Does anyone want to intelligently discuss the state of competetive gameplay?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nastyhobo, Sep 7, 2016.

  1. Nastyhobo

    Nastyhobo The King of Potatoes

    Disclaimer: there are 4 paragraphs and a list in this post.

    I don't want to spend a long time explaining myself or why the game is the way it is but I really want to talk about the current status of competitive game play with the community because I feel like people care about the game like I do. There are so many people that have been around for ages, and personally even when i'm not "playing" this game i'm still playing it, whether it be on my main or my brothers account or just checking in on the forums or whatever.. I feel like people have seen the good and bad of the game and a lot of them are intelligent enough to have a proper discourse on the specificity of competitive game play instead of what some people would like to reduce to "X IS OP PLZ NERF AM GOOD NOW HAHA SEE I WIN WHEN X IS NERF THAT WHY I LOSE"

    I really want to talk about why the game is balanced, but less competitive and strategy oriented. IE draw wins, map wins, and the idea of skill and strategic thinking in matches having less to do than ever with how a game will play out. I am NOT going to talk about, X champion/faction/theme is OP because. I AM going to use examples from popular themes and meta that are strong in comparison to weaker themes and explain my opinion on them and why they add to this climate of "oh look i drew this" "oh ya well i drew this, lol gg" that I think currently exists in the game.

    I know that this isn't always the case, but I see the problem this way. I rarely get games anymore where I and the other person are exchanging turns so intensely with strategy and thinking behind the moves that I have to concentrate and am really drawn in by the game (what I come to poxnora and have played all this time for). I'm not just talking about when I lose, I'm talking about when I win as well. Sometimes it's just ridiculous and not at all satisfying despite the other person being a completely competent player and running decent runes. Likewise I see games where one person is playing making very few mistakes and the other player is throwing their runes around willy nilly, yet has such an advantage over the other player that they might as well surrender now or prepare to fight (Go team rocket) for the next hour bringing the game back, and only because they know they are more skilled than the other person, whereas if it were a player of the same skill as them they are screwed regardless. This is the reason I personally surrender in so many games when I know i can probably play longer and bring the game back. it is no fun for me winning a game where the deck is literally stacked against you nor the other way around. This is because I've played matches that are on mostly equal footing from the start and it is extremely evident and much more fun for me when skill and strategy are what is being used as opposed to hard counters that can only be accounted for in rune manager. Unfortunately there are so many hard counters in the game and meta that this seems to be the case with most games.

    A list of things I want to talk about the most:
    Elsari Coven
    Global abilities on champions in general
    Dispellable Abilities being rampant and core to the game and meta when the ability to do so efficiently is exclusive to certain factions (#1 perpetrator: Void Shield!)
    Above but with equipment
    Above but with Cleansable conditions
    Faction/Font Bonuses
    The mess that is "summoned" and counters to "summoned"
    Hp to nora ratios
    UD Faction
    council is useless.
    Obviously I realize that I am not the pinnacle of everything that is PoxNora and balance and that is why I want to have the "discussion" with the community not just rant about things I don't like. I have played for most of the games existence though and think it's in good hands and depending on the response I get I would love to discuss these topics with errbody in future posts. If no one cares then I'll probably just go back to being a recluse and putting together stupid troll bg's in my spare time as I don't really post on the forums as it stands c:
    electus1 likes this.
  2. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    wait what faction isnt able to dispel?
  3. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty


    Cause purge is a joke
  4. electus1

    electus1 New Member

    Yesssss!!! roflcopters, lollerskates, and over 9000 internetz..!
    (imma turn into a pumpkin if I don't sleep soon, so imma read the rest of your post tommorrow, bruh!)
  5. Atherhog

    Atherhog I need me some PIE!

    On deploy effects have increased over the last expansions and, for me, impact the game negatively. A couple of scenarios.

    1. You calculate hp and plan a font battle... Opponent deploys a champ and double ping ends you. You can't respond and you can't prevent.

    2. You're contending a font against a champ and have calculated your chances. On deploy equipment rips for 20dmg. Again, you cant respond and you cant prevent.

    Sabotage and seisim can be given simular examples.

    I do think we now have too many if these abilities. They take no real planning and you can't use your skill and experience to prevent them.
  6. davre

    davre The Benevolent Technofascist

    Best wishes,
    JellyBerry and BurnPyro like this.
  7. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    if your lacking knowledge of how the games pvp works at the highest levels then its difficult to have a proper discussion on the subject. Also most players only really understand the faction(s) they main if that and many are very bias and ignorant when it comes to the other factions.
    IronStylus likes this.
  8. davre

    davre The Benevolent Technofascist

    There is no "the highest levels" anymore.

    Warm regards,
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2016
    JellyBerry and SPiEkY like this.
  9. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    its never changed much, the people that didnt quit tend to be the ones that invested most into the game. alot of the best players still play even if alot of people left.

    there are still at least 10 people active atm who are just under tiny and devilsrath skill wise. and like 10+ more who arent active atm but still play.

    itd be nice to have more players and more higher skill level players to play against but the staff isnt big enough to make the game more attractive, the balancing is poor and there arent enough improvements in other areas.
  10. davre

    davre The Benevolent Technofascist

    Hobo beat our PBM today. What more does he have to do to prove that he can play "at the highest levels" so that you can take his input seriously?

    Last edited: Sep 8, 2016
  11. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    1 game doesnt mean anything but idk why im telling you this, i think you already know that...

    what defines a good player isnt as simple as their winrate, rank, who they beat, etc. its not complex either but alot of facts people point out when judging a player arent the ones that matter.

    anyone can contribute to a pvp balancing discussion but most people arent going to be aware of alot of things when it comes to the games pvp. thats why sokolov has trouble trying to balance the game and why it takes him so long to fix things that many players could fix in like 10 seconds.(unfortunately most of the time he doesnt listen to my advice and people that dont know what they're talking about tell him not to listen to me. Otherwise i could have contributed alot more and the game would be in a better state balancewise. i made thousands of posts on the forums and played thousands of games in the past 2 years in order to learn the game thoroughly.)

    like 50%+ of the runes in this game are no where near being useful in competitive pvp and should either be fixed or deleted if they cant figure out how to make them decently strong.(instead they just let them sit in the shoebox)
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2016
  12. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    From this specific perspective, I am not sure how some of these are different than spells. Or do you dislike those also?

    The game has always been about risk vs reward in that sense - you decide how much risk to take in terms of your positioning and engagement - knowing that your opponent will have nora to "add on" to whatever the board state is. In fact, I think a large part of why Pox is interesting is this dynamic. If everything is always accountable and on the board (i.e. perfect information), you have a far less interesting game because of the lack of an unknown factor.
    Fentum, Etherielin and Cinder405 like this.
  13. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    i dont really see how thats any different to spells though, the only difference being is that they dont suffer the same kind of tempo hit as they would from using a 40 nora spell

    Ninja'd by sok
  14. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    In general, all champ based effects are cheaper than a spell based counterpart largely because of the decreased scope and variability in their use. Effects on champions (particularly on deploy ones) are more restricted in how and when they can be used in most cases, while spells have more freedom.

    That said, I have been considering changing the Jabs to Sabotage style mechanics instead - originally, they were intended to give Vulnerability to the damage type (if anyone remembers), so this would make sense in the Sabotage context.
    JellyBerry likes this.
  15. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    It's obviously too late at this point (or is it?).

    But sometimes, I wish instead of making all these exceptions for summons slowly over time that they were never made different to begin with, and that the summoning abilities/champions themselves were the ones that got balanced and forced to make sense within the context that summons weren't different.


    At the same time, I don't actually think it's that much of a mess, it's just something people like to complain about. Individual abilities here and there might be an issue, but I don't think in general there is a massive summons problem in concept.
    yobanchi likes this.
  16. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    Hobo draw won. Yipee. Hes not bad tho
  17. Atherhog

    Atherhog I need me some PIE!

    There are very few global spells, as such you can work against spells with positioning and I actively run anti-spell stuff, as do many people.

    When you build your BG, you can't plan to counter jabs. You can potentially counter seism with a disposable relic, but that's an iffy strategy unless you have a relic summon.

    If your question was, "do you dislike global effects from all sources?", then yes, yes I do.

    Example: I have a key champ with low HP, I think - "He's going to spell his butt into oblivion, best use backfire" - I predict and respond. Dropping a Jab champ bypasses all of this.

    Look, I'm not super against this - I'm just engaging with the thread and giving my perspective, but I'm not saying I think it breaks the game.

    I simply don't like it so much.
  18. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    I am just clarifying your positions and participating in the discussion :)

    So you would consider positioning not to work against Jab? It seems like in the same way you would positioning against spells would be similar to the way you could plan for Jabs?

    While it is "global" in potential reach, in the majority of cases, Jab is hitting stuff which is in or near your enemy's spell presence anyway (unless you have run away from the fight with a low HP champion).

    There are runes you can include that works against Jabs as well, things like Bubble of Protection, or Turtle Shell, etc. It's true that these on-deploy champion abilities bypasses spell counters, because it doesn't come from a spell, so technically the number of counters are less, but I am not sure interactivity is as limited as claimed relative to spells.

    One thing I will say about Jabs that is true is that they are almost never wasted - there are very few situations where they aren't worth their nora, unlike many other types of abilities/effects, particularly spells - which can often be quite situational.

    Also, what do you think of them becoming Sabotage: X abilities and adding Vuln: X?
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2016
  19. Atherhog

    Atherhog I need me some PIE!

    I think that is a splendid idea.

    It introduces options. Who do you deploy to take the hit? At the same time you get a return with the Vulnerability, even if the Jab is less effective.

    It also adds flavour. I can certainly see Swamp Wisp with Sabotage:poison - The next champion deployed takes 8 poison damage and is Vuln:poison.
  20. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    It would shoebox the dreamcrusher most likely. Just saying

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