Tortuns ok?

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by Ravenhawker23, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. Ravenhawker23

    Ravenhawker23 New Member

    Well I was looking around at bg and factions and along with my many projects of a judgement bg for sl and such I came across tortuns. I kinda semi-like them and asked around and was told someone could help me here. No idea where to start, cant seem to find a guide on forums for them, and finally no idea any strategies. Just a side note can you help me @GabrielQ .
  2. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

  3. Ravenhawker23

    Ravenhawker23 New Member

    thank you a are probably the most active and helpful forum goer I have ever seen in any game and you know so much about all the different factions...this will make no sense but noodles to you good sir.
  4. Skullferno

    Skullferno I need me some PIE!

    Gabriel is the 10/10 Tortun Master Pro. That Guide needs to be published as a book.
  5. guokamoli54

    guokamoli54 I need me some PIE!

    Tortuns are awesome they are kinda in a slump currently due to the nerfs they took but DoG said they would look at them and check out the ways we suggested they be fixed. I am really think all the split races need a big overhaul but I guess we shall see. Tortuns FTW!
  6. Skullferno

    Skullferno I need me some PIE!

    I wouldn't say Leoss or Kanens need a overhaul. ATM you can easily achieve limited with both themes and it's mainly due to how dumb some spells have gotten. Kanens=Get out Alpha of your choice, superchamp

    Leoss are almost similar now. Get out a few champs to bounce Soul and Pride, throw out Tac manual and Tales of Valor, and botta boom you got 30 dmg champs. Easy.

    Even Tiny said Leoss are extremely easy to play.

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