Killing your own stuff

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by Joker, Aug 21, 2016.

  1. Joker

    Joker I need me some PIE!

    Missing runes: 1x Rotwrapper


    Something like this has probably been tried out by someone already, basically I wanted to make a death benefit deck but with a buch of death nova champs. I won't lie here, it's bad even against the AI, but it's really, really fun to play. Elsari Siren speaks for herself.

    Most reliable ways to kill your champs: Sacrificial Altar (ironically says "destroy friendly champion" instead of "sacrifice"), Throw Bones and High Warlock's Ravish.

    Why not Goresplosion, Repurpose? Sadly spells and abilities that say "sacrifice" don't trigger death triggers. Sad.


    Archmage, Bone Elemental, Cloak of Skulls: Just good sinergy with Sacrificial Altar and Throw Bones; and with themselves basically.

    Execution Order: Mobility + shrine exertion makes it easier to kill your own stuff on the right place.

    Bone Slave: Be sure to choose the death nova upgrade otherwise it's not worth the space. Summoning units on death is good with sacrificial altar!

    Deathcaster: The only deck where this is probably still good! (I think he would be much more playable without disease eater, but eh) His first upgrade path is tricky, I go with short lived because even though soulsift gives you back a huge chunk of nora, 90 nora is very hard to justify for a champion that takes so long to do anything. I guess there is a reason for Lethargic, but that can prevent you from sacrificing him on a turn when it would've been decent.
  2. Joker

    Joker I need me some PIE!


    • Lich Magistrate
    • Dark Rising
    • Spliting with SP (great suicide champs + Moga Boom Vendor which gives death nova to your minions)
    • Ask Sok to unshoebox Mindflayer Queen and make Mindflayer a decent equip
  3. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    I miss Genesis lich having Grant Death nova. was so OP

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