nora; but that nora gen only works when HP is lost, which can be costly on champs with low HP. You will gain more nora two other ways. The first is casting an extra Havoc on a sustainable unit like SOTM, Boa, or Pegasus. The second is by running 2x Escape Magic and a Spirit Singer for Resurrect with your Vashals. This way, you get the nora gen from Seal of Vashal but save the champs from losing HP.
    Cinder405 likes this.
  5. Cinder405

    Cinder405 I need me some PIE!

    Thanks for the feedback. I will have to try him out. Will post my new BG build as soon as I get a chance to.
  6. Cinder405

    Cinder405 I need me some PIE!

  7. splitstax

    splitstax Well-Known Member

  8. mitch13037

    mitch13037 New Member

    i have a question, i may sound like a noo but bear w me, the vashals are not listed under beasts so how with this beast bg work out?
  9. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Many of the Vashal have Seal of the Vashal which works on Vashal and Beasts. That ability can be pretty good if used at the right time on a beefy champ like Enraged Grizzly or Condor Fury.
  10. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    all day every day.

    SotM+horn of order(escape magic)= lol.

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