I Need Help!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mitch13037, Jul 6, 2016.

  1. mitch13037

    mitch13037 New Member

    i've been an on and off player, i've had the game since its release but i would only play for short periods of time with long periods of time in between. im level 35 rn so as you can see even though i've had the game for a while you coud say im still sort of a noob player

    so basically i have grinded using my leoss bg this whole time to farm gold and i got two exotic box sets, but i havent gotten anything good beside "magnus the fallen" and "polluted martyr" (at least i think they're good)

    i really have been trying to get into pox this time around but the cards i got are useless to put in a bg together. i want to make a bg that can hld its own and allow me to stay competitive with people on ranked play so i dont have to play the daily missions and training pvps all day.

    does anyone have any suggestions? what bg can i go for? if im getting trash from the box sets what can i do? i also got "jek the silver general" but im pretty sure he's useless. i just wanna become a better player and i also wanna become a competitive player, so if you have any advice or suggestions please comment below!

    thank you for your time in advance! i know this was probably long and boring.
  2. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Do you wish to limit yourself to certain factions? It would certainly cut down on the number of the suggestions to be made if you gave some qualifiers. That said, there are good BGs that equire few to no exotics and higher.
  3. Pattn199

    Pattn199 I need me some PIE!

    Leoss are competitive mate, just have to think about your positioning but that's always the case
    jeeperz2 and SPiEkY like this.
  4. Pattn199

    Pattn199 I need me some PIE!

    Ps. If you need help with a leoss deck pm me.
  5. mitch13037

    mitch13037 New Member

    before anything thanks for the help! good thing is i have all those runes, but the bad part is im missing kiergana and kanen crone and the warbanner, is the bg still viable w/0 the three or is it highly recommended that i try and get those three?
  6. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Gnomes likes this.
  7. mitch13037

    mitch13037 New Member

    in all honesty im open to anything, even gameplay tips work, i only have a decent leoss bg and a kinda viable kanen bg but really anything works, im trying to find one faction that im good at working with but so far i haven't really found my niche. if you have any suggestions for the builds with low tier runes please send me a link or a list, i would love to take a look!
  8. mitch13037

    mitch13037 New Member

    Oh my gosh! ahaha thank you i'll definitely go try it out rn, would jek be a good add on to a bg like this?
  9. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    If you make it into a split deck, possibly, but he can't be played in a full KF deck (unfortunately). He'd definitely be in there if he could be added!
  10. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    The deck I gave has some good stuff. Vashal Enchanters, Woodland Portal, and Pride of K'thir work well in the deck but I didn't have any to give. The deck isn't optimal but should be a decent start if you choose to pursue it later.
  11. mitch13037

    mitch13037 New Member

    this is great honestly, i have a decent amount of k'thir runes i could totally work with this!
    Xirone likes this.
  12. mitch13037

    mitch13037 New Member

    okay i have 500 shards from heroic achievements i'll use it to grab a kiergana, and i can totally grind for a warbanner, thank you!
  13. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!


    Just threw this together, it could probably use some refinement. Contains 3 exotics, but together they are cheaper than Kiergana is alone. Wanted to put in Gekaal, but he would be about as expensive as Kiergana.
  14. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Tried to make a psychic deck, didn't work out too well; too many legendaries and exotics needed. This should be fun, but not really top material:

  15. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Played psych amp right before I quit again (december/15) and it was a blast and very powerful.
  16. jeeperz2

    jeeperz2 I need me some PIE!

    Last time you played me with this deck that freakin spell did over 60 damage before I came to the conclusion I couldn't win lol.
  17. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Something similar, but with a lot more cheesy legendaries. I guess between psychic blast and paraform goodness this deck could do quite well, but you can stick infinite amounts of bling into it.


    This is my current iteration, and it's pretty good.
  18. Gnomes

    Gnomes Forum Royalty

    You quit on my birthday :'(
  19. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    Best gift
  20. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Haha, you are still not over me after all this time man?
    Geez I really must have caused an impression on you.
    The day I return, will you cry tears of joy or sadness? Cant tell.

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