Price of Victory Change

Discussion in 'Underdepths' started by Raikan, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    I'd like to see Price of Victory give friendly units Bone Mason 1 (+4 shrine health on close-combat attack) or Soul Mason (+20% of killed champion's nora cost to shrine health) for 1 turn. The goal is to build in some shrine healing to PoV if the spell is used offensively. This will make it easier to run PoV as a single slot without having to include a Scorched Dwarf. If shrine health is high, then the healing should only partially offset the 50% loss caused by the spell. If the shrine health is low, then the healing might be greater than the 50% loss caused by the spell, but that is alright because the player was taking a greater risk by playing a round or two with low shrine health. Thoughts?
  2. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    there is supposed to be a 'price' in PoV.

    It's not some mindless FW or IS spell.
    Razzoriel, RasielCZ and Burcho like this.
  3. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    I am in favor of including bone mason or soul mason in some UD champions, I particulary feel that boks should have a unit with soul mason (maybe gatekeeper, imagine a build initiative + reinforcement + soul mason to surprise shrine rushers and turn that attemp inyo shrine heal)
  4. Agirgis1

    Agirgis1 Forum Royalty

    PoV is possibly the most balanced rune in the game , i dont think it needs a change
  5. MakarovJAC

    MakarovJAC I need me some PIE!

    Hey, about PoV, we are more than fine...unless you want to have the other factions whine because we got a rune that does more than one thing. How dare we ask for something like that. We are no (insert all other factions here) to need one.

    Sarcasm aside, if you use PoV and fail to take the lead, it doesn't matter having Shrine restoration, you are already doomed. I mean, what will you do? Heal up while your opponent is holding still somehow?
  6. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    This would be another way to separate scorched dwarf from PoV.
  7. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    And 40 nora isn't enough? If you think about the +5 health as another banner, that's probably 15 nora of the 40 nora cost, meaning it's 25 nora for global 2 ap. Maybe that's underpriced a bit, but up to 40 additional shrine health (or 5 scry's) seems too much to make up for the extra nora. Maybe standardizing the shrine health loss to a fixed amount would be better.
  8. Legato

    Legato I need me some PIE!

    PoV should probably cost 35n.

    There's equivalent ap gen with bonus effects without detriment for the same cost, that always bothered me, and that was while trying not to look at them in a vacuum.
  9. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    PoV is fine as is.
  10. only

    only Active Member

    I agree that Price of Victory is fine, but does it mean you agree Mobilization is over the top?
  11. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    It's a very popular spell so apparently it's worth the drawbacks and priced fairly.

    It would be good to get another shrine repair option but I don't think you need to run dorfs to run PoV. I run it in almost lall my decks and only run a dwarf in a couple of them.
  12. Tfguy

    Tfguy Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Unfair question in my opinion, two different factions with different dynamics can not be as easily compared.

    Mobilization fulfilled a completely different role in FW than PoV in UD, at least at the time where those spells were created. Generally the FW damage output and speed was not as high as the one of UD and that makes a huge difference. Powercreep has caught up with those spells over time though and that's the real problem today. Mobi can especially be abused with newer and faster champs. Don't even get me started on splits and the problems that come with those BGs.

    Overall I desperately hope that the revamp will bring out differences between factions more again, so that each faction has it's own strengths and weaknesses and that they will somehow still balance each other out again.
  13. Tfguy

    Tfguy Devotee of the Blood Owl

    If you do not run the dwarfs then you need to be quite sure you will win when using PoV, otherwise it will be an easy win for the opponent by shrine rushing you. In any way it is an extremely risky gameplay to use PoV, but it is so worth it when it is being used at the right time.
  14. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    Not necessarily, depending on the map and opponent and situation generally.
  15. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    We cannot look at PoV in a void, UD has access to sacrifice, that means that you can get a refund from any champion you deployed (nora cost -30 if you get the globe), that means you don't have to avoid a deploy to be able to cast your powerturn, in any moment you can turn one of your champions in nora and cast PoV, maybe twice, so it has to be worst than mobi in that sense.
  16. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    I didn't mean to say that PoV is under/overpowered compared to mobilization, once you take into account faction differences (and I'm not well-enough informed to have an opinion on that point). And that's not really the point of my original post.

    My concern is that I'd like to increase the circumstances where PoV can be used without scorched dwarfs. While it's possible to use PoV w/o dwarfs (Badgerale's point), I'd venture it's a 1x in a deck and it's limited to situations where its going to win the game. If it doesn't, it leaves the UD player or losing to a shrine rush even if they are winning overall. I'm fine w/ that risk, provided there's some way to mitigate it over time and I'd like some other options besides dwarf, even if tinkering with PoV isn't the right way to go.
  17. Legato

    Legato I need me some PIE!

    I think you guys are looking at the wrong things if you're comparing PoV to Mobilization.

    PoV should be compared to something more kindred say Lash Down, or March of the Skeezick.
    40n, half your shrine health. Global +2 ap, +5 hp to on-board units, but the focus is on the AP.
    40n, +2 global AP, 5 dmg+root+distract for a whooping 4 turns, no drawbacks, same cost. I list the ap inititally despite it being a 'bonus' since that bonus is so strong(if it did that and nothing else, it would still see use) that the thought of losing out on it renders it unused anywhere but in-theme and some control BGs.
    40n, +2 global AP, All skeezick gain +1 spd for 4 turns(What's great about this is unlike PoV it even buffs incoming units).

    The disparity has personally always bothered me about the rune. This isn't saying that the rune is bad, I consider it a solid 3/5 , having 1x'd it many times and even designed BGs around it. It can make a difference but the drawback is heavy enough that depending on the map it can cost you the game/be a nigh-dead slot. Honestly, you could argue for theme but I'd rather PoV be streamlined to one if it meant it would be anywhere near as good as Lash Down is. I don't mind the drawback, that's totally in line with UD, the disparity in power is annoying.

    I had a really good idea for it a long time ago, barring just the decrease to 35 that some are expectedly against. Can't recollect what it was though; once I get back in my Pox train of thoughts mayhap It'll return to me.
  18. RasielCZ

    RasielCZ I need me some PIE!

    other spells being better does not make pov imbalanced
  19. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Truth. Besides, Lash Down is OP by its own, and March of the Skeezick just gets better and better as new skeezicks are released. Did I mention Lash Down is OP?
  20. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    'even buffs incoming units' ? if i'm interpreting correctly, you're saying MotS gives a speed boost to units that aren't deployed yet (last i checked, this is not how the spell functioned). if i'm not interpreting correctly, i dunno what you meant by that.

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