Help with meta bg

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by graldavo, Aug 7, 2016.

  1. graldavo

    graldavo The King of Potatoes

    This is my version of meta in fw, but i fell that need something or something are wrong, can you give me your opinion? (my english is bad sorry if is difficult to understand)
    Obsidian venger are a good frontline with oblivion shield and multiattack and aoe with lose of life for some situations
    Elsarin reaper are great for tanks and tanking physical champs
    Experimental warspirit is the same than reaper but is very expensive, i dont know if is viable
    Deathcaster is one of my favourite champs in fw, he has a lot of hp and death touch is just beautifull
    Golden lamia is very annoying and do a lot of dmg if dont kill her fast
    Bone circle archmage are my core champ, they have a lot of utility
    Mysian lamia with sentinel and preparation are excellent cover for the frontlines
    Xulos and serkan well they dont need explications
    Skeletal excavator for blockade and seism
    Librarian for shatter and detection
    The rest is classic

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  2. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    I have not tested this bg myself, however you do seem to using a lot of our high end stuff. Using some cheap meat like broken bones might help this bg flow smoother. Since you are using high end stuff, a sac dagger might help you keep someone alive. If you are tight on space I would suggest switching a 2x include for 1x and something new.
  3. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Might I recommend ... Essence Devourer?
    potatonuts and darklord48 like this.
  4. graldavo

    graldavo The King of Potatoes

    I will use broken bones for testing in this bg, they are too cheap and annoying, who champs you think i have to switch for 1x?
  5. graldavo

    graldavo The King of Potatoes

    Essence devourer in this bg is useless, he destroy champs all the turns and all my champs cost a high cost of nora
  6. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    Never run essence devourer without graveyard.
  7. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Yeah, it should be assumed that when I say Essence Devourer, I mean 2x Essence Devourer and 1-2x (probably 2x) Graveyard.
  8. graldavo

    graldavo The King of Potatoes

    Yes i know, use essence devourer in my death benefit bg, but only deploy when have 2 graveyard played or i have 3 or 4 grave warrior in game, is a good champ but can make it lose a game if destroy the wrong unit
  9. graldavo

    graldavo The King of Potatoes

    For me x2 essence devourer is too much, is difficult keep them alive without kill other important champs and with fw bonus if 1 die i can deploy him in a few turns, but i dont find a place for 2 graveyard :s
    The last changes i make in the bg was put 2 broken bones for the low nora and cooldown and a shadestriker for backlash, distract and create DMZ and take off the 2 experimental warspirit and 1 essence drain
  10. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Then you do not yet know how to use Essence Devourer. You need a single Graveyard out, and you deploy at max speed to keep the pace with Devourer. You then cycle Devourers. The second Graveyard is for backup and draw consistency.
  11. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    They eat at exactly the rate that GY produces champs, your other units aren't at risk unless they drop incredibly low on health. Additionally, you want them to die, because cycling through Essence Devourers is how they generate advantage.
  12. graldavo

    graldavo The King of Potatoes

    The essence devourer dont eat a champ per turn? the graveyar deploy 1 for every 2 turn
  13. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    No, one Essence Devourer eats a champ every 2 rounds.
  14. graldavo

    graldavo The King of Potatoes

    Ohh then i understand bad the essence devourer, thanks for the clarification
  15. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    If you want a super serkan option, grave yard and broken bones feed vengeful while Essence Devourer takes them. Not a bad system. Essence Devourer does well in tandem with abilities that that cause loss of 50% hp due to high damage and high speed. Sac dagger can really help keep Essence Devourer alive and trucking. Shrine exertion will help get surprise gibs with Essence Devourer. Death bird goes good here too.

    No death bird or unholy tomb is strange to me, bazaar with will give you a discount. Corrupter is an option too, but some times getting globes with despoil is all you need.

    Are you using bone circle arch-mages as summon unit counters? Summons units usually slow quarter and half bg's to a halt.

    Depts of despair would help "finish a kill" or at least set one up. -8hp is not bad, -4 to IS. If you want to just test detps of depair it would drop hungry dead and domi for 2 detps.

    If you use shrine exertion often you might be able to drop mobi for a tome of hate, I depends on your play style.
  16. graldavo

    graldavo The King of Potatoes

    The super serkan is a good option, i use something like that in my death benefit bg with ravenwraiths for some powerturn that kill my serkan, sac. dagger is a good option, i didnt think on it.
    The unholy tomb is useless for me in this moment, 40 nora to deploy and only gain 3 o 4 per turn normaly, if the game dont be eternal you never get back the cost of deploy and the death bird dont understand how to supose to work, i use him in other bg but when my champs die i dont gain nora.
    The bone circle is the best, summon counters, hex, augment creation, keep neutral fonts and with oblivion shield is hard to kill in 1vs1, throw skeletons to ranged champs to bukake them (?
    Depts only use them if have crown of nightbarbs and desecration, use that equipment and spam spells for kill annoying champs and heal my frontline but in this bg i didnt have place for crown and depts, they are a lot of runes and a didnt find a place for them
    OriginalG1 likes this.

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